Fat On Purpose?

FatI understand that using the word “Fat” is not very politically correct in this hyper-sensitive day and age we live in. This may come as a shock to you – I don’t care. Well actually that’s not true – it’s because I DO care that I call it like I see it.

I shared a story in one of our classes recently about my doctor, well actually the guy who used to be my doctor. I weighed about 250 when I went to see him for my physical one year. I was trying to head him off at the pass and told him “I know I need to lose a few pounds”, actually a very significant understatement. He said something like “Well most of us do, you are not really that bad”. I have thought about that statement often over the years, and it still stuns me. I realize now that this man also was very overweight, learned later that he smoked, and in fact was dead of heart disease in his fifties. He had his own issues that he wasn’t dealing with, and maybe that was being reflected in the advice he was giving his patients. The other thing that occurs to me is that physicians are being sued for hurting people’s feelings, for calling them “Fat”. Now while I understand sensitivety may be called for, I also know that we have allowed that sensitivety to translate into a culture that is very rapidly killing itself through it’s own behaviour.

I WAS fat – no two ways about it. To call it anything else is denial, and it was killing me, just like it’s killing a very large part of our population, some quicker than others. If you are waiting for someone to solve the obesity problem let me clue you in – it’s starts with me, and it starts with you.

Ok, enough ranting!

Did you see the story on Good Morning America about the trainer who gained 90 pounds so he could empathize with his clients? While I understand his motives (publicity being pretty high on the list) I think he got more than he bargained for.

I have to post the link because GMA won’t let us embed it, but I want you to watch the video and tell me what you think in the comment section below.

Here’s a couple things to look for:

He says he got addicted to fast food – real quick

His posture from the extra weight – ouch

and from a training standpoint, I would encorauge him to get off the machines and get that body moving…

Check it out and let me know what you think.


Make It Happen!


A Recipe from Superstar Get Fit NH Bootcamp Member Brenda

I wanted to share a fantastic recipe from Brenda, who is blasting off the pounds and inches at bootcamp, and is doing a fantastic job with her nutrition plan. She has embraced it full force and Making it Happen! Brenda was at 92% compliance on her plan and dropped 4 pounds last week – Crank It!

Brenda forwarded a recipe of her own creation for us to share with you, and it is excellent. Full of protein, fiber rich veggies and great tasting, you’ll want to make this one ASAP!

Thanks Brenda for not only the recipe but the helpful suggestions to make it our own!

Chicken with Portabella Mushroom

2 Tablepsoons olive oil
Garlic- Garlic or 4 cloves minced garlic about 1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 large sliced red pepper
1 large sliced portabella mushroom
4 skinless boneless chicken breast
4 slices swiss cheese

In a small skillet, I take 2T of olive oil, Garlic-Garlic (a Tastefully Simple product – or minced garlic or garlic powder works too), sliced red pepper, and sliced portabella mushrooms; sauté.
Put your skinless, boneless chicken breasts on the grill until done (or you can bake in the oven at 350 for an hour if you want).  Place the chicken a throw-away tin pan, neatly put your sautéed red pepper/mushroom mixture on top of each piece of chicken. Place a piece of baby swiss on top of each chicken…. return to grill with tin pan of chicken to melt cheese.  YUM!


  • I like to marinade my chicken first overnight and the Maple Grove Fat Free balsamic works good with this recipe.
  • I also like things “spicy” so I add cayenne pepper to my veggies!
  • If you’re going to have asparagus on the side, you put it on the grill in a tin pan with a bit of olive oil while your chicken is cooking.
  • I also like this dish over a bed of steamed baby spinach!
  • This can be easily be done in advance it is very good re-heated for lunch the next day!

You’re Making It Too Hard

Get Fit NH BootcampI was reading an article yesterday in which trainer and coach Alwyn Cosgrove was being interviewed. He was asked what he would do if he had to get a movie star in the best shape possible in 8 weeks.

There is a quote within this quote that really resonated with me, as it is the foundation of my own nutrition and what we do with our own clients who are committed to changing their body rapidly.

Cosgrove said: “You could make some great changes in that time frame. I mean, if you had someone prepare all your meals to the perfect caloric amount for the next 56 days, you’d make amazing changes in your body even without training. Consistency is an amazing thing.

For the regular guy who doesn’t have a blank check I’d just design a four-day meal plan and rotate through it for the entire 56 days. Like I said, consistency is key. As Chad Waterbury once said:

“If I told you to consume one gram of protein per pound of body weight, fibrous vegetables, water, green tea, 12 grams of fish oil, and spread those out over the course of six meals each day, you’d be anything but impressed. But if I held you in captivity and forced you to do that every day for a month, you’d be blown away by the results.”

Do that for 8 weeks and people will accuse you of being on something.”

Let that sink in – the best trainers and coaches in the world don’t so rely on exotic supplements and complicated diets to get their clients into the body of their dreams. It’s CONSISTENCY that counts. Daily effort repeated over and over.

