S3 2013 Habit 3: Eat Vegetable With Each Eating Opportunity


Why Vegetables?

“Eating higher levels of veggies and fruits are associated with a lower incidence of:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Colon, prostate, cervical, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, thyroid, and breast cancer
  • High blood cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Stroke
  • Osteoporosis
  • and a lot more that aren’t on this list…” – Dr. John Berardi

There is no magic pill, potion, or lotion that is going to do all that, PLUS you get to try an amazing variety of incredible tastes from all over the world – right from your very own kitchen!

Did You Know? Vegetables (and fruits) provide an alkaline load to the blood. Both proteins and grains present acid loads. Too much acid can cause loss of bone strength and muscle mass – not cool. Osteoporosis is not just about calcium. Stay balanced by getting enough veggies.

The Habit

Our goal in week 3 is to get at least 2 servings of vegetables every time we eat. 1 counts, but at least 2 is way gooder! 🙂

What’s a serving?

  • 1/2 cup raw chopped veggies
  • 1 cup raw leafy vegetables

Here’s are some other (non-measuring cup) examples:

  • 5 broccoli florets
  • 10 baby carrots
  • 1 tomato
  • 4 slices of onion
  • 1 cup of leafy greens (spring mix)
  • 15 cherry tomatoes
  • 0.5 bell pepper
  • 1 cup of spinach

“But” you whine “I don’t like any of those!”

Lucky for you there are hundreds of vegetables in this great big wide world. Check out this list.

A Big Bonus

And there is even more good news.

Filling up on those cancer fighting, free radical busting, vitamin and fiber packed veggies help you stay full longer.

Check this cool PN knowledge bomb out:

dietarydisplacementDid you catch that?

Eating high calorie foods actually makes you hungrier, sooner. And what do you grab? More high calorie foods. Getting those veggies in helps stop the cravings and the binges. Win-Win!

How to keep your score chart in week 3

Every time you eat a meal that contains a protein and a veggie, you get a check. Do that at least 4x in one day and you score your daily point. Simple as that!

Let us know if you have any questions, then keep on Making It Happen!

Fish Oil, EFA and Why You Are Getting Ripped Off

hThe benefits of Essential Fatty Acids, specifically omega-3 fatty acids is well researched and documented.

Clinical research suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, MS, depression, chronic pain and more.

You can read all about EFA’s from our partners at Precision Nutrition here: All About Fish Oil

Their summary recommendation is 3-6 grams of the “good stuff” (EPA+DHA) per day.

Now you could go ahead and eat a boatload of fish like sardines, more power to you!

More realistically though you are going to need to supplement.

I have taken fish oil on and off for a long time, and frankly taking enough (3 grams +) per day has not been easy.

In fact I have a leftover bottle of the stuff I used to take sitting in front of me right now.

It says that each softgel has 600 mg of “Fish Oil Concentrate”, so I would need to take 5 a day to reach 3 grams, right?

Not so fast!

If you look further, you will see there is 162mg of EPA and 108mg of DHA, for a total of 300mg of total omega-3 fatty acids.

That means I actually have to take 10 pills a day to 3 grams.

That bottle doesn’t look so cheap, now does it?

The Solution

It’s simple.

SFH Omega-3 Natural Fish Oil

1 teaspoon per day give you 3.1 grams of that EFA goodness.

And the bonus?

It’s less expensive than any other quality fish oil out there, and even less when you buy it from Get Fit NH.


Because it is our goal to put the best quality supplements in your hands, end of story.

Check out the retail prices in the link above, and you will see what I mean.

We currently have 2oz bottles in the gyms for you to try out, and we are ordering 6oz bottles, which will last over a month.

Guys you can’t even buy a small cup of coffee for what this product costs per day.

Basically you are spending couch money for what I believe is one of the big 3 supplements:

  1. A Whole Food Multivitamin (Prograde VGF+)
  2. An Omega-3 Supplement (SFH Omega-3)
  3. A Protein Supplement (UMP or Pure Whey)

We are not married to any one company. We don’t recommend all of Prograde or Beverly’s supplements for instance. We want to get the best stuff into your hands from companies we trust and personally use at the best prices we can.

To get the complete lowdown on SFH Omega-3 Click Here (be patient 🙂

N’uff Said!

Coach Dean

P.S. 2 pound bags of Pure Whey are now in!

