Are You Coach-able?

One of the many aspects of Get Fit NH that sets us apart is the coaching that is available to our client.

Now you may be thinking “What do you mean ‘available’?”, as there is always at least one coach on the training floor actively coaching during our training sessions.

I say coaching is “available” because it takes two to make good coaching happen. A skilled coach, and a willing client.

One without the other and it just doesn’t happen.

Now don’t get me wrong. There are going to be times when as a coach we are going to struggle to teach a skill, and as a client where we are going to struggle to “get it”.

But that’s not what I am talking about.

What I am challenging you with is the same question I have faced and continue to face.

Am I receptive to new concepts and new ideas, or I am going to dig in my heels when I am faced with change?

To be honest the training floor is where it is easiest to coach – usually anyways. 🙂

However when you train with Get Fit NH there is a lot more to it than the 2-4 hours a week you are physically training.


“The Other 165” – sound familiar?

The hours you are not on the training floor are just as important as the ones that you are.

It is always a little curious to me that we get very few questions on the “hows” and “whats” of our training programs.

And while your coaches are always open and available to talk to you about why we do what we do, it seems to me that one of the reasons it infrequently comes up is because you trust our programming is going to give you the tools (you still gotta do the hard work) to get the results you want. You see that we are constantly attending coaching clinics and updating and upgrading our skills, that we are striving to get better just as we ask you to do, and we are grateful we have earned your trust in that area.

So here’s something else I am going to ask you to do.

Trust us in the rest of your training as well.

For instance next week is a recovery week. This is not a haphazard insertion of a “Dean and Nancy” vacation. We are not going anywhere. Take some extra time with the kids? Absolutely. But the rest of the time we will be “hunkered in the bunker” working on plans to help us get better as coaches so we can help our clients get better.

Are you going to follow the plan and recover properly?


Same thing goes for the nutrition.

Just as with exercise programming and coaching we stay on the cutting edge of nutrition and weight management research.

And there is no doubt there are certain principles of nutrition that are applicable to all of us.

We need to control energy balance and insulin response (just to name a couple) if we want to positively change our body composition.

In the real world that usually means that to lose fat we need to eat fewer calories, eat more vegetables and fruits, consume adequate protein for muscle growth/repair, and limit sugars, sweets and snacks.

Now nobody is saying that is going to be easy, because for most people it isn’t.

But wishing that these things weren’t true or don’t apply to you is not going to help you fit into those jeans.


I think even more valuable than any expertise, or credentials, or awards hanging on our walls is…

We have been there, and are doing that.

Coach Nancy and I have an insight that not every coach out there has, and this is not to be self-serving or braggadocio.

How many mothers of six children do you know that look like her? Honestly?

I will tell you frankly that the experience that I gained from being obese and unhealthy was absolutely not worth it. My body took a beating and in many ways has not fully recovered.

That being said I learned a tremendous amount about what it takes to lose bodyfat, both the healthy and unhealthy way. I have learned what it takes to keep it off over many years, and my passion is helping others do the same thing.

In the words of Jerry McGuire – “Help Me Help You”.


I was tempted to write that all this might not apply to you.

But that isn’t true either.

It applies to you and it applies to me.

Because we all have the same goal – No matter where we are right now we want to get better.

I have coaches too. Business coaches, training coaches, mentors, advisers.

And sometimes what they have to tell me is tough. I don’t want to do what they tell me. It’s too hard. It’s not comfortable. I don’t like it.

And then I have a choice.

I can be coach-able or not.

Now I am not saying that I can’t and don’t question, evaluate and use my brain.

But I did hire them for a reason.

And that’s why in the title of this post I asked the question.

“Are You Coach-able?


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