Big Changes Come in Small Packages

sfhBig changes come in small packages.

SFH, Stronger Faster Higher, is changing the packaging of their fish oil. The 6 ounce bottle Get Fit NH currently has for sale in the coolers will be soon be 8 ounces. In addition, SFH will be improving the flavor profile of each current flavor. The 8oz bottle will have 48 servings for $42.00. It will be available with and without 1,000IU of added Vitamin D3.

It’s that time of year where our days are getting shorter and there is less direct sunlight exposure. The value of Vitamin D relative to the immune system and prevention of seasonal diseases cannot be stressed enough.

  • Over 1 billion people are deficient in Vitamin D: Puts them at risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, MS and infectious diseases including season flu, tuberculosis and more
  • Over 90% of Vitamin D found in the body is produced in the skin. Factors such as season, clothing, sunblock and time spent indoors all affect Vitamin D levels. Levels can be significantly lower in Fall/ Winter
  • Vitamin D enables the body to produce over 200 antimicrobial peptides and is a leading factor in immune health
  • D3 can improve immune system function by as much as 60%
  • Vitamin D plays a vital role in the regulation of calcium needed for the contraction and relaxation of muscle during any athletic movement.
  • Vitamin D deficiency can have a significant impact on athletic performance
  • Fun fact: Vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin!

I’m a huge proponent of fish oil. The benefits of fish oil alone are staggering and now I can get some Vitamin D at the same time. Win Win!


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