Mark Your Calendars for a Morning of Romance

Love is in the air! Valentine’s day is right around the corner, Nancy and I are just about to celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary, and we are excited to announce a very special morning planned on Saturday, February 18th.

While we have a lot of couples who train with us, this event is not exclusive. This is your chance to show your sweetheart what all the excitement is about, and you don’t even have to sweat!

We’ll start the morning with a brief seminar we are calling “Lean On Me”, where we will talk about the importance of supporting healthy nutrition, exercise and lifestyle change starts at home.

Our program will be highlighted by Amy Troy of Chichester Massage, who will be teaching us how to effectively help our partner recover from that tough training session or maybe just a tough day with a soothing massage. What better way to show your special someone you love them? This hands on session is sure to be a hit.

We also are going to have a special live “Cooking with the Carlson’s” demo where you and your partner will see how quick and easy it can be to prepare delicious meals – together. We will then get to sample some great tasting food you’ll be sure to want to make at home.

We will be sending out a registration form soon, and space will be limited, so be on the lookout.

Heart to Heart

Date: Saturday February 18th

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am

Cost: $20 per couple

Location: TBD



Get Fit NH in 5 Chapters

Passing this along from our friends at Precision Nutrition. This poem is a great illustration of the process of change, and the truth that small steps in the right direction add up to big things. You don’t have to be perfect, just a little better than the day before.

Autobiography in 5 Short Chapters
A Poem by Portia Nelson

Chapter I

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in.
I am lost … I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter II

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the same place.
But, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter III

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in … it’s a habit … but,
my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter IV

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter V

I walk down another street.

Keep Walking, and Keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

Wolfe’s Den: The glass is half FULL… Day 50

Or in this case, Day 50 of the 100 Day Burpee Challenge… the half way mark. Only 50 more days and another 1,275 Burpees (editors note: it’s actually 3775, but who’s counting?) to go. The question now is, am I in or out?

As it is now 10:30pm and I am in the process of accomplishing my 50 burpees in increments of 10. Do 10, catch my breath, 10 more- stretch a little, 10 more- oh yeah, I’m supposed to breathe while doing the push up, 10 more- with a concentrated effort to breathe not pass out, and the final 10- that didn’t take too much time out of my day/night and woohoo! I’m done!! … until tomorrow… Day 51 = 51 Burpees! (and the vicious cycle begins again!) 52 Burpees on Friday, 53 Burpees on Saturday, 54 Burpees on Sunday… and so on until 100 Burpees on Day 100. Who’s idea was this anyway?? More importantly, what was I thinking saying, “I’m IN!” ?? (again why is there no one to slap some sense into me?)

It had to be because this was one of those Concord yahoos idea (and I mean yahoo in the most loving sense 🙂 ; and lets just say Epsom does NOT sit on the sidelines. Or maybe it was the whole ‘counting’ thing, we all know I am a counter (Tabata’s are one of my favorites). Yes I took the time to count how many Burpees we were actually doing! Or maybe, just maybe, it was the whole “Challenge” word that said ‘sign me up’! (I do love a challenge)

I guess it really doesn’t matter at this point, I’m IN… we’re half way! which is pretty exciting, because of course I’m thinking, it wasn’t that bad. I can say that now, because my 50 are done. Prior to, there was a whole lot of whining.

I have done 1,275 burpees in the last 50 days! I even see more muscle tone in my shoulders- yup, when I close one eye and squint … there! see it?!

Then there is the whole, not being one who is very coordinated to do a pushup, I thought this could help. Dare I say, I am getting closer to the floor than I ever have? Ok so maybe they are still painful to watch, I still get ‘stuck and cant move’, but I keep going. That’s what its all about, just keep going.

Someone has to keep Nancy and Karl company… Besides, I’m only in it for the t-shirt… and oh yes, there WILL be a t-shirt!

Blog you later.

gretchen <3

Pledge to the F.L.A.G.?

As we announced last week, we are preparing for a limited re-opening of our Fat Loss Accountability Group (F.L.A.G.)

