Rock N’ Race Shirts and Meeting Spot Details

Don’t forget! This Thursday May 19, 2011 is the 9th annual Rock N’ Race 5K run/walk to benefit the Payson Cancer Center at Concord Hospital. You guys are amazing, as the “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” team is 71 members strong and has raised $3620 so far – Wow!

Did you know you are participating in the biggest 5k north of New York City? Amazing!

Clock Tower at Bicentennial Square, Concord NH

Here’s the deal for T-shirt and bib pickup: The awesome Mary Davidson of 8:30am Concord will be delivering the whole teams shirts when she comes to class Wednesday morning. Coach Erin and I will be separating them out and bringing the ones that belong to Epsom clients to the Epsom gym by early afternoon. You can pick yours up at the appropriate location after 4:00pm Wednesday.

For those who are not able to pick them up Wednesday, not a problem.  Coach Erin will be at the Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord after 4:00pm on Thursday as well.  Coaches CJ and Erin will be at the Clock Tower near Eagle Square at 5:30pm Thursday, the day of the race, to distribute the rest of the shirts and get a “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” team photo – Thanks!

If you have any questions drop us a line or give us a call.

I am proud of all you all and I know you will have a blast!

Make It Happen,

Coach Dean

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Grand Prize Winners


Jeff Huckins wins the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2011 with 37.6 pounds lost in 8 weeks!

Earlier in the week we announced our Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown class contest winner (The Cranking 6:15am Epsom), who is busy designing their own custom class “T”.

In addition we announced the “Perfect People” who all achieved perfect scores – stay tuned for a bonus “Perfect People” cookout for all these superstars in the next few weeks!

Today, however was THE BIG DAY. The day you were all waiting for. The day we unveiled the Grand Prize winner of S3!


Jeff’s 5:00am Concord Support Team

Jeff Huckins is an amazing guy. He started training with Get Fit NH Bootcamp after he saw the amazing transformation his co-worker Karl Edelmann achieved last year. He is well on his way to reaching the 100 pounds mark, and more likely well beyond, considering he has lost nearly 80 pounds since January.

The bottom line is Jeff is rock solid consistent. He has not missed one day of training since he has been with us. He has a tremendous positive attitude, I don’t think I have ever seen him have a rotten day. Jeff has made the nutritional changes he knows he needs to – no excuses.

His results over the last 8 weeks are a testament to his consistency – 37.6 pounds! We are working on getting an exclusive interview with him in the very near future!


Runners Up Carol lost 10.1% and Abby 9.2% – Great Job Ladies!

We also wanted to recognize two ladies who also did an amazing job! In fact we couldn’t let them go unrewarded for all their hard work, so we came up with some additional prizes! 3rd place Abby went home with $50 cold hard cash, and runner-up Carol has $100 in her pocket for her incredible achievement. Check out their incredible results in the picture!

Check out the video of all the festivities!

Three Rules for Easy Eating On The Go

I’m just about to head down to the South for my son Jeff’s wedding. I’ve been planning this trip for weeks (Ask the 5am, they’ve helped me pick my dress). I’ve organized all the kids clothing for that special day, the care of our animals, and hotel stays.

And believe it or not, one more big item I’ve planned for is my eating.

Now you may think I am crazy or wonder – “How do you plan for eating when you don’t know what is available?”

It’s not as hard as you may think!

I’ve been planning the meals I can control, so if the meals I am unable to control are a bit loose by PPW (Protein, Produce and Water) standards it minimizes the damage.  Not that I plan on eating cupcakes, cookies, fudge, and other sweets for 4 days straight, but we will be eating in restaurants where I can’t control quite as much as I can at home.

Here are my three rules to easy eating while on vacation. (Thank you Michael Pollan for the fantastic ideas in your book “Food Rules”- great read for anyone!)

  1. Eat foods that you can visualize in their raw state. If I’m not able to identify where a particular food came from, I’m going to avoid it. At restaurants that means avoiding foods covered in goop and sauces. Where does that cheese like substance come from anyway? Fried food? Not happening. I don’t know what is in the coating or what they fry it in (not to mention the fat and calories). That leaves me with very few choices, so I’ll probably starve, right? No way! Think of all the grilled items, vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs and more I can have. There are thousands of varieties of vegetables and fruit alone. Open your mind and mouth to new possibilities!
  2. Eat foods that spoil quickly. If a food like substance can stay on the shelf for years it is probably very low in nutrients. If a rodent will not even go after it, do we really want to put it in our mouth?
  3. Eat foods your grandmother (great-grandmother?) would recognize. I love my grandmother; she was a wonderful cook. But I’m sure if she looked at a Go-Gurt  she’d have no idea what to do with it. What about Spam, Velveeta, or powdered drink mixes? She did her cooking with items readily found in her area, that she grew herself, or my grandfather fished or hunted. She didn’t have a whole lot shipped from other countries, or items found out of season in her area. I’m going to imagine sitting at her table each time I eat.