Lean protein, fibrous carbs, essential fatty acids, water, green tea. There is not one person that can’t do that if they really want to.

If said it before and I’ll say it again – STOP looking for the magic bullet. DO what you know to do today. And then do it again tomorrow. Then do it again the next day. If you can eat well one day, you can do it two, then three, then four. Before you know it 30 days goes by and you’ve made SERIOUS progress.

You feel better. Friends start noticing you look better. It’s exciting, it’s motivating, and it makes you want to push on.

Don’t start Monday, because Monday never comes.

Make It Happen – Do It Now – Let Us Help.

Have a great weekend,


Workout & Win This Saturday

Get Fit NH BootcampWant to get in a workout AND win some cool prizes? Of course you do!

We Need Your Help!

As we mentioned earlier this week we are going to be at Old Home Day in Epsom this Saturday, August 8th.

At 12:10 pm you are going to get the opportunity to show your stuff as we are going to hold a fast and furious bootcamp workout.

We need you there! Here’s the deal, everyone who shows up Saturday and participates will get rewarded for their efforts, but we are also going to hold a drawing for some cool prizes.

  • A gift certificate for a one hour massage from Chichester Massage
  • A Precision Nutrition “Gourmet Nutrition” cookbook
  • A $25 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods

I don’t want to give all those prizes to Joe – so Make It Happen!

Please put in the comment section below that you are going to be there.

See you tomorrow,

Dean and Nancy

Breakfast Burns Bodyfat Better

Here’s a couple recipes that will start your day off right! Mom was (and is) right – breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Both these recipes take have the protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs to keep you fueled and full, build lean muscle and burn bodyfat.

You say you don’t have time in the morning to make breakfast?

Both these recipes can be made ahead of time and reheated – It’s what I do every single weekday, and it works.

There are two versions – One for men and one for women. Start with these portions – you can adjust later if necessary.

Don’t look for reasons why it won’t work for you, look forward to the results of taking action and Making It Happen!

Eggs & Bacon

2 Whole Omega-3 Eggs
Fresh Spinach
2 Slices Jennie-O Turkey Bacon
1 Tbsp of grated cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or Colby Jack works well)
Non-stick olive oil cooking spray

4 Whole Omega-3 Eggs
Fresh Spinach
4 Slices Jennie-O Turkey Bacon
1 Tbsp of grated cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or Colby Jack works well)
Non-stick olive oil cooking spray

Spray large skillet with non-stick spray and place on medium heat. On one side, place your slices of turkey bacon. On the other side, crack your two eggs. Allow them both to cook. Flip the bacon once it is browning on one side and sprinkle the cheese on it. Fry the eggs to your desired level of doneness. Remove the eggs from the skillet and place them on a plate, side-by-side. Add fresh spinach on top of both eggs. Remove the bacon once the cheese has melted and place each one on top of the egg.

Mexican Omelet

2 Whole Omega-3 Eggs and 5 Egg whites, beaten
2 Whole Omega-3 Eggs and a 1/2 cup of pre-purchased liquid egg whites
½ Cup No sugar added Salsa
Non-stick olive oil cooking spray

4 Whole Omega-3 Eggs and 5 Egg whites, beaten
4 Whole Omega-3 Eggs and a 1/2 cup of pre-purchased liquid egg whites
½ Cup No sugar added Salsa
Non-stick olive oil cooking spray

Heat skillet on medium heat. Pour egg mixture into the skillet and cook until almost completely firm. Flip the omelet. Place the salsa on one side of the omelet, flip the other side on top, and slide onto a plate to enjoy.

A Field Trip & A Saturday Workout!

Food Inc.Get Fit NH Bootcamp is taking a field trip.
Join us tomorrow at the Red River Theatre in Concord for one of the final showings of Food Inc.  This is a special showing of the movie that includes a discussion panel after the movie. The movie begins at 6:30. (I had the wrong time so make sure you note the time)   Let us know you will be coming so we can purchase tickets at a group rate ahead of time. At the door the price is $10.
In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation’s food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that’s been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government’s regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising — and often shocking truths — about what we eat, how it’s produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here.

Want an additional fun filled free bootcamp workout?   This Saturday we will be at the Epsom Old Home Day and will provide you and all who would like to join us for a fantastic workout.   Maybe we’ll do tabatas, or lots of burpees, or a zillion pushups. You won’t know until you come out to do this 20 minutes fast fat burning workout!   This event will be held at Webster Park in Epsom. Please contact us for more details.

Sugar By Any Other Name

Congratulations to the first “graduating” classes of Get Fit NH Bootcamp at the Concord Dance Academy, as well as all of our Epsom members who “survived” bootcamp!

Here’s a few pictures styling with the new shirts – Great Job!





Making It Happen!


I admit it,  I am getting a bit cynical regarding food manufacturers, even the ones who purport to sell “healthy” food.

I have come to the conclusion that the first rule of food shopping I need to remember is this – The vast majority of manufacturers will say anything legal (i.e. – legal but not necessarily ethical) to sell their product.

