Training And Mom Guilt.

This is a topic on my mind. I struggle with it and I am seeing many new mom’s and dad’s struggle with it too. If you are a new parent or parent to be or thinking about being a parent some day or know someone who is a new parent then read away!

I am a mom of 2. I am a wife. I work full time. I work weird hours. I have a husband who works full time. He also works weird hours. We are still a family and yes, it is HARD! Most days I see my husband for approximately 45 minutes. That is no joke. When he comes home from work we high five and I go to work. We almost never have family time during the week. Weekends are for us. I almost never work weekends, because of this. Most weekdays I feel guilty to leave my kids for over an hour to go train, especially if I just work a full day and I know when I come home they will probably be in bed or ready for bed. Mom guilt kicks in more than I am proud of. It is a fantastic week if I get in three training sessions. Life is busy. 

I am luckier than most new mom’s, because I reminded daily why it is so important to be consistent in training. So many of the people I work with day in and day out have kids that are grown and are now starting a training program, because they finally have time for themselves. Many of them have not taken care of themselves for years, because they were so busy taking care of everyone else. Many of them have regrets of not finding the time when they were younger. I don’t want regrets. I am lucky to be reminded of this. Other new parents are not reminded of this day in and day out.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage you. Don’t get hung up on training 4 days a week. If you have little kids that is HARD especially if you work full time and don’t see them all day. Dedicate yourself to at least 2 days and any other day you make is a bonus. Cut yourself some slack and be proud of yourself for getting in. I have yet to meet someone who leaves the gym wishing they did not go. 

They say this time goes by in the blink of an eye. Do yourself a favor and keep your eyes open. Don’t wake up and be 20 years older and 20+ pounds overweight not knowing where to begin. We are here for you.

Mom guilt (dad guilt) it’s totally a thing, but don’t be a victim of the risks that come with being an out of shape mom or dad!

Keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

Coach Nancy Invites you to Coffee

Have you ever wanted to sit down with one of your coaches and pick their brain? Do you have questions you've wondered about? Or maybe I am just the coolest and you want to hang out with me? 

Here is your chance to chill out on a Saturday morning and chat with me. I will be at Live Juice on Main Street Concord from 9-10am. It'll be a relaxed atmosphere we can hang out and talk. If you train in Epsom you KNOW I can talk. There won't be any of that awkward silence. 🙂

 Here's the deal, I'm in Concord waiting for Drew as he trains in Athlete Academy. (if you have a teen they can train while you get some time chilling with others from Get Fit NH). I'll get to Live Juice as the doors swing open at 9am. We can chat while we order our coffee or a Funky Monkey or whatever else Live Juice can whip up. Then we can chat more in their cafe' atmosphere. I'll have to leave at 10 so don't wait until 9:47 to arrive. 

This will start on March 3rd. This to be a trial run, if this works well for many of you, show up. If not we'll find a different venue and time. I'll be there March 3, 10, 17, and 24th, and I'd love it if you'd join me! 

See you March 3rd at Live Juice!

Please Help: Blood Drive at Get Fit NH March 28th!

We are honored to be holding our annual blood drive on Wednesday, March 28th from 12:00pm to 6:00pm at our Concord facility. 

We have worked for the past few years with Cecil and Carol Hawkins, and they do an incredible job getting people to come out, so if you want a spot, sign up early! 🙂

Carol send me a flyer to help spread the word, which is the image you see below. It is a fully printable copy, so you can download it and post it  - thanks!

The easiest way to sign up is to click this link and type in sponsor code: CECIL

That will bring you right to the signup for this drive.

If you have a great place to put a flyer please print one and and put it up, but even if you don't please read it and see why this is so near and dear to Carol and Cecil's heart. It truly is life-saving!

Thank-you for all you do!

Coach Dean

A Spotlight for Sarah Smith!

This spotlight is an important one, especially for those of you who, like myself, struggle with back pain and are frustrated at not making progress or constant pain.  It is a longer spotlight but it is 100% worth the read, find the time to sit down.  I’m extremely proud of Sarah and how far she has come, read her story here:

“Pain sucks.  No one wants to physically be in pain and that’s been me for the past three years.  I am not a person who wants modifications or to bother someone to ask what I should be doing since the workout provided causes me pain.  I want to be that person who walks into the gym for the first time and just grabs 75 lbs. to do a goblet squat without a second thought because why not but unfortunately that is not where I am at these days.  I started working out at Get Fit NH two months before I got pregnant in 2014.  I was overweight and willing and ready to make a life style change to fix that and get healthy.  I worked out all throughout my pregnancy which threw the healthy journey I started on a little curve ball when all the normal pregnancy quirks set in like food aversions, nausea for days, back pain, etc.  But I continued to show up every morning at 6:15am and chalked up the severe discomfort and pain I started to feel in my back in my second trimester from moving a certain way, sitting, riding in a car or really anything to what I thought was normal back pain that would go away once I gave birth.  Birth.  Well that’s a story for a different day but it was not good.  48 hours of labor that ended in a not great C-section.  So…there I was, baby out and in way more pain than when I was pregnant. 