So that’s my plan. I’m going to eat fresh foods that are easy to recognize (before and after they are cooked) that my grandmother would enjoy.

That’s not so hard, is it?

Ask me how I did when I get back!

Make It Happen,

Coach Nancy

What S3 has done for Judy

S3 has taught me some incredible things!!!

I now have a plan that works for the times I’m tired, surprises that mess up metabolism, can’t sleep because I’m hungry, etc. so I don’t go crazy/binge. I’m thinking a lot more like the thin person I used to be. Even when it’s a cheat meal I don’t eat anywhere near as much as before. I also hear/feel the little signs that 2 1/2 – 3 hours have passed so that I don’t totally forget to eat/keep my metabolism in order.

So thank you thank you thank you!!! Because of you, I’m well on my way to being a healthy weight again only I’ll be much stronger too – an added bene! Today I could do the step-ups without having to hold onto the wall at all to help step-up; I could do the front raises with 10lb weights the whole time (the 5lb just-in-case DB’s just sat!).

Judy Swain – Get Fit NH Bootcamp Epsom 6:15am

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Class Contest Winners

The 6:15 Make it Happen Crew

The 6:15 Make it Happen Crew

Guess Who! 🙂

The 6:15am Epsom class absolutely cranked this contest! It was possible to score 220 points each, and this class averaged 175 points – that is amazing and a testament to sticking together and making it happen!

Can’t wait to see the “T” design they come up with – they have big shoes too fill, last years winning shirt was the bomb!

Congrats Guys – Keep Up The Great Work!

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown – Perfect Scores!

We are crunching the numbers and the first results are in! Here are the amazing Get Fit NH Bootcamp clients who had an absolutely perfect score – well done!

Maura Carroll
Jill Edelmann
Karl Edelmann
Taylor Frazao
Barbara Guerrier
Carol Hawkins
Deborah Heckman
Betty Holmes
Jeff Huckins
Kathy Nourse
Katy O’Gorman-Rhodebeck
Louise Palmer
Dawn Preston
Terry Reed
Susan Strogen
Greg Swain
Judy Swain
Susan Tardiff
Abby Tomich

More results on the way – stay tuned!

She’s back and bringing the 80’s

The month of May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness month.

What Is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that:

  • clogs the lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections; and
  • obstructs the pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the body break down and absorb food.

In the 1950s, few children with cystic fibrosis lived to attend elementary school. Today, advances in research and medical treatments have further enhanced and extended life for children and adults with CF. Many people with the disease can now expect to live into their 30s, 40s and beyond.

My girlfriend Christie, who has been my bestie since the 8th grade has a little boy named Trevor who has CF. I’ll never forget the day she told me and my 2 other grammar school besties (the YAYA’s) 12 years ago. Their only indication was when pressing small kisses to his face, it felt like you were kissing a salt-lick. They soon found out that their world was about to drastically change. Now, their days are filled with therapies, enzymes & other pills/meds, and being diligent to sanitize everything they come in contact with. They are truely amazing people! They are huge advocates to finding a cure, so while they are making sure Trevor goes through his daily regime, they are constantly organizing numerous fundraisers throughout the year. Check out their website for a day in the life of CF (

While I wear my TeamTrevor shirts at Bootcamp, it turns out Lori from 6p has a nephew who has CF. She is also a Cystic Fibrosis Warrior, raising awareness and helping to find a cure. She is organizing an 80’s Dance at the Elks Lodge in Epsom(the Old Mill) on Saturday May 14th 7p-11:30p. Come on by, lets make this event a HUGE success, and help CURE CF!!

Of course that got the wheels turning… and I believe we at Bootcamp should have an ’80’s week’ to gear up for… S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night (yes, the BayCity Rollers!). Lets have some fun, it’s a short week with class Mon/Tues/Wed … everybody cut loose, FOOTLOOSE!

Blog you later.


We Are Helping Find A Cure for CF – You In?

May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, and a time for volunteers and people living with CF to come together and shine a spotlight on what CF is, as well as the progress being made toward a cure.

What Is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to form in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways, causing lung damage and making it hard to breathe. In the pancreas, it clogs the pathways leading to the digestive system, interfering with proper digestion.

People with CF have a shorter-than-normal life expectancy. The good news is that as treatments for CF improve, the life expectancy for people with the disease is rising. Fifty years ago, children with CF often died before attending elementary school. Today many people with the disease live into their 30s, 40s and beyond. Getting early treatment for CF can improve your quality of life and your lifespan.


CF is close to Get Fit NH Bootcamp.

Jessica, who trains with us in Epsom lives closest to CF, since her husband Mike was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Lori, who also trains in Epsom, has a nephew with CF. And a close friend of the family to Gretchen has CF. Each of these ladies have organized separate fundraisers to help find a cure for CF.

