Are You Getting Itchy?

I know I am, and it’s only partly because of this beard I am letting grow in during our recovery week from Get Fit NH Bootcamp.

Speaking of the beard, it’s a little grayer than last time I let the whiskers grow a little in. Funny how that happens.

I get asked sometimes why I train, you know “spend all that time working out. You can’t stop the aging process you know.”


Truth be told it is my goal to train more this year than last. And the only way to “stop the aging process” is to die. Not on my list this year, but that is out of my hands.

The poet Dylan Thomas wrote of death and dying “Do not go gentle into that good night”, and isn’t that really why we train?

Not in a quest for immortality, but to keep our minds and bodies sharp as long as we can.

Not to deny we are getting older, but to be better as we age.

To take care of the precious gift of life we have been given, not to abuse it with excess of anything, maybe especially food.

So why I am getting itchy?

Because I personally have a passion to train, and I have even more of a passion to help others reach their fitness potential – to lose bodyfat, get stronger, feel better – BE better.

Are you with me?

Is your fire burning?

Are you ready to put aside the things that are pulling you down, to let go of the excuses, cast off the toxic people who tell you it can’t be done?

Is your body ready to get back into action, to struggle against the sweat and the pain?

Soon enough, my friend.

Just a few short days until January 4th – when we will step back into the arena and go to war with ourselves.

Are you going to be there?

Why would you miss it?

Tell Your Friends!