To learn more about  F.L.A.G. click here, but DO NOT ENROLL, we don’t want your money until you have read and understand completely what we are asking.

Your coaches and our F.L.A.G. clients have both learned a lot about what does and does not get results through an accountability group. First of all it is important to realize that an accountability group is not magic, it takes work. What most of us need is the willingness to face reality that losing fat takes hard work, getting out of our comfort zones, and taking action consistently.

I am guessing a lot of you have enough knowledge to start seeing success, the key is putting that knowledge into action. The F.L.A.G. group is designed to make sure you are taking that action.

Did I use the word action enough?

Some of our F.L.A.G. group has thrived and seen tremendous results, others never really got off the ground, but most are somewhere in the middle. Making steady progress toward their goals, having good days and not so good days. Falling down and picking themselves back up – sounds a lot like life, right?

You won’t find any hard sell or sexy ad copy here, because that doesn’t do anybody any good. In fact we want to be absolutely sure you really want to be part of our group. It is a very small investment, and sometimes that’s not conducive to you doing your part. If we charged $1000 a month I bet you get it done! 🙂

So here’s the deal, if you want in, please take this short survey and tell us why. We would love to work with you, but we want to be absolutely sure you really want to do what it takes.

Make It Happen,

Coach Dean

Click here for the survey, and we will get in touch with you shortly.


Thank-You Dr. Jones

Many thanks to Dr. Laura Jones of Whole Health Concord for giving us a great talk on healthy foods and healthy eating last evening. We learned that our food choices are more about weight control, but also getting and staying healthy, inside and out.

And thank-you for an amazing turnout – with 60 people coming out it looks like we will be investing in more seating next time Dr. Laura speaks – thanks for making it work!

So you invested an hour and a half of your time – now what are you going to do with your new found knowledge?

Most of us process new information one of three ways:

1) We dismiss it.

“It’s too radical.”

“It’s too hard.”

“It’s too expensive.”

“I’m too busy. ”

“Nobody really eats that way.”

2) We file it away

“I like what she had to say, but I need to look into it more.”

“Interesting, I’ll think about changing some things.”

“I’ll start next week.”

3) We take action

We choose just one thing that we can implement – today.

Here’s one of Dr. Laura’s tips that I know works great because my family eats this way.

Yesterday’s dinner becomes today’s lunch. Simple as that. Take your leftover protein and veggies, pack them up to go, and bring them to work.

Experiment with that for one week. And then build on that experience. Step by step.

Here’s the link to, which Dr. Jones mentioned last night. The front page has direct links to “The Clean Fifteen” and the “Dirty Dozen”.

I look forward to seeing you next time!

Coach Dean


7 Tips That Turn Resolutions Into Results

We are well into January, and our resolutions are being tested.

But how do you keep the focus and resolve that you had on January 1st?

Here are some helpful tips to keep you on track. Remember most of our New Year’s Resolutions were not something we could attain quickly but over time. Lets keep on fighting for our dreams.

1.  Get quality sleep

You’ve heard us say it many times but sleep is important. Getting 6-8 solid hours of sleep is essential for your body to rejuvenate, replenish, and repair itself. Your body is doing a lot while you sleep. Beyond the health benefits, think how much happier, smoother, and relaxed your day goes when you wake up ready to tackle the activities of your day.

2. Surround yourself with people that encourage you.

Most people are hard on themselves to begin with. We blast ourselves for not being perfect. Perfection in our diet, looks, actions, talk, relationships, and work will not happen. We need to be our best but don’t beat yourself up for a failure; learn from it and move on. The last thing we need to do is spend time with people that are critical toward us or people that are always bleak and downhearted. Spend time with people who see you and value you for who you are. They are the ones who make you feel like you can accomplish anything.

3. Exercise regularly

Exercise raises your serotonin levels. You know, the stuff that make you just feel good! The physical challenges you overcome in your training will boost your confidence outside of the gym as well. Exercise sends you a message that you are worth the time and effort you make for yourself.

