What Are You Going To Be Doing Next Week?

calendarWe are on a recovery week from regular training next week, but that doesn’t mean we have to let ourselves be lay(or is it lie?)-on-the-couch-do-nothing slobs.

In fact my suggestion is that you take the time you would normally be training and focus it on other productive activities that will help you reach your goals faster.

For you early morning exercisers, that might mean sleeping in another hour, and then taking the time to prepare and eat a nice breakfast.

For those who train later, taking the time to plan out your menu and shopping for the next week would be a fantastic way to spend an hour, especially if you struggle with doing this on a regular basis.

Get out and take a walk, hike a mountain, take a bike ride, or get on the water. Give your body a break. You will not lose muscle, gain fat (unless you eat like a horse) and get weaker in a week.

Just stay out of the gym already!


I take training weeks off, Nancy takes training weeks off. We feel better, get recharged and are ready to hit it hard when we get back. Seriously why are we even having this discussion again! 🙂

As a reminder this years Labor Day Sweat-A-Thon is a fundraiser for our friend Dustin Williams in his effort to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. So come on out and let’s sweat for CF!

Recovery Week: August 26th-September 1st

Labor Day Sweat-A-Thon for CF

Date: Labor Day, September 2, 2013
Time: 9:00am to 10:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Suggested Donation: $10.00


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