New Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord Training Time

We are pleased to announce that starting April 18, 2011 we will be expanding Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord and adding a much requested afternoon training time:

4:15 PM!

As is our custom we have added this additional training time as our training staff has grown and is able to provide the excellence and quality you deserve.

I understand that another evening slot has been requested as well, and once this training time is up and running we will take a look at additional expansion.

Once again thank-you for choosing to train with us. We do not take it for granted and look forward to continuing to serve you.

Click Here To View Our Full Training Schedule and To Register

Let’s Make It Happen – 9th Annual Rock ‘N Race Is Here!

Ok gang, we are a little late to the game this year, but Coach CJ is taking over the team for the 9th Annual “Rock N’ Race” to benefit the Payson Center at Concord Hospital.

The race is on a Thursday this year, so it was knocking up against our training schedule, but we are going to get it done with CJ in the lead. I know many of you support this great cause through teams at work, but we want to keep the tradition alive (this will be our 2nd year), so if you are “teamless” we would be honored if you would join ours!

Our team name this year is “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer”, and you can find our team page and register here

Just click “Join Our Team” to register.

The early registration deadline is April 1st in order to get team T-Shirts, and we need a minimum of 10 walk/run participants for that to happen.

If you have never participated in this 5K or any 5K, get on board. It is a tremendous amount of fun with all sorts of goodies before, during and after the race. The sense of accomplishment is tremendous, and we all just have a great time supporting a great cause – Curing Cancer!

Make It Happen!

Ramblings of a Procrastinator

I have plenty of time… I have 24 hours to get my goal sheet done, I mean ‘passed’ in. As well as my food log for three days. Nancy says I have until 11:59pm on Friday. No problem, plenty of time says the Procrastinator.

“Don’t f- this up” states our Drill Sergeant (ed-I VERY much doubt she said that 🙂 overseeing the 6pm accountability. She is down right scary! So I spent this evening filling out forms, signing onto websites and it  hits me, I believe I’m a procrastinator?! It is not as though I like to wait until the last minute, I tend to get off schedule. I’m easily distracted, or just not in the right frame of mind to complete these tasks.

Sunday, I was so excited for S3 to begin, I had my plan, shopping, prep for the week & ready to go… ‘ooh look, shiny bauble’, instead of Grocery Shopping. I opted for going Snowboarding for the day. Really? do you blame me?? if there was a ‘Dislike’ button for grocery shopping I would be hitting it repeatedly. So, how’s  that snowboarding now that there is no food in the house?

It caused a little issue while I had to bare my soul on the ‘food log’ for the past 3 days. I am so not compliant… and I expect to lose weight?! Who am I kidding?? I did manage to stop at the store on Monday for a bag of salad and celery. My food log is pathetic, but I could atleast document a few green items and it wasn’t even green beer!

We are now 5 days into the S3/2 Challenge and I’m still on the porch!  Of course the easy thing to do would be to just say ‘forget it’. Of course that would mean I am backing down from a Challenge… haha- uh no! I’m still in the game, just got a slow start.

It may not be the end of my poor choices throughout the next 7weeks however, I don’t give up. Some of you may find yourselves in my shoes. Just remember, you can’t  undo the situation but you can learn from it, forget it and move on…make good choices and get back on track.

Blog you later.


Get Fit NH Bootcamp Coach Named “Best of the Best”

For the 2nd year in a row a coach at NH’s award winning Get Fit NH Bootcamp has been named “Best of…” in the category of Fitness Trainer by the readers of the Hippo Press. Following up on last year’s award by co-owner and husband Dean Carlson, who won “Best of Concord”, Coach Nancy Carlson proved once again that girls do it better and was named not only “Best of Concord”, but “Best of the Best” for the entire region.

“Winning this award is amazing” says Coach Nancy. “We have the best clients in the world, and to have them think enough of me to vote for me is humbling and just another reason why I love coaching and helping them succeed.”

As one of Get Fit NH Bootcamps team of professional coaches, Nancy helps her clients reach their goals as head coach of the Epsom locations high energy, fun and effective fitness bootcamps, which she calls “group personal training”. She says “Our bootcamp is more than just your average group exercise class. Our system is carefully designed to keep you safe and injury free while providing a really fun place to sweat, laugh and get in great shape.” Nancy continues “The group personal training concept means that our clients get the personal attention they need to reach their goals, not just a spot in a room full of machines.”

To discover how Coach Nancy can help you reach your goals, please email her at or give her a call at 603.344.2651. For a free 2-week trial to her Epsom/Concord boot camp to experience the best personal training in NH, please visit

Nancy Carlson is the co-owner of Cr8 Health & Fitness, and a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Youth Fitness Specialist. As a busy mom of six, she understands what it takes to integrate a healthy lifestyle into a hectic schedule. Nancy was recently named “Best of the Best” Fitness Trainer by readers of NH’s Hippo Press. Nancy is also a fitness boot camp instructor and runs the highly popular Get Fit NH Bootcamps (www.GetFitNHbootcamp) with her husband and co-trainer Dean in Epsom, NH.

