Let Go Of The Tree

hI remember it like it was yesterday.

Walking back home from my friend’s house, down Goboro Rd, when a couple of the “cool kids” rode by on their bikes. They were headed down to the river to swim, and asked if I wanted to come along.

Well being one of the “not so cool” kids, I figured maybe some of that 11 year old coolness would rub off on me if I went, so down the hill we headed.

Little did I know that perched over the swimming hole was an enormous tree, with branches hanging over the river. What seemed like 50 feet up was a branch, and these guys would climb up the tree, onto the branch, and then jump in the river.

Now to this day I am not a fan of heights. And that climb was not on my “to-do” list, I assure you. Now this might not be a story you want to tell your kids, but after not a small amount of taunting, I very slowly approached the tree and begin climbing.

It really wasn’t that high, 20 feet tops, but I still remember the pit in my stomach when I got up to that branch and tepidly shimmied out over the water.

The other thing you need to know is that there was a rock beneath the surface of the water that you needed to clear. As an aside a couple years later they cut down this same tree because some other knuckle headed kid messed himself up pretty bad on it.

So here I am, with a death grip on the tree, the cool kids (and some of my real friends – we still see each other to this day) treading water and egging me on to jump.

It wasn’t like I was the first one to do it. These guys had each successfully climbed and jumped 2 or 3 times before my first trip up. They had shown me it could be done, and they were having a blast.

But I wasn’t quite ready to let go of the tree.

Do you have trees in your life that you are holding onto just a little too tightly?

Is there something that is scaring you, keeping you from getting where you want to be?

You know I let those guys talk me into what I mighta shoulda not have done.

But I usually see the opposite.

We let people talk us out of doing things that are going to move us forward.

People who bring donuts and brownies into work, and then get upset if we don’t have one or two.

“Friends” that think we are too radical for making good choices with our nutrition, or spending time training.

“Here, have another glass of wine”, when one is quite enough, thank-you.

What I have found is people like that are not ready or don’t want to make positive changes in their own life, so they are going to try to drag you down too.

Why do we let people do that? Why do we care that they care we are eating the veggies at the party? Why do we let other people define who we are? If I want to eat carrots what do they care? Why should what they say affect my behavior?

Really? Why do we do that?

So let go of the tree.

Let go of the self-doubt and negative talk.

Let go of the need to please other people so much that you hurt yourself in the process.

You know what?

It’s ok to be the “freak” that makes good choices and takes care of yourself.

And while people still like to poke at you for not eating the donuts, they are also the first ones that will ask you stuff about diet and nutrition.

Because deep down they want what you have.

So my challenge to you is to get your freak on. Dare to be different. Dare to stick to your guns.

Did I let go of the tree?

You bet I did. And when I hit the water I climbed out and did it again.

It’s about time you let go of the things that are holding you back too.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean





How Much Better Will You Be In 16 Weeks?

bestofIt’s hard to believe that September is here already.

The kids are headed back to school, the weather is about to turn cooler, and the apples are about ready to pick. I love this time of year!

September also has me excited because it causes me to think about what I want to accomplish between now and the end of the year. There are 16 training weeks left this year. That is a lot of time to make a lot of progress!

Pretend it is the last week in December and you are reflecting back on the last 16 weeks of your life.

What would cause you to think “I am really happy with the progress I have made in my life the last few months”?

At the time when most people are thinking about resolutions, won’t it be great when you are thinking about the next step, not just taking the first one?

I mean I get the whole resolution thing. Start of a new year, new beginnings, all that.

But why wait?

What do you have to gain by waiting for a specific time of year to get focused and moving on your goals?

Here’s a challenge for you:

On an index card, write down 3 specific things you want to accomplish by December 31st 2013, and put it in a place you are going to see it – every day. Refrigerator perhaps?

Here are my three:

1) 20 Uninterrupted pullups
2) 2x Bodyweight deadlift
3) 10% or less body fat

Those three will be a challenge for me, but they are also realistic and achievable, if I put the work in.

So what about you?

