Ramblings of a Procrastinator

I have plenty of time… I have 24 hours to get my goal sheet done, I mean ‘passed’ in. As well as my food log for three days. Nancy says I have until 11:59pm on Friday. No problem, plenty of time says the Procrastinator.

“Don’t f- this up” states our Drill Sergeant (ed-I VERY much doubt she said that 🙂 overseeing the 6pm accountability. She is down right scary! So I spent this evening filling out forms, signing onto websites and it  hits me, I believe I’m a procrastinator?! It is not as though I like to wait until the last minute, I tend to get off schedule. I’m easily distracted, or just not in the right frame of mind to complete these tasks.

Sunday, I was so excited for S3 to begin, I had my plan, shopping, prep for the week & ready to go… ‘ooh look, shiny bauble’, instead of Grocery Shopping. I opted for going Snowboarding for the day. Really? do you blame me?? if there was a ‘Dislike’ button for grocery shopping I would be hitting it repeatedly. So, how’s  that snowboarding now that there is no food in the house?

It caused a little issue while I had to bare my soul on the ‘food log’ for the past 3 days. I am so not compliant… and I expect to lose weight?! Who am I kidding?? I did manage to stop at the store on Monday for a bag of salad and celery. My food log is pathetic, but I could atleast document a few green items and it wasn’t even green beer!

We are now 5 days into the S3/2 Challenge and I’m still on the porch!  Of course the easy thing to do would be to just say ‘forget it’. Of course that would mean I am backing down from a Challenge… haha- uh no! I’m still in the game, just got a slow start.

It may not be the end of my poor choices throughout the next 7weeks however, I don’t give up. Some of you may find yourselves in my shoes. Just remember, you can’t  undo the situation but you can learn from it, forget it and move on…make good choices and get back on track.

Blog you later.


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