Wolfe’s Den: The glass is half FULL… Day 50

Or in this case, Day 50 of the 100 Day Burpee Challenge… the half way mark. Only 50 more days and another 1,275 Burpees (editors note: it’s actually 3775, but who’s counting?) to go. The question now is, am I in or out?

As it is now 10:30pm and I am in the process of accomplishing my 50 burpees in increments of 10. Do 10, catch my breath, 10 more- stretch a little, 10 more- oh yeah, I’m supposed to breathe while doing the push up, 10 more- with a concentrated effort to breathe not pass out, and the final 10- that didn’t take too much time out of my day/night and woohoo! I’m done!! … until tomorrow… Day 51 = 51 Burpees! (and the vicious cycle begins again!) 52 Burpees on Friday, 53 Burpees on Saturday, 54 Burpees on Sunday… and so on until 100 Burpees on Day 100. Who’s idea was this anyway?? More importantly, what was I thinking saying, “I’m IN!” ?? (again why is there no one to slap some sense into me?)

It had to be because this was one of those Concord yahoos idea (and I mean yahoo in the most loving sense 🙂 ; and lets just say Epsom does NOT sit on the sidelines. Or maybe it was the whole ‘counting’ thing, we all know I am a counter (Tabata’s are one of my favorites). Yes I took the time to count how many Burpees we were actually doing! Or maybe, just maybe, it was the whole “Challenge” word that said ‘sign me up’! (I do love a challenge)

I guess it really doesn’t matter at this point, I’m IN… we’re half way! which is pretty exciting, because of course I’m thinking, it wasn’t that bad. I can say that now, because my 50 are done. Prior to, there was a whole lot of whining.

I have done 1,275 burpees in the last 50 days! I even see more muscle tone in my shoulders- yup, when I close one eye and squint … there! see it?!

Then there is the whole, not being one who is very coordinated to do a pushup, I thought this could help. Dare I say, I am getting closer to the floor than I ever have? Ok so maybe they are still painful to watch, I still get ‘stuck and cant move’, but I keep going. That’s what its all about, just keep going.

Someone has to keep Nancy and Karl company… Besides, I’m only in it for the t-shirt… and oh yes, there WILL be a t-shirt!

Blog you later.

gretchen <3

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