Are you willing to throw down the gauntlet on yourself and take the challenge?

On December 31st at the dawn of the new year, will you look back with satisfaction?

I will guarantee you two things.

1) Nobody is going to do it for you.
2) We will be here to guide and support you every step of the way.

So get out that index card and pen, write your goals out and post them.

In fact I’ll challenge you even further. We started a Facebook group here: End of Year “Big 3” Challenge or if you don’t have FB you can post your 3 below.

Put it out there for all the world to see, then let’s Make It Happen together!

Coach Dean

How Much Do You Know About YOUR Nutrition Numbers?

hWe had a little “pop quiz” after our Hurricane training this morning.

Here were the questions:

  1. How many of you here are concerned about your body weight, body fat, body composition?
  2. How many calories a week/day do you need to eat under your current calorie maintenance number to lose 1 pound of fat per week?
  3. What is your current calorie maintenance number, based on what?
  4. How many calories per day do you need to eat to lose 1 pound of fat a week?
  5. How many calories a day are you eating, based on what?

Here are the answers:

  1. 99% responded in the affirmative, and everyone else is a mime. 🙂
  2. 3500
  3. A lot of “ummm’s” and “I don’t know’s” on this one
  4. ditto
  5. double ditto

And that isn’t all bad, because we need to crawl before we walk, and the foundation is PPW, or what we eat before we worry about how much we eat.

Because there is a big difference between eating 1500 calories of lean protein and veggies and 1500 calories of toaster pastries and mashed potatoes!

And there is some also great news if you didn’t know your numbers.

It’s fixable!

That’s right, you can calculate what these numbers are, and then actually plan your nutrition around those numbers to achieve your goals.

You don’t have to spin your wheels wondering, feeling frustrated and not getting anywhere, and that truly is most excellent news.

Now I understand that some people may have a metabolic rate that is “broken”. But that can be fixed too. The problem often is that we are not putting the work in to see if it actually is broken, or we are just eating too much. The only way we can really find that out is to do the work, keep good records, see what happens, and adjust as needed.

I love what nutrition coach Leigh Peele has to say “You want it to be your fault.” Because if it’s your fault, which it usually is, then as we said before it can be fixed.

That being said the harsh truth is some of us don’t want to fix it bad enough. We say we want to change our body composition, but we are not willing to do the work it takes. We want to blame it on genetics, or thyroid or aliens from the 3rd dimension. I know, because I was there for way too long. If anyone was “broken” I was. 100 pounds overweight, high blood pressure, crazy blood sugars, the whole deal.

Nancy and I were talking it about it this weekend. It’s entirely predictable what will happen if we don’t pay at least some attention to the amount we are eating on a regular basis. It’s also predictable what will happen if I measure and weigh my food and eat according to my current energy needs.

So what about it?

Do you know your numbers?

If you are a client, you have the tools available, you just have to take advantage of them!

For instance when is the last time you had your body composition tested?

When is the last time you kept a food log for an entire week?

When was the last time you looked at a food label?

When is the last time you planned what you were going to eat and then ate the plan?

These are all proactive steps to reaching your goals.

Without doing you are just dreaming.

Make It Happen  – today!

Coach Dean







Patti is Picking on the “Burley Men”

patticlimbingPatti sent me over this from her latest adventures. There is no telling what you can do when you train hard and enjoy life!

“Hi Dean, Here is a story for you!

I was at a tree climbing class today (for fun) with some landscapers and arborists .. At first everyone was “uh oh there is a girl here” and then we tried a piece of equipment where you utilize upper body strength to basically pull yourself up the rope.

I almost didn’t try it because all the burly lumberjacks were having trouble with it. I finally tried it and the instructor stopped the class and the Burleys all came to watch my ascent.

The instructor told me ( repeatedly) that he was shocked at how fast I climbed and was all going on about it (I credited my training mornings and GET FIT because they were looking at me like I was an alien – LOL)  He said  to  make sure I told you ! ( we blew him away ! ) 🙂

While we were trying to decide if it was upper body, lower body or core strength that made the difference I realized it didn’t matter – it was “GET FIT NH” strength!

