Do you realize that when you become a client of Get Fit NH you are affirming the truth that nobody is successful doing things by themselves?
You see I don’t think there is any such animal as the “self made man”.
Now that isn’t to downplay hard working men and women who bust their tail to get where they are in life. But I would venture to guess that they didn’t do it alone. Somewhere, somehow, somebody inspired, encouraged, enlightened, instructed, and maybe even coached them to get where they are.
It’s certainly been true in my own life.
Get Fit NH wouldn’t even exist without the support, patience and hard work of my wife and business partner Nancy. Get Fit NH is a team, comprised of the coaches you see every day, and a whole lot more people behind the scenes.
Since we are coaches it may seem self-serving to tell you that you need a coach, but I assure you I am right there with you.
Coaching is an investment, and I assure you the return is a lot better than the stock market.
As a business we retain a business coach and marketing coaches. We have professionals that help us with financial and legal matters.
As physical preparation coaches we attend seminars, earn credentials, and network and consult with physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors and specialists. These “coaches” help us to stay on top of the latest research and findings, so we can keep getting better.
I recently became a client of Precision Nutrition’s “Lean Eating” program, not only to help me personally, but so that we can get better at coaching the system.
And I’ll say it again.
Coaching is an investment that comes back multiple times.
The quality of coaches on our staff is a direct reflection of the coaching we have sought, received and put into practice.
There is a caveat however.
You actually have to be willing to be coached. To commit yourself to the process. To put in the effort. To get a little uncomfortable at times.
I learned very quickly that enrolling in a coaching program was no guarantee of success. It wasn’t the end all. In fact it is just the beginning.
So what’s my point?
To encourage you to take advantage of all that Get Fit NH has to offer. Showing up to training is a great start, but it’s just the start.
Our most successful clients are fully committed to the process. They are enrolled in our client only site “”, they take a few minutes to read our newsletters and blogs. Most importantly they ask their coaches questions. In person, via phone, email or text.
I would urge you to take advantage of these resources as well. We never want you to be left wondering “why we do what we do”. We want to know how to help you better.
I understand that we all have busy lives and busy schedules, and “one more thing” to do may not appeal to you.
But I want you to look at it as making the most of your coaching investment with us. You are not just walking into a big room full of machines. More than likely if you are here that just wasn’t working for you.
You have hired a coach who is ready, willing and able to help you get where you want to go.
Be fully invested!
Coach Dean
P.S. We are getting ready for a limited reopening of our FLAG (Fat Loss Accountability Group) coaching. We will be sending out an intake and interview form shortly.
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