Kim Lapomardo is shining bright after 6 years of training! I asked Kim to be in the spotlight because her attitude is so positive, her results are real and her mindset is spot on. Training is a forever game. Ultimately we are all training to make life on this earth easier and more enjoyable - Kim totally gets that. She gets in here, she works hard every single time and she is receptive to coaching. I love having her in our 6:45 training hour. This is what she has to say:
1. What was your absolute biggest challenge prior to starting at Get Fit NH?
Fear!! I’d have to say my biggest challenge prior to joining was my fear of failure. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stick with the program and end up quitting. Or that I would be surrounded by a bunch of intimidating bodybuilder types. Or that I just wouldn’t fit in. I was definitely scared.
2. What changed after you started?
Within the first month my confidence had definitely improved and the fears I had were nonexistent. I attribute this to the welcoming nature of the Get Fit family.
3. What specific results can you share?
Having been at Get Fit NH for 6 years now, I’ve achieved many small goals and some major ones. I think the result I am most proud of is training through two pregnancies. It was so incredibly hard some days, and I won’t lie, sometimes I didn’t even make it in. The fact that I pushed through lended itself to two easy births and speedy recoveries. If you had told me 3 years ago what I was going to achieve I wouldn’t have believed you, I didn’t think I was strong enough!
4. What would you say to somebody on the fence about joining?
Just come! The worst that could happen is that you find the program isn’t for you. The best thing that could happen is that you find a welcoming bunch of people that you look forward to seeing and working out with each day!
5. What has kept you coming back all these years?
Over the years there have been many things that kept me coming back. Sometimes I’m working towards a specific weight loss goal, or working on picking up heavier weights. At one point I was getting in shape for my wedding, then prepping to have a baby. Now as a stay at home mom I make sure to get into the gym for my mental sanity! Generally, though I keep coming back because I really do miss training when I’m not there.
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, Kim. Real people. Real results. You too can make it happen!
Coach Meagan