Thanks as always for helping me reach my potential and equipping me for my adventures!



Beach Bound For Boston – You Can Help!

onefundOn September 13th and 14th twelve amazing athletes and 2 intrepid coaches representing Get Fit NH are embarking on an odyssey to “Reach The Beach”. (Check out the madness here)

Coach Megan has been working like crazy to organize the team of 12 (not to mention getting me in line) for the 205+ mile adventure that starts at Cannon Mountain and ends up at Hampton Beach the next day.

But this group was not content to let the opportunity to help others go unnoticed, and adopted the team name “Beach Bound for Boston” shortly after the marathon bombing.

Here’s what team member (and RTB instigator) Mae Lynn has to say:

“All Americans took the horrible event at the Boston Marathon in April personally. But as runners, we took it especially hard to see our sport attacked at the most famous and most revered race there is, at the very spot many of us have dreamed of finding ourselves someday.

Like everyone else, we felt helpless and wanted to do something for those whose lives were forever changed that day. When we came together to plan for the Reach the Beach Relay shortly after the bombing, it was obvious what that something should be. We would do what runners do. We would run. We would be Beach Bound for Boston.”

The One Fund has raised more than $60M from people just like you for the victims and families of the bombings, but many still have a long road ahead. If you would like to donate directly to The One Fund, please click here

What Are You Going To Be Doing Next Week?

calendarWe are on a recovery week from regular training next week, but that doesn’t mean we have to let ourselves be lay(or is it lie?)-on-the-couch-do-nothing slobs.

In fact my suggestion is that you take the time you would normally be training and focus it on other productive activities that will help you reach your goals faster.

For you early morning exercisers, that might mean sleeping in another hour, and then taking the time to prepare and eat a nice breakfast.

For those who train later, taking the time to plan out your menu and shopping for the next week would be a fantastic way to spend an hour, especially if you struggle with doing this on a regular basis.

Get out and take a walk, hike a mountain, take a bike ride, or get on the water. Give your body a break. You will not lose muscle, gain fat (unless you eat like a horse) and get weaker in a week.

Just stay out of the gym already!


I take training weeks off, Nancy takes training weeks off. We feel better, get recharged and are ready to hit it hard when we get back. Seriously why are we even having this discussion again! 🙂

As a reminder this years Labor Day Sweat-A-Thon is a fundraiser for our friend Dustin Williams in his effort to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. So come on out and let’s sweat for CF!

Recovery Week: August 26th-September 1st

Labor Day Sweat-A-Thon for CF

Date: Labor Day, September 2, 2013
Time: 9:00am to 10:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Suggested Donation: $10.00


Did You Know?

Sometimes You Just Gotta!

It’s not often here at Get Fit NH that we toot our own horn. Coach Dean is humble about his accomplishments and what we have built here, because we both know without you it wouldn’t happen. But we also know but there are times when bringing attention to oneself is not negative but a positive.

Because along with our world class and award winning gyms we offer so much more, when you choose to take advantage of it.

I am positive you will find one thing on this list that you did not know Get Fit NH does to help you get better!

