Fat On Purpose?

FatI understand that using the word “Fat” is not very politically correct in this hyper-sensitive day and age we live in. This may come as a shock to you – I don’t care. Well actually that’s not true – it’s because I DO care that I call it like I see it.

I shared a story in one of our classes recently about my doctor, well actually the guy who used to be my doctor. I weighed about 250 when I went to see him for my physical one year. I was trying to head him off at the pass and told him “I know I need to lose a few pounds”, actually a very significant understatement. He said something like “Well most of us do, you are not really that bad”. I have thought about that statement often over the years, and it still stuns me. I realize now that this man also was very overweight, learned later that he smoked, and in fact was dead of heart disease in his fifties. He had his own issues that he wasn’t dealing with, and maybe that was being reflected in the advice he was giving his patients. The other thing that occurs to me is that physicians are being sued for hurting people’s feelings, for calling them “Fat”. Now while I understand sensitivety may be called for, I also know that we have allowed that sensitivety to translate into a culture that is very rapidly killing itself through it’s own behaviour.

I WAS fat – no two ways about it. To call it anything else is denial, and it was killing me, just like it’s killing a very large part of our population, some quicker than others. If you are waiting for someone to solve the obesity problem let me clue you in – it’s starts with me, and it starts with you.

Ok, enough ranting!

Did you see the story on Good Morning America about the trainer who gained 90 pounds so he could empathize with his clients? While I understand his motives (publicity being pretty high on the list) I think he got more than he bargained for.

I have to post the link because GMA won’t let us embed it, but I want you to watch the video and tell me what you think in the comment section below.

Here’s a couple things to look for:

He says he got addicted to fast food – real quick

His posture from the extra weight – ouch

and from a training standpoint, I would encorauge him to get off the machines and get that body moving…

Check it out and let me know what you think.


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