4. Eat a clean healthy diet

Eating clean healthy food is another way of sending a message to yourself that you are worth it. You are worth the best foods, the time to plan your meals and prepare them. Avoid processed foods. Focus on foods fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of protein.  Remember a healthy diet keeps your hormones in balance, which helps activate the cycle of a happier, healthier you.

5. Finish what you Started

Something motivated you to start each and every action you do each day. An angry boss might motivate you to be on time each day to work, and your paycheck can be a motivation for you to show up to work at all.  There are also motivations to do laundry, plan meals, and make bootcamp each time you are scheduled. Once you start something you will soon find there are often obstacles that get in our way. Laundry might be put on hold while dealing with a sibling dispute, dinner might be late on the table because an unexpected phone call interrupted your prep time. Each time you overcome an obstacle and succeed by finishing your task it adds to your sense of accomplishment. Taking the obstacles seriously will enable you to focus on it and then get back to your plan. It is a great feeling to start something and cross it off your daily list. It is even a bigger boost to cross things off your weekly or monthly to do list.

6. Eliminate “Can’t” and “But” from your vocabulary

Those obstacles that get in your way when working toward a goal will come. How we handle those obstacles define our success. When we start allowing those obstacles and life to get in our way we often start making excuses. You’ll start off by saying “ I can’t get the laundry done today because the kid were acting up.” “I didn’t get my workout but I did walk a lot while doing errands.” Those words are self-defeating. Turn those two little words into possibilities. You can do anything you truly set your mind to.

7. Focus on your strengths

All of us were created differently with special talents and abilities. They define us, they give us character and personality. We all have something we are really good at. Focus on those things. I’m not saying we shouldn’t stretch our selves in our weaker areas but comparing ourselves to others is unfair. You are unique. Enjoy that part of you that makes you special.

While we might have written our goals down on January 1st many of us had been dreaming those dreams for a long time. The dream to be better/change is worth the fight. You have already encountered some challenges. While the first few weeks of January might be over, our goals and dreams have all year to blossom and grow. Don’t be in it for the sprint but for the marathon.

To you being your best,

Coach Nancy


I Don’t Know Everything

About nutrition.

And neither do you.

Which is why you and I both need to be at Dr. Laura Jones seminar next Tuesday night.

Dr. Jones agreed to schedule on a Tuesday night to accommodate our training schedule, as Wednesday is a recovery day and our early classes  can get some extra sleep.

I am also extending a personal invitation to the 6:00pm Epsom class to come train with us in Concord that night so you can attend. I would love nothing more than to see you all here. It will be fun!

So I am calling you out.

You have the opportunity to hear one of the most knowledgeable and passionate experts anywhere, and I guarantee you will walk out with something that will make a positive impact on your health and eating.

Don’t disappoint me. I want to run out of chairs that night.

I am already planning next Thursdays training two ways. The first is if we have 50 people there, the second is if we don’t.  🙂

Make It Happen, and register below.

This seminar is open to the public, so invite your family and friends!

A Naturopathic Approach To Nutrition
Dr. Laura Riley Jones
Tuesday, January 17th
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Get Fit NH Concord (Click for Directions)

Dr. Laura Riley Jones earned a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine with Honors from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with Honors from the University of New Hampshire. Her Naturopathic medical practice, Whole Health Concord, is located in Concord, NH.

Dr. Riley Jones is a licensed primary care naturopathic doctor. She treats patients of all ages with a variety of health concerns. Her areas of greatest interest are Women’s Health as well as Autoimmune diseases, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolic disorders. Dr. Riley Jones also specializes in the treatment of symptoms associated with Menopause and the use of phytoestrogens and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. She employs several naturopathic modalities when treating patients with a focus on Clinical Nutrition including vitamins and mineral supplementation, Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine. She works with each patient to uncover the cause of their illness and develop a treatment plan using the Naturopathic modalities that best suit their individual needs.