  • 44 different opportunities to train each week. (6 training times 4 days a week in Concord, 5 training times 4 days in Epsom) That is over 2112 in a year!
  • We spend as much time developing your training on a weekly basis as it actually takes to do it! This is not some mish mash of exercises designed to get you tired – it is purpose designed to get you better!
  • Daily emails on nutrition and motivation. Each client has this paid subscription to give quick snip-its of information you digest little chunks at a time.
  • Coach Availability…… Yes, you can email, text, or call your coach as needed. We respond as quickly as we can. If you don’t have your coach’s number- ask.
  • Body composition testing. This is a $40 value, every time you get it done. Get Fit NH doesn’t charge our clients additional fees to have this done every four weeks.
  • Functional Movement Screen. Our way of keeping you as injury free as possible while giving you the best tools to do ‘Prehab’ instead of ‘Rehab’. Personal trainers in NH are are charging $50 for this service while you get this one free as a clients.
  • Nutrition Coaching. The scale is our starting point with our weight, the body composition tells us our starting point with how much lean muscle versus fat we carry on our frames. Get Fit NH assists your nutrition practices  you by reviewing food logs. Your weight and body composition will not make huge changes without changing what we use as fuel.
  • Seminars and Workshops hosted by Get Fit NH range in topics from women’s health, menu planning, Food as Fuel 101, Foam Rolling, Self Defense, and kettlebell training.
  • Holiday “All Team” Training. Our next event is planned for Labor Day morning in Concord from 9-10:30. This event is a Fund Raiser for Cystic Fibrosis, which several of our clients have a very close connection with. World class training and Making A Difference? Win-Win!
  • Do you read your copy of the weekly newsletter? This is news and events specific to Get Fit NH. Knowing why we do what we do in order to help you do what you want to do is often a topic of discussion. But the newsletter is also filled with recipes, inspiring stories to keep you motivated, and health and nutrition tips.
  • Sawabona. Your coach sees you. We are concerned with not only the outside, but the inside. True health is a reflection of the sum of all your life. The daily stresses and challenges. The successes and victories. The kids, the husband, the job. All these things make a difference to you, so they make a difference to us.
  • Mini challenges and contests. 30 Challenges in 30 Days is coming to a close. Do you remember Sizzlin Summer Slimdown? Or the 100 Day pushup challenge? What about Cross Body Mountain Climbers and Get Ups for 30 Days?
  • Continual Education of our staff. Yes, we go back to school often. But the education is ongoing. Through books, online course, videos, and being part of a coaches group we look to be better each day. We wouldn’t ask you to do something we are not doing.
  • Promoting active lives outside of your training. Get Fit NH often has a team going to 5k’s or obstacle races around the state. But hiking, biking, skiing, swimming, sky diving are activities we want to prepare you to do for a very very very long time.
  • Have you remembered the national Ski Erg team? In November we once again will ski for world record rankings.
  • Surviving your first month, Being inducted into the Hall of Fame with a red shirt, seeing the blue of 2 Years Strong, knowing you have become better with 3 years of training, Forged for 4 years, or proudly wearing Get Fit NH’s 5 year shirt lets others know you are a part of something special.

You are a part of a team. A team with coaches dedicated to your health, a group of friends that often become like family who inspire and push you to be better, a community that recognizes the close knit team by the shirts you wear. I am proud to be part of this team. I am excited to Get Fit NH offers a wide range of opportunities for everyone.

Take advantage of it!

Be Better Each Day,

Coach Nancy


Get Out, Get Active, And Join In On The Fun!

rtbThe weather has been gorgeous, and Coach Meagan has been working on quite  a lineup of activities for late summer and early fall!

It all starts with the Reach the Beach Relay on September 13-14. Get Fit NH has a team of 12 adventurous athletes running 200 miles from the mountains to the ocean. Should be incredible!

pforpFor all you cyclists don’t miss the annual Pedaling for Payson bike ride to benefit the Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care and the Gene Gillis fund. You can choose a 16, 30, 51 or 77 mile ride, so no matter what level of rider you may be you can participate and have a great time for a great cause. Click Here To Register.

spartanOn September 21 Coaches Meagan and Erin are headed with a crew up to Killington Vt. for the Vermont Spartan Sprint. The Spartan was the first adventure race that Nancy and I ever did, and I highly recommend it for first timers. It is a blast! Click here to register – 10:00am wave if you can

be-a-color-runner2A little bit closer to home is The Color Run, being held September 28th at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Those who did The Color Vibe back in May had a fantastic time, and this is sure to be no different.  Check out all the action and register for the fun by clicking here.

electricThe adventure continues with a foray down to Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA for a new event – The Electric Run – on October 5th, 2013. This is on a Friday night, and it is like nothing I have ever seen before. Looks like a big party, so check it out here.

renegadeNew Hampshire Motor Speedway is once again the host the Renegade Playground Challenge on October 12. This is also a great race for beginners, so don’t be shy! Our Team Name is GET FIT NH, and you can get special pricing with promo code GETFITNH. I’d like to see us come out in force for this one. We are getting as many people into the 9:00am wave as possible, so click here to get as close to that time as you can.