FMS Success Story

fms_certified_expertSince we implemented the FMS and SGT completely into our training system we have seen tremendous results. It has been really cool to see you all put in the work necessary to move and feel better. Coach Erin has done a great job spearheading the screenings and that will continue. Don’t be surprised if she taps you on the shoulder, even if you have a clear screen. We want to stay ahead of the curve, not wait until stuff starts creeping up.

Erin sent me this note, and it is a great encouragement to me to see the positive results of what has been a massive undertaking.

Keep up the great work!

“I just re-screened (client x) and it was another affirmation that we are on the right track. His knees have gotten a lot better!  Last time I screened him (2/11/13) he scored a raw score of 2 on the deep squat but with significant pain making his final score a 0 and purple band.  This time still raw score of 2 with a 0.5 on a pain scale of 1-10.  Pretty good improvement.  He said there is hardly any pain.

His trunk stability went from a 2 to a 3 which probably helped him recover faster from throwing his back out last week which he was very happy about.

Balance really improved on hurdle step and inline lunge!

Just thought I would give you an update :)”


Rock N’ Race Security Update – Important!

rocknraceFrom Donna Killion:

My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the unfortunate attack on our beloved Boston Marathon.

Several members of Concord Hospital Senior Management team met with Concord Police Chief John Duval to discuss means of ensuring the safety of participants, volunteers, family and friends at the upcoming Rock ‘n Race.

One of the changes that will be instituted this year is the following:  Unattended backpacks/bags are prohibited on the State House Plaza.  Please leave personal items in your vehicle or check them at the tent marked with the signage “Personal Item Drop-Off”.  We will not assume responsibility for your personal effects and reserve the right to ask you to open your bags for inspection.

If you have any question regarding the above, please direct them to Sharon Sweet at the Concord Hospital.  She is the event coordinator and can be reached at 225-2711 x5234.

Thank you,

The Get Fit NH MetCon EST Project Starts May 1st

Polar_logoWe are pumped to roll out the first of what we are planning on being many Get Fit NH “Projects”. We have been working on a number of projects with a specific focus. Strength, power, and mobility are three more in the works, so stay tuned.

But first things first.

The MetCon EST Project is an 8-week program that meets once a week in addition to your normal GPT training. This first cadre will be meeting Wednesday morning from 6am to 7am at Get Fit NH Concord. We are limiting this initial intake to 12, so if you want in, you have to act fast.

Please take some time to read what it’s all about and make sure you want to do the extra “homework” necessary to get max results.

The Get Fit NH MetCon EST Project

MetCon EST (Metabolic Conditioning and Energy System Training) is designed to increase your anaerobic reserve, decrease your recovery heart rate, and give you the ability to compete and perform better, longer.

Let’s take a few minutes to talk about why you would possibly want to add this to your training.

As defined by performance coach Joel Jamieson, conditioning is a measure of your maximum sustainable power output across a given duration. In other words the longer you can sustain power output, the higher your conditioning level.

Coach Jamieson also talks about the anaerobic power reserve. This is the measure of the difference between the maximum amount of power that can be generated anaerobically (without oxygen) versus aerobically (with oxygen).

By now you may be saying “So what? Get to the point already” but bear with me, because this is the crux of the matter. What research has shown is the greater your anaerobic reserve, the more you rely on the anaerobic system to produce power. What does that mean? You get tired quicker, regardless of the duration of our event, competitive or not.

So what do we need to do? Train energy systems in a way that causes us to rely more on the aerobic system and less on the anaerobic system. Fortunately we know that if we train energy systems in a specific way we can do just that.

The heart of the MetCon EST project is the Polar GX 2.0 system. This cutting edge heart rate system not only allows real time monitoring of your heart rate visible to both athlete and coach, but generates your personal training report at the end of each session for review.

The initial MetCon EST project will be limited to 12 clients, and requires the willingness and ability to follow a specific protocol that will require some monitoring work outside of the gym.

MetCon EST participants will have their Recovery Heart Rate and Sustainable Power Output measured and assessed before the program begins and at the conclusion of the 8 weeks.  In addition you will monitor your recovery state at home on a daily basis.

I am excited about getting this project going. Being a bit of a geek, it is always cool to gather data and measure the effectiveness of specific types of training. Be warned though, the specific training protocol may be different than you are used to – but as always it will be fun!

The investment into MetCon EST is only $99 for the 8 week program. This includes the testing protocols as described, one training session per week (8 total including testing), and as a bonus for our first cadre of participants this also includes the required Polar heart rate monitoring chest strap, which normally costs $19.95.

If you want in, don’t delay. It’s going to be a blast!

