The KING Reigns Supreme

“Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature rising”…(must be Marvelous Monday at Bootcamp)

Monday night, 6pm Bootcamp had the whole Big Family in attendance. That would be Big Daddy (40KB), Big Mama (36KB), and Big Boy (32KB) rockin’ and rollin’ on the gym floor. If they weren’t doing the KettleBell Swing they were Deadlifted. Our Motto: GO BIG or GO HOME! Since no one left, we went BIG!

“Higher and Higher, Its burning through to my soul”…(and my core right down to my gluteus maximus)

Our Mantra: “You can do anything for 40 seconds” (or 2 minutes, or whatever is required for time). This is the class if you need motivation, they’ve got it in spades! When you are pushed to your limit… they’ll push you a little more.

Add in: the HOTTEST Trainer this side of Memphis who whispers the Challenge, “the other classes did 21 partner band rows”. With a twinkle in her eye and a slight grin, “I’m just saying…” – oh it’s ON! Green Band!

Girl girl girl, you gonna set me on fire… it’s hard to breathe, and my chest is a heavin…”

When we are all done with our Tabata Tuesday workout someone says (& it doesn’t matter what day it is, someone always says…) “Lets go do some Hills”. Today I replied all proud of myself, ‘I already did Hills’ (yeh me!). I was then informed that I had done “PRE-Hills”, it was time for “POST-Hills” (really?!)… and out the door we went. Lynn  is doing 10 hills now (U go Girl!), making our Fran proud (we miss you Fran!).

I gotta say 6pm is definitely not made up of slackers…

My hands are shaking, and my knees are weak. I can’t seem to stand on my own two feet.”

“Who do you THANK when you have such luck, I’m in LOVE… I’m ALL SHOOK UP” (side note: I ran out of lyrics and had to switch songs, gotta love THE KING… who knew he was singing about Bootcamp?? Sven needs an Elvis soundbite- can I put in a request?)

Blog you later.


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