At Get Fit NH I would say the trap bar deadlift variation is the most popular and most loved variation of the deadlift, BUT that is not the only variation. The great thing about the trap bar is that it is easier to load up and maintain a strong form.
We can also get some work done with dumbbell deadlifts, suitcase deadlifts, kettlebell deadlifts and even band deadlifts. They all have a purpose in the strength training space and it is worth giving them all a try!
Deadlifts have INCREDIBLE benefits that are crucial in life and the aging process. Let's think about the importance of having strong glutes and hamstrings...
- Lifting absolutely anything from the floor. How many people have hurt their back lifting a box incorrectly? What if we trained that pattern so hard that is became natural to assume the correct position and form prior to lifting something from the ground?
- Having a strong and healthy lower back. Deadlifts train primarily the glutes and hamstrings but with correct form you strengthen your low back and teach your core how to brace which in turn, helps keep your lower back safe and stable.
- Carrying/moving furniture of boxes. Loading the lower body to move heavy objects is key.
- Lifting kids and grandkids
- Being able to get up and down off the floor
The list goes on and on! Don't be afraid to load up deadlifts! They are such an important exercise to help you live a longer and stronger life.
Check out the form and the variations below