“GreatStrides, Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis” is a 5K Run/Walk on May 21. Jessica has started a team called “Hike for Mike”. Last year Jessica’s team reached their goal of raising $10,000 – Wow! If you‘d like to participate in this years 5K please take time now to register for their team:
Even if you are unable to participate in the race, you can donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation through the team.  After the race join Jessica and the “Hike for Mike” team for a cookout. Just let Jessica know you’ll be joining them for food so she has plenty.

Lori has planned a “Back to the 80’s” party (right up my alley). Dress up is optional but strongly encouraged. The “80’s Bash” will be held on May 14th from 7:00pm – 11:30pm at the Epsom Elks Club. This is a night where you can travel back in time to 80’s music provided by our “Most Excellent” DJ. There will be raffles and good food and a CASH BAR! There will be a donation box at the door and all proceeds will go towards our team (Bobby’s Brigade) for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I hope you will join us for a great cause and it will be a blast from your past.

Gretchen is putting together a walk for “Team Trevor” on the Seacoast on May 22. You can join her as she walks or donate to her team cause by going to:

Take some time this month to help get the word out and encourage people in your community to become involved, too!

Consider these statistics:

Approximately 30,000 children and adults have CF in the United States.
More than 10 million Americans are symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene.
The disease occurs in one of every 3,500 live births of all Americans and about 1,000 new cases of cystic fibrosis are diagnosed each year.

Get Fit NH Bootcamp wants to help these ladies out, so we are putting our money where our mouth is in the following two ways:

Get Involved #1: Drink It Up!

While Dean and I will not be able to walk this year because our son planned his wedding the same day (good going Jeff!), we want to help.  For every Myoplex Recovery Drink or Fiji water you purchase from Get Fit NH Bootcamp during the month of May we will donate $1 to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Stay hydrated, recover quicker, and feel good about helping a great cause!

Get Involved #2: Facebook Check In for Charity

Super easy and it won’t cost you a penny! Both the Concord and Epsom Get Fit NH Bootcamp locations have their very own Facebook “Check In” page. When you arrive at training, just “Check In” using your smartphone and claim your deal. Our goal is for each location to raise $250 – It only takes a second, so Make It Happen. (This should be active by Monday May 9th)

Thanks for all you do. It is a privilege to coach you!

Coach Nancy

Sugar: Sweet to the Lips, Killer on the Hips

Ok now that I have your attention, there’s a lot more to eating excess sugar than the extra pounds it packs on.

You may not want to hear it, but if it seems like you are constantly fighting off illness, the amount of sugar you are eating probably has a lot to do with it. Studies show that eating 75-100 grams of sugar (the amount in two 12 ounces sodas) can suppress the bodies immune system, and simple sugars like table sugar and honey can cause a 50% drop in the ability of white blood cells to engulf and destroy bacteria. This effect starts about 30 minutes after ingestion, and can last up to 5 hours. If you are constantly feeding your body sugar-laden foods, you are probably going to get sick a lot more often.

Other factors that weaken your immune system include stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and being socially isolated. The choices we make in these areas directly affects how healthy we are.

When you train with Get Fit NH Bootcamp, you are directly affecting three of those factors:

You are exercising in a fun, team-oriented atmosphere, which in turn helps relieve stress – well done! As far as the sleep goes you are a bit more on your own, but turning the TV off before midnight would probably help!

But I digress, so let’s get back to taking care of that sweet tooth.

Here’s just a few of the names of sugar you will find on the back of a food label, and they all have the same affect on your waistline and your overall health:

Barley malt
Cane juice crystals
Diastatic malt
Ethyl Maltol
Fruit juice
Golden syrup
Malt Syrup
Maple Syrup
Refiners syrup
Rice syrup

Go to your cupboard right now, pull out that box of cookies (that are there for the kids of course 🙂 and see how many of these you can find!

Here’s another way to look at sugar. I found this eye-opening website called

What they have done is stacked up sugar cubes to illustrate how much sugar is in many of the common foods we eat. It is incredible how much sugar we can consume without even realizing it, even in so called “healthy foods”. Here are some links to specific pages on the site:

Low Fat Foods






and while eating fruit can be a very good thing to do, you still have to watch your overall sugar and calories


You probably aren’t going to get fat eating carrots

Another cool thing has done is offer some perspective on a “high sugar” vegetable – carrots. Take a look at how many carrots you would have to eat in order to get as much sugar as in some favorite beverages and snacks

Carrot Comparison

That’s a lotta carrots, and the bottom line is that it’s a lot easier to down a mocha latte and a cinnamon bun, with all the extra sugar, fat and calories than it is to eat whole, natural, vitamin rich and health supporting foods.

How much sugar are you eating? If you don’t know, it’s time to find out, and then do something about it!

For more info on the health affects of sugar and how to beat the sugar craving, read Dr. Al Sears article on sugar here

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Dean Carlson is a Certified Professional Fitness Trainer with the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association, a Level 2 Youth Conditioning Specialist with the International Youth Conditioning Association and is a Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition coach.