Lean, Toned or Muscle?

When a man hears the word “Muscle”, he is probably thinking of big biceps, broad shoulders and a tapered waistline.

A women might be thinking the same thing, which is all well and good as long as it isn’t her sporting the huge guns!

Conversely when a women envisions being “Toned” she is thinking thin, slim and shapely. You know, looking good in a swimsuit.

A man probably has the same idea, as long as it’s not him with the 12 1/2″ biceps and eurosuit.

The common denominator?

Both goals (muscle/tone) really are both sides of the same coin and usually require two components:

  • Maintaining or acquiring lean tissue (muscle)
  • Losing bodyfat

A common objection (and misunderstanding) among women is that resistance training will “bulk them up” and they will look like a man. In reality this is very difficult for a women (it’s hard enough for men to gain large amounts of muscles) primarily because of lower amount of hormones such as testosterone in women compared to men. While there can be exceptions (“Outliers” as defined by Malcolm Gladwell) it is certainly not the norm for women to get “hyooge” with hard and even heavy weight training. Take a look at Coach Nancy (as I like to do) and you will see what I mean.

When you do not strength/resistance train during “dieting” you run the serious risk of losing large amounts of your metabolic engine – lean/tone/muscle, which has serious negative consequences down the road.

Your bodies main task is to do one thing – survive. When you don’t eat enough calories to maintain your current weight, your body assumes you don’t have enough food, and true to form starts doing what is necessary to stay alive. Unfortunately for you that means it is going to shed the most metabolically active tissue first – your muscle (the lean, tone, good stuff).


Because muscle requires about twice as many calories to maintain as the stuff we don’t want – excess fat. Plus fat stores energy, so while your body might burn some off to meet your energy requirements it is going to buckle down and keep as much as it can.


You resistance/strength train (which is why we focus on such training).

So our goal when losing “weight” is in reality to keep as much as the good stuff (lean/tone/muscle – hereafter known as LTM) and get rid of the bad stuff (excess bodyfat).


We don’t want to metabolic engine to slow down, which occurs when we lose LTM.

Remember… Lean burns about twice as much energy (calories) as fat, so keep the lean – lose the fat.

We have probably all heard of “Yo-Yo” dieting. A person goes “on a diet”, loses a bunch of weight, goes “off the diet” and ends up fatter than before.

That’s because he slowed down his metabolic engine by losing a bunch of LTM, and when he goes back to eating “normal” his body doesn’t require as much energy (calories) and starts storing the excess as bodyfat – Ughhh!

An Example:

Two women (Matilda and Madeline) want to get into beach body shape for the summer. They are both weighed, measured and their bodyfat % calculated, and how amazingly convenient, they both have the exact same percent of bodyfat, which happens to be 40%

Starting Weight: 170 lbs

Lean Tissue: 102 lbs

Fat Tissue: 68 lbs

Bodyfat: 40%

Six months later Matilda and Madeline come back to be weighed and measured again, and lo and behold both have lost 40 pounds! The scale is my friend, or is it? Let’s dig a little deeper.

Matilda Madeline
Ending Weight: 130 130
Lean Tissue: 82 lbs 102 lbs
Fat Tissue: 48 lbs 28 lbs
Bodyfat: 37% 21.50%


Matilda and Madeline both weigh the same (140 pounds) but their bodies are nothing alike! Although Matilda lost 40 pounds total, she only lost 3% bodyfat and sacrificed 20 pounds of LTM to do it!

On the other hand Madeline managed to preserve all her Lean/Tone/Muscle and lost 19.5% bodyfat – nicely done!

We will outline how Madeline did it in a minute, but first I want to show you what the difference is.

Fellow fitness pro Leigh Peele has created a guide to body fat percentage, which shows you what different percentages look like on both the male and female body. It is well worth the look at both the page and the website and downloading her free guide.

Click on the link below and scroll toward the bottom of the page, there you will see a visual of what 30%, 25%, 20%, all the way down to 11% looks like (if you download the guide there are more example).

Click this link (go ahead, I’ll wait)  Leigh Peele Bodyfat Pictures and Percentages

Pretty dramatic difference between 30% and 20%, wouldn’t you say?

How to get on the “Madeline” plan

There are some basics to preservation of LTM while concurrently losing bodyfat.

They include:

Resistance/Strength Training: As we discussed last time, steady state aerobics does not have the LTM preserving abilities or the fat burning abilities of resistance/strength or high intensity interval training. You must give your body a reason to preserve lean tissue, and when you resistance train your body wants to adapt to that training by preserving/building more LTM.

Adequate Protein Intake: You must have enough material (protein) to both maintain the daily functions of living and build/maintain the LTM. Inadequate protein intake affects your immune system, your hormones, and ability to maintain your structure (LTM). How much is adequate? A loaded question for sure, but a general rule of thumb for healthy adults with no contraindications is 1 gram of protein for every pound of LTM and often higher. So Madeline and Matilda would have been eating around 100 grams (400 calories) from protein every day.

