Thank-You Dr. Jones

Many thanks to Dr. Laura Jones of Whole Health Concord for giving us a great talk on healthy foods and healthy eating last evening. We learned that our food choices are more about weight control, but also getting and staying healthy, inside and out.

And thank-you for an amazing turnout – with 60 people coming out it looks like we will be investing in more seating next time Dr. Laura speaks – thanks for making it work!

So you invested an hour and a half of your time – now what are you going to do with your new found knowledge?

Most of us process new information one of three ways:

1) We dismiss it.

“It’s too radical.”

“It’s too hard.”

“It’s too expensive.”

“I’m too busy. ”

“Nobody really eats that way.”

2) We file it away

“I like what she had to say, but I need to look into it more.”

“Interesting, I’ll think about changing some things.”

“I’ll start next week.”

3) We take action

We choose just one thing that we can implement – today.

Here’s one of Dr. Laura’s tips that I know works great because my family eats this way.

Yesterday’s dinner becomes today’s lunch. Simple as that. Take your leftover protein and veggies, pack them up to go, and bring them to work.

Experiment with that for one week. And then build on that experience. Step by step.

Here’s the link to, which Dr. Jones mentioned last night. The front page has direct links to “The Clean Fifteen” and the “Dirty Dozen”.

I look forward to seeing you next time!

Coach Dean


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