Important: To enroll click on the link below. If you are current or former client, please use your username and login. If you don’t know it, you can recover it on the enrollment page. Please do not create an account unless you have never trained with us before.

Click Here To Enroll in the MetCon EST Project




Spring Seminar Series w/ Whole Health Concord Continues Next Tuesday April 23

wholehealthWe received tremendous feedback from Part 1 of the series a few weeks ago, and we are excited to hear the knowledge bombs coming our way next Tuesday.

Invite your friends and family, and we will see you there!

Adrenal Health

Healthy adrenal glands are essential for optimal health.  These glands are so important that life itself can be threatened if they are not functioning properly. 

Too often the hectic state of chronic stress in our lives takes a toll and these glands can easily become overworked and tired out.  Poor energy, poor sleep, chronic worry and anxiousness, as well as weight gain, sugar cravings and mood changes can all be symptoms of poor adrenal health. 

One of the most common symptoms of fatigued adrenals is persistent weight throughout the trunk of the body. Come learn more about the adrenals, how they work to keep us healthy, how they easily become fatigued and naturopathic approaches to restoring their vitality and overall health.

Spring Seminar Series with Whole Health Concord
Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord
Tuesday April 23, 2013
7:00pm to 8:30pm

Suprise Seminar Series w/ Coach Nancy This Saturday – The Breakfast Kitchen

PPW3_Logo-TMThis just in!

The amazing Coach Nancy (3-time Best Fitness Instructor, just saying) is coming to Get Fit NH Concord this Saturday, April 20, 2013 to give us the lowdown on all the amazing choices we have to eat a great breakfast that is S3 compliant, is great for your body, and just tastes great!

Probably the numero uno question we get is what to eat for breakfast. Well now is your chance to find out!

Join us from 9:00am to 10:30 and Coach Nancy will show you there is much more to breakfast than you think. She even promises to give you at least 12 complete breakfast ideas that will keep your taste buds happy!

I know it is short notice – but you are worth all the extra effort. 🙂

See you Saturday!

S3 Seminar Series – The Breakfast Kitchen
Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord
Saturday April 20, 2013
9:00am to 10:30am

S3 2013 Habit 2: Eat Lean, Protein Dense Foods with Each Meal

SizzlingSummer13LogoWeek 2’s habit is focused on getting your body what it needs to manufacture enzymes, hormones, and antibodies, replace worn out cells and build new cells. Without it the machine can’t operate at full capacity.


The team over at Precision Nutrition has done a great job telling us what protein is and why it is so important to eat. You can’t live without it, really! Read “All About Protein” Here.

There are so many more choices out there than just chicken and fish.

Have you checked out the PPW3 shopping list on our sister site ThePPWKitchen.com yet?

There are Forty-Two different protein sources on that list alone – 42!

How Much Protein?

A good rule of thumb is this: Look at the palm of your hand. If you are a woman, your portion per meal should be about the size of your hand. This will be between 20 and 30 grams. Men, double that portion per meal, or 40-60 grams. The fact is that most of the time you are not going to want to get the food scale out every time you sit down to eat (although that is  great idea for a week or two until you get good at eyeballing portions), and the palm method is easy and portable! 🙂

Here are just a few examples of lean protein sources. The amounts listed will provide approximately 20-30 grams of quality protein, which is what we would consider a women’s portion.  Guys, do a little multiplying and double it.

High quality protein.
3-4 oz of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish
1 cup of cooked seafood
4-5 egg whites
2-3 large eggs
6 oz. cottage cheese
6 oz. of plain greek yogurt (1 container)
2 oz of part skim cheese
1 scoop of protein powder
1 cup cooked lentils or beans
3-4 oz of tempeh or tofu
1 small veggie burger

Now it can be noted that some of these foods, particularly the dairy, have some carbohydrates as well, which is why we talk about protein dense foods.

PPW3_Logo-TMLet me give you an example.

We all love peanut butter, but is peanut butter a good source of protein?

Let’s look at peanut butter from a well known store – Trader Joe’s. I actually love Trader Joe’s peanut butter.

Peanuts and Salt. That’s it.

And if I look at the nutrition label (you do, right?) you will see that 2 Tablespoons, or 1 serving, has 8 grams of protein. Not TOO bad you might be thinking.

But the % of protein in Peanut Butter is actually quite low, in this case around 17% of total calories. (Hint – it’s mostly fat)

Make sense?

Here are other “protein sources” that you’ll want to avoid:

Lunch Meats
Protein in “fast food” restaurant meals (chinese take out, etc.)