Eat Slow Carbs: Read Low Carb or Slow Carb

Recovery Drink & Meal: Read Post Workout Nutrition Made Easy = Better Recovery = Better Results

Additional Recovery: Getting enough sleep, recovery between training sessions, reducing stress, and taking a whole-food multivitamin are also supportive activities to keep your fat loss fires burning.

So while Madeline is enjoying her new healthy body, Matilda continues to struggle and find herself bouncing on the yo-yo once again. If only she had listened to her coach! 🙂

Don’t Be Matilda!

Coach Dean

Award Winning Fitness Bootcamp Announces “Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2011”

Get Fit NH Bootcamp, awarded “Best Gym in Concord” in 2010, is excited to announce the start of Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2011 (S32). Last years “Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown” winner Melissa Tyler lost 10.9% of her bodyweight and took home a prize package worth over $1000. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing transformation of the winner of S32!

Everybody knows that it’s difficult to find the motivation to both get and stay in shape. Friendly competition is a powerful incentive to push people to achieve things far beyond their wildest fitness aspirations. Nancy Carlson, co-owner of Get Fit NH Bootcamp says “It’s great to get a group of motivated people together to work diligently to achieve something extraordinary. Entering the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown contest essentially puts you in a position for success. The built-in social support and accountability plus coaches who really know how to help you succeed keeps you focused on the task at hand. People love to win stuff! Nothing beats a little extra incentive to keep your eyes on the prize.

Besides just seeing who loses the most weight, the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown awards participants for actions taken toward their ultimate goal. The coaches at Get Fit NH Bootcamp know the clients who progress most quickly have common traits; they are accountable to their goals, to their training, and to their nutrition plan. The contests top prize will go to the participant who proves best at staying focused on those tasks.

Get Fit NH Bootcamp loves giving things away and recognizing client achievement. Nancy claims: “A transformation contest provides that extra incentive that many people need to push out of their comfort zone to finally make the complete commitment to change their bodies, and to change their lives. The fact of the matter is that the group as a whole achieves better results than they would have without the friendly competition that constantly pushed them to get better. And that’s what it’s all about – a total team effort to achieve one objective!”

The Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown’s total contest package is offering over $1,000 in prizes. The contest period will run 8 weeks, from March 14th 2011 to May 6th, 2011. To learn more about this contest, please email Nancy at or give her a call at 603.344.2651. For a free 2-week trial to her Epsom/Concord boot camp to experience the best personal training in NH, please visit

Nancy Carlson is the co-owner of Cr8 Health & Fitness, and a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Youth Fitness Specialist. As a busy mom of six, she understands what it takes to integrate a healthy lifestyle into a hectic schedule. Nancy was recently named “Best of the Best” Fitness Trainer by readers of NH’s Hippo Press. Nancy is also a fitness boot camp instructor and runs the highly popular Get Fit NH Bootcamps (www.GetFitNHbootcamp) with her husband and co-trainer Dean in Epsom, NH.

Get Fit NH’s Latest Equipment – The Lifesaving AED

At Get Fit NH Bootcamp we have a wide variety of training equipment to keep your training fun, innovative and effective. Our latest equipment won’t help you get stronger, faster or leaner, but it may be the most important piece of equipment we have ever invested in.

As you enter both of our facilities you will now see a cabinet on the wall that contains an AED, or Automatic External Defibrillator. If you have taken a CPR course recently, more than likely AED training was included.

What does an AED do?

Lord willing nothing ever.

But in the event of a cardiac emergency, An AED is a device that analyzes and looks for shockable heart rhythms, advises the rescuer of the need for defibrillation and delivers a shock if needed.

AED’s are becoming more common in the workplace and other public places as costs have decreased. We were able to purchase our AED’s through a program administered by the State of NH at a greatly reduced cost compared to even a couple of years ago, when they were extremely expensive.

These devices required a physician to sign, much like a prescription, and we have submitted paperwork that inform local EMS of their presence and location within our facilities.

If you have never received CPR/AED training, I would urge you to look at the following resources for more information.

American Heart Association

American Red Cross

Meal Management to the Rescue

There’s no doubt that prepping and planning your meals is not only crucial to achieving your best body, but also extremely challenging! Today’s hectic lifestyles make “grab and go” a lot more likely than “sit and relax”.

Who’s got the time to prepare?

In this seminar Coach Nancy (who is a mom of six, homeschools her kids and is a full-time fitness professional) will guide you every step of the way.

Nancy says “Achieving your best body AND eating great food can coexist. The key lies in your ability to PRE-PLAN and PREPARE. You must reorganize the way you eat.  At “Meal Management To the Rescue” you’ll learn how to easily pull mealtime together for your family. You’ll walk away with a week’s worth of dinner meal plans plus the ability to expand that to a whole month, a cheat sheet for meal preparation, and 14 ways to make breakfast easy.”

Date: Saturday March 19, 2011

Place: Get Fit NH Bootcamp Epsom

Time: 9:00am – 10:30am

Investment: $10 (crazy low)

Space is limited to 20 participants, so don’t delay. Click the payment link to below to reserve your spot!