Case in point – the trend to call sugar anything but “sugar”. My new favorite is “Organic Cane Juice Crystals”. Think about that one!

We have been encouraging you to read labels, so I thought we would share some names for sugar – some recognizable, some not. If you have any more you’d like to add, write it in the comments below.

Sugar By Any Other Name

  1. Barley malt
  2. Cane juice crystals
  3. Demarara
  4. Dextran
  5. Dextrose
  6. Diastatic malt
  7. Diatase
  8. Ethyl Maltol
  9. Fructose
  10. Fruit juice
  11. Galactose
  12. Glucose
  13. Golden syrup
  14. Lactose
  15. Maltodextrin
  16. Maltose
  17. Malt Syrup
  18. Maple Syrup
  19. Molasses
  20. Muscovado
  21. Panocha
  22. Refiners syrup
  23. Rice syrup
  24. Sorbitol
  25. Sorghum
  26. Sucrose
  27. Treacle
  28. Turbinado

and that doesn’t even touch all the forms of Corn Syrup…

Take control and know what you are eating – it makes all the difference.

Make It Happen!

Dean and Nancy


More Delicious Recipes You Can Try Anytime!

UMPWe have had a number of our members purchase Ultimate Muscle Protein from us in the past couple weeks, and we wanted to share some of our favorite ways to use it apart from smoothies and shakes.

While these recipes are great anytime, the first two are great for breakfast. You can make either one of them faster than it takes to toast a bagel, and they will feed your muscles and keep you full a whole lot longer! If your current nutrition plan allows, try the “Wonder Bowl II” with a 1/2 cup of mixed berries – mmm mmm!

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

The Wonder Bowl

1 Cup of Full Fat Cottage Cheese
1 Scoop of Chocolate Ultimate Muscle Protein
2 Tbsp Flax Meal

Mix ingredients and enjoy with a small dollop of Redi-Whip whipped cream on top.

The Wonder Bowl II

1/2 Cup of Plain Yogurt
1 scoop of Vanilla Ultimate Muscle Protein

Mix ingredients and enjoy with a small dollop of Redi-Whip whipped cream on top.

Peanut Butter Hot Fudge Protein Pudding

You have to pay a little more attention with this recipe, but when you get it right it is really good!

1-2 Scoops Chocolate Ultimate Muscle Protein
1 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter

Mix UMP chocolate with enough water to create a “thin pudding” consistency. Heat in a microwave safe bowl for a few seconds at a time until heated, but not cooked. If it cooks too long it get “gummy” so be careful. Set aside.

Heat natural peanut butter in a separate bowl until it softens and you can “drizzle” it onto the protein.

Enjoy with a small dollop of Redi-Whip whipped cream on top.

Have a great weekend!

Dean and Nancy

5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Fat

Today we are sharing a great post from our friends Drs. Chris and Kara Mohr. These two are the real deal when it comes to losing bodyfat and integrating healthy habits into a busy lifestyle.

Besides being PhD’s, the Mohr’s run bootcamp classes in Louisville Kentucky, and they understand that exercise plus optimal nutrition equals fat loss success.

Here’s a summary of the “5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Fat” – Click the link below to read the whole article.

Top 5 Fat Loss Mistakes

  1. Portions are out of control.
  2. Thinking all calories are created equal.
  3. Outeating your exercise.
  4. Skipping breakfast as a way to “save” calories.
  5. Thinking exercise is your answer to losing fat.

Find out the total scoop by clicking here: 5 Fat Loss Mistakes

Make It Happen!


Rocking The Referral Rewards!

Today we are talking about the BIG GREEN, and I don’t mean Dartmouth!

We absolutely love it when our happy members tell others about Get Fit NH Bootcamp, and we love passing out the cash to those who do!

Donna Check

I want to go over our Referral Rewards program again so you can get in on the action too!

Here’s Donna happily holding a check for $25 she earned for sending Mark our way.  Donna told Mark about Bootcamp, Mark signed up – and we get to write Donna a check! Outstanding!

But wait – It Gets Better!

Last Week we introduced you to these babies – Bootcamp Referral Rewards 2.0!

Referral Card

And here’s where it get’s really cool –

When we get one of these cards back from one of your friends, family, neighbor, co-workers, postman , whomever – and they sign up for our fat-blasting, body sculpting, energy boosting Bootcamps – Not only do they get $50 off their first month, but we hand YOU a $50 bill as well!

Want Proof? Well here you go!

Dana and Jenn

That’s Jenn on the left with her card and Dana on the right sporting a brand new $50 Bill!

Rumor has it Dana has big plans for that 50 – if it’s not gone already 🙂

Dana didn’t keep bootcamp to herself – she shared with Jenn how much she loved it and EVERYBODY wins!

And never forget, we appreciate each and every one of our members and how you have helped us grow! We WANT to hand out those $50’s, so grab yourself some more cards – Don’t Keep It A Secret!

If you have any questions, let us know!

Make It Happen!

Dean and Nancy