These are low quality proteins, most of which are high in fat, sodium, and sugar, contain nitrates and a lot of other nasty preservatives.

So how do you score your daily point starting in Week 2 (Monday April 22)?

By doing S3 Habit 1 and 2
S3 Habit 1: Eat 4-5 meals each day
S3 Habit 2: Eat lean protein with all those meals

Here’s a handy dandy chart to help you get pointed in the right direction:

Quality Protein Fibrous Carbs Compliments

Chopped Hard boiled Egg mixed with tuna

Served on a bed of salad greens

Slice of avocado

Stir fry pork

Add fresh or frozen veggies to meat while cooking

1 teaspoon minced ginger root and 2 Tablespoon soy sauce

Shrimp cooked with minced garlic cloves and chili sauce.

Add frozen stir fry veggies while cooking

Sesame seeds sprinkled on top before serving

Heat pinto, navy, or kidney beans mixed with an ounce of Monterey jack cheese

Shredded lettuce, chopped tomato, jalapeño peppers,


Grilled Chicken

Served on a bed of salad greens

½ chopped apple, 1 Tablespoon walnuts chopped, olive oil with a squeeze of lemon juice for dressing

Browned ground beef

Stir in tomato sauce, serve over stir fried zucchini, summer squash, and carrot strips

Italian seasonings in with the sauce and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese before serving

Baked BBQ chicken

Sautéed green beans

Serve with coleslaw

Cold Three bean salad

Thinly sliced beef add tomato sauce

Sautéed onion and Green peppers, serve with a side salad

Sprinkle with chopped green onions and sesame seeds

Brown ground beef, taco seasonings

Serve over lettuce, top with tomatoes

Refried bean, olives, guacamole, salsa

Baked sliced chicken tenders coated with almond meal and parmesan cheese

Spinach salad, and cooked baby carrots

Olive oil and vinegar for salad dressing

Naked Greek Hamburgers

(no bun) mix feta cheese and olive slices into patties

Lettuce, tomato, red onion

Fresh broccoli salad

Ketchup, mustard

The possibilities are endless, so get out of the drive through, put on that Chef’s hat and Make It Happen!

Renegade Playground Challenge at NHMS

logoI know this is super early to be jumping on, but the crew at the Renegade Playground Challenge and New Hampshire Motor Speedway hooked us up with a great entry fee for the 2013 race – Only $40 + admin fee for a total of $43.75.

That is a wicked good deal for this kind of race, so get on board ASAP! We took a crew up there a couple years ago, and in talking with Ana over at NHMS this one is going to be better than ever!

Coach Meagan setup the team, and we are trying to get as many of y’all as we can to join the 9:00am wave with us.

Head on over to http://www.renegadeplayground.com/ to check out what the fun is all about, and then Click Here to register.

Our team name is GET FIT NH, and the promo code is GETFITNH – super innovative, huh?! 🙂

Renegade Playground Challenge
Saturday October 12, 2013

Let’s Have Some Fun!!!

You Just Never Know

Paula is 2years strongIn the middle of March, Paula from the 9am ladies in Epsom, had heart surgery. We all miss her and wish her well. It was wonderful to hear from her last week. She wasn’t thinking of herself but of you.

Yes, that’s right, she just had major surgery and she is thinking of encouraging you.

Here’s what Paula had to say:

“Thank you for the card, which means I am home, got released last Wed.  Everything went well and now its just the slow road of recovery.  Of which I want to thank you for Get Fit NH’s strong beneficial influence.  You are free to share with other clients, since none of us ever know for sure when and why we might need surgery, but all the little things we do in class which help with balance and strength which might seem minor or insignificant at the time but has shown already to be a major bonus to my healing.  All the nurses from the ICU to the cardiac ward, were very impressed with my immediate balance and control and even my breathing exercises.  You know I never thought that every time you made us get off the floor without using our hands, would be so important to me now that I have to get in and out of the recliner and bed without bearing any weight on my arms, for the next 4 to 6 weeks.

So for all those folks who focus on the stuff that creates the 6packs, they should realize how important everything you teach us comes into play.  Thank you again, and eventually when I get back I may never get to do a true chin up, but at least now my breathing should be able to keep up with my muscle strength, and that will allow me to finally push 100%.  Yeah!!!!!!!!” – Paula

Paula, I have faith that you will make it happen on the chin bar. I can’t wait to see you as soon as your doctor’s give the go ahead. Until then your Get Fit NH family will do whatever you need doing. – Coach Nancy