During her training, Dr. Riley Jones was a member of the Diabetes Research Group which focused on treatments for patients with Type II Diabetes, High Cholesterol and Weight gain. Dr. Riley Jones lectures throughout New Hampshire on various topics related to health. She is a member of the New Hampshire Association of Naturopathic Doctors and sits on the New Hampshire Board of Naturopathic Examiners.

The “Self Made” Man?

Do you realize that when you become a client of Get Fit NH you are affirming the truth that nobody is successful doing things by themselves?

You see I don’t think there is any such animal as the “self made man”.

Now that isn’t to downplay hard working men and women who bust their tail to get where they are in life. But I would venture to guess that they didn’t do it alone. Somewhere, somehow, somebody inspired, encouraged, enlightened, instructed, and maybe even coached them to get where they are.

It’s certainly been true in my own life.

Get Fit NH wouldn’t even exist without the support, patience and hard work of my wife and business partner Nancy. Get Fit NH is a team, comprised of the coaches you see every day, and a whole lot more people behind the scenes.

Since we are coaches it may seem self-serving to tell you that you need a coach, but I assure you I am right there with you.

Coaching is an investment, and I assure you the return is a lot better than the stock market.

As a business we retain a business coach and marketing coaches. We have professionals that help us with financial and legal matters.

As physical preparation coaches we attend seminars, earn credentials, and network and consult with physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors and specialists. These “coaches” help us to stay on top of the latest research and findings, so we can keep getting better.

I recently became a client of Precision Nutrition’s “Lean Eating” program, not only to help me personally, but so that we can get better at coaching the system.

And I’ll say it again.

Coaching is an investment that comes back multiple times.

The quality of coaches on our staff is a direct reflection of the coaching we have sought, received and put into practice.

There is a caveat however.

You actually have to be willing to be coached. To commit yourself to the process. To put in the effort. To get a little uncomfortable at times.

I learned very quickly that enrolling in a coaching program was no guarantee of success. It wasn’t the end all. In fact it is just the beginning.

So what’s my point?

To encourage you to take advantage of all that Get Fit NH has to offer. Showing up to training is a great start, but it’s just the start.

Our most successful clients are fully committed to the process. They are enrolled in our client only site “”, they take a few minutes to read our newsletters and blogs. Most importantly they ask their coaches questions. In person, via phone, email or text.

I would urge you to take advantage of these resources as well. We never want you to be left wondering “why we do what we do”. We want to know how to help you better.

I understand that we all have busy lives and busy schedules, and “one more thing” to do may not appeal to you.

But I want you to look at it as making the most of your coaching investment with us. You are not just walking into a big room full of machines. More than likely if you are here that just wasn’t working for you.

You have hired a coach who is ready, willing and able to help you get where you want to go.

Be fully invested!

Coach Dean

P.S. We are getting ready for a limited reopening of our FLAG (Fat Loss Accountability Group) coaching. We will be sending out an intake and interview form shortly.


Introducing Hilary Warner

Hilary Warner, MPH, RD, LD
Nutrition Works! LLC

Many people resist seeking help from a nutrition professional thinking, “what could they possibly tell me that I don’t already know?” The truth is that most of us do know what to do and we need a kind, knowledgeable person to help us make it happen. Hilary Warner is a Registered/Licensed Dietitian, Wellness Coach, and ACSM Health and Fitness Specialist. She has a degree in nutrition from UVM and a degree in public health from UCLA. She helps people of all ages, shapes, and sizes be successful with food and live healthier lives. Her areas of expertise include:

  • Helping people reach and/or maintain a healthy weight without hunger or deprivation
  • Cholesterol and blood pressure management
  • Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity/ intolerance
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome and metabolic syndrome
  • Eating disorders/ disordered eating
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Prevention (or delay) of diabetes and other chronic diseases
  • Sports nutrition
  • Optimizing health with state of the art nutrition- “food as medicine”
  • Motivational interviewing, coaching, and other tools that help people change behaviors

Many of her services are covered by insurance.

For more information, call Hilary at (603) 223-8119 or visit online at