Once you register please let Coach Meagan know so we can join up with you. If you have questions, or to let her know you signed up, please get in touch with Coach Meagan at meagan@getfitnh.com

Lay it ALL out there.

intensity“Learn to love Intensity not Duration” Rachel Cosgrove

I just experienced one of those special moments. One that sparks excitement, one that keeps you smiling, puts that spring in your step for the rest of the day and longer, one you want to share, one to be relived.

Fun Friday is a special day in training each week. A time devoted to adding a bit more to the last day of training for the week. Our Fun Friday this week had an element of team to it. On this day you worked with a group of friends to complete the 4 round challenge.

“Wait stop the music, turn off the sound system, (I even unplugged the fan), Listen up”

The ladies at 9 am needed to hear this. I’m not sure why between round 3 and 4 but I was led to stop it all and give this little pep talk. We had six minutes of training left. I knew this round was full of quick transitions. I wanted to see training going on. Like training you would see in an Olympic gym, or preparing for the Super Bowl, or the World Series. I had just read this quote. “Learn to love intensity not duration” by Rachel Cosgrove. This is what I told the group.

“We have six minutes. I want this to be the six minutes of your day. We give give give all day long, we are like a die hard battery just going going going. What if we pushed all the energy into six minutes. Instead of looking like a marathon, all out intensity for six minutes. And on top of that those six minutes are going to be broken down into smaller tidbits of times. Burst of energy – all Out Intensity.” (I then showed them what that would like for our training)

Those next six minutes were special. I saw determination on the faces of those ladies like I had never seen before. They were too busy being focused. There was no time to chat, This was the time to work. And work they did. I am so proud, many of them did more than they thought they could. They gave it their all for six minutes. It inspired others in the room. It is continuing to inspire me. Were they tired? Yes! But they are better because of their effort.

So what can you do? Do you have the intensity to focus on one thing and go all out for it? Can you make one activity more intense by paying attention to smaller details? I know you can. In training the details will get you the results you want. Skipping the details can be the reason  you haven’t reached your goals.

What about other areas? Intensify your nutrition plan? If you pay more attention to the details, each detail each meal, will you reach your health goals faster? Don’t let little things slide. Be an all out player.

I saw a miracle happen today. It was a special moment when the entire room lit on fire. I am so glad I was there. I am so glad those ladies were ready and willing to pour all their intensity into six minutes.

Get Better Each Day,

Coach Nancy

30 Challenges in 30 Days – Days 22 thru 30

hWe are over halfway home in our 30 Challenges in 30 Days, so don’t stop now.

Yes, I am calling you out. Yeah, you with the twinkie in your hand. Put it down!

Starting is important, but finishing what you started pays dividends in your mind, body and spirit. Quitting before you are done is draining and demoralizing, I’ve been there. Taking action every single day is key to reaching your goals, small and big.

You are worth seeing this through to the end, so Plan, Prepare, and Win!

30 Challenges in 30 Days 22-30

Day 22: Eat Veggies at your first meal – yes breakfast!

Day 23: Have your recovery drink before leaving Get Fit NH (or right after other strength training)

Day 24: Eat only raw vegetables today

Day 25: No Caffeine today. – (big culprits: coffee and chocolate)

Day 26: Eat 2 cups of vegetables at any one meal (salad doesn’t count)

Day 27: Replace your bread/pasta/rice with a vegetable at dinner

Day 28: Make a salad a main course for lunch or dinner today.

Day 29: Eat lean protein and a veggie anytime you eat today

Day 30: Not eat any added sugar foods – check each label carefully. Click here for sneaky sugar names

You can do it, there is no doubt.

Dig deep and Make It Happen!