What Kind of Role Model Are We?

sheildlogo.I read a disturbing statistic this week. Before I share it I do need to disclose that I do not have children, but it does not change the fact that this statistic is unacceptable. And if you are a parent please realize it is up to you to start making a difference!

This is a fairly recent survey that was taken in New Hampshire. This survey collected heights and weights from third graders around the state. These statistics were based off of 81 different public schools and a total of over 3,000 students.

The survey found that 33.4% of third graders were either obese or overweight. That means 1 in every 3 children! Breaking that survey down a little further found that children in the Belknap/Merrimack county region had the highest prevalence of obesity among New Hampshire third grade students. This is a scary thing.

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and countless other health problems. I am confident that nobody wants their children to be faced with scary health risks.

Guess who your children’s biggest role model is? Yep- you guessed it. Look in the mirror. Whether you want to believe it or not you are setting the example for your children.

  • You feed them
  • You cloth them
  • You nurture them

Without you what does life look like for them?

I hear way too many excuses that sound a little like this…

“I didn’t buy those Oreo’s for me, I bought them for the kids”

“Eating healthy is expensive, I have to make two separate meals for me and my children”

These are just examples of things I have heard.  So what you are saying is that you don’t eat Oreo’s because you know they are not good for you, but you will buy them for your children each time you go to the grocery store? Now let me be clear- I realize this is a controversial matter I am discussing- I am not saying you should deprive your children of these things for their entire upbringing. I am just saying that it is up to you to lead by example.

  • Do mom and/or dad train?
  • Why do they train?
  • Do mom and/or dad eat clean?
  • Do they complain about eating well?

It is up to you to show them the way. Lead by example. Celebrate your success. Don’t down talk yourself. Be active and be positive about all of the exercise you are able to do. It is a blessing. Treat your body the way you want your children to treat theirs.

Make it Happen

Coach Meagan

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