I found new challenges in life I had never thought about after birth; walking in general but also while carrying anything in my hands, sitting or getting up out of chairs, stairs, lying down in bed or getting myself up from bed.  All these things I had always taken for granted I now needed help to do and caused me considerable pain.  Maybe it would have consumed me if I didn’t have a sweet little baby girl to show for it or maybe that made it even harder because I really didn’t feel like I should care for myself and try and recover.  I went back to working out eventually, though it was not 6 weeks out as planned as I was not recovered enough then.  It took at least a few months to even feel like I could move semi-comfortably. Once I did go back I remember my husband telling me to “cool it” and me thinking what did he know -  I wasn’t pregnant anymore I could do anything!  I was SO excited to be able to do a squat thrust again after not having that huge belly that I tried and fell flat on my face – I had a C-section, I had no abs, what was I thinking?  Idiot.  However, things that I should have been able to do without pain still gave me pain.  For instance, just being able to get up off the floor didn’t happen without back pain.  I finally came to the realization that something was not right and sought out a physical therapist that specializes in woman’s post-partum back, neck and pelvis pain and was given the answers to my questions.  My hip and pelvis on my right side were considerably out of alignment and rotated as compared to my hip/pelvis on my left side.  There were some definite complications during my C-section on my right side so it made sense they were not in alignment – quick fix I thought.  After quite some time of physical therapy, and these parts not staying in place as they should, it was determined that this had been an underlying issue that was just exasperated by pregnancy weight gain and the eventful birth of my daughter but it was not caused alone by childbirth.  It now made sense why I was in pain so early on in my pregnancy.  This was not going to be a quick fix.  I was not going to be able to go into the gym and just do all the trainings without modifications.  Modifications where going to be my life for a while.  

The last two years I’ve spent seeing my PT weekly but I am in communication with her multiple times a week; we’re best friends at this point!  I was waking each morning doing my PT exercises and ending each night before bed with exercises. You might have heard me and my friend Stacey, who has similar struggles, joking about making sure to “tuck” our hips/pelvis to hold ourselves in the right position to protect our lower backs and sharing stories of all of our PT exercises and how to hold our positioning. It wasn’t until recently that I didn’t need to do those PT exercises anymore to stay in relative alignment.  This spring I was starting to feel better, my abs where strengthening and I was doing a better job about keeping myself in alignment.  It made sense to start working towards doing the exercises I had been staying away from for years so that I could progress.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if that’s where the pain story ended?  It was at this time that I digressed and anything I tried to do at the gym caused me pain.  Adding in even the smallest unilateral movement blew up my back and made even the exercises that I used to do without pain, very painful.  My PT and I talked about me taking a short break from working out as I was losing my mind.  The pain just kept getting worse, especially after experiencing a time when I had started to get better to go backwards was just heartbreaking.  In a mere month, I went from downgrading my PT visits to twice a month to upping them to twice a week just to correct my alignment so I could try and function properly with some relief.  I was getting so frustrated that I wasn’t getting better and it just seemed like I was getting worse every time I tried to do something to progress back to the point where I used to be.  Coach Adam noticed this and pulled me aside to ask if I could have my physical therapist write him an email explaining to him, from the beginning what was going on with me.  He wanted more than what I could give him which was “I can’t do anything unilateral” or “I know I’m out of alignment and that hurts my back; I need a modification”.  He wanted to know in more technical terms what was going on so he could try and help me progress without pain. I think he thought if I could progress it would help to keep me more positive about continue to recover and in turn more accountable about coming to class.

So, for the last four months, my PT and the Coaches at Get Fit have been in communication about my progress, what has set me back and what I need to avoid for now or what I can slowly add in again to build up my tolerance.  Coach Adam has been drafting up training modifications for me (if you all have seen me with a white piece of paper in hand!) and has also had me do exercises at the gym to keep my positioning in check, using a DS band to get my glutes to fire as they should and taught me breathing exercises to additionally learn to tuck my ribcage.  I remember the day not long ago that I felt my abs fire while doing a regular body weight squat and I got so excited.  That meant I had finally found the right positon to be in and my abs had finally come far enough along to support and hold me in that correct position so that my back wasn’t in pain.  I totally downplayed my excitement but I made sure to tell Coach Adam because I wouldn’t have got to that point had he not worked on the breathing exercises with me that enforced tucking my ribcage to engage my abs.  Breathing, we all do it - seems silly to teach or talk about, right?  Well it taught me how to hold myself properly and move without pain.  Not silly to me now.  

Now to the point.  My pain journey has been all about stepping stones.  I progress, push myself a little too much and I digress and re-asses with a lot of help.  I think the hardest part about all of this for me, besides the pain, is that I couldn’t be doing what everyone else was doing and I have learned I have to be ok with that.  I needed to hone in on certain parts of my body and build them up so that I could support myself properly and I just needed to show up to training because people were there to support me.  I needed to essentially re-train my body and the coaches have been so great at making it happen (had to throw that one in – right?).

These days you can find me at 6:15am (or sometimes 8:30am class) happily ‘trying’ to do all the things I could once try without a second thought.  I won’t be “making poor life decisions” (like that Coach Meagan?) by pushing my body too much but I will be trying to progress to get back to a new normal.   I still will have pain some days as I retrain my body how to do certain exercises that will allow me to progress and get healthier.  I have to be ok with that fact and keep at it to work through it the best I can. Through the help of several amazing Coaches and an amazing PT (my very own dream team!) I’m progressing and starting to feel better.  It’s seemed like such a long road for this perpetually impatient person but I’m showing up and I’m feeling better than I have been in several years.”

-Coach Adam

Last Call for the Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop 3.0

Our crock pot freezer meal workshop is right around the corner. You cannot delay because spots fill up FAST!

These meals are another way to make dinner quickly and easily AND a different way to plan and prep your meals for the week or the month.

Sign up today for the "Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop 3.0" on February 24th and we will do the hard lifting for you.

Here are some of the comments from students who participated in our last crockpot workshop:

"I loved the crockpot seminar. It was fun and has been feeding my family for the past several weeks. We loved the cashew chicken and beef stew the best! I liked how we were able to leave with the meal completed and participate. Thank you for putting this on!"

"THANK YOU so much for sending these. I just loved the workshop and look forward to the next one. What a great way to prepare healthy meals quickly."

"I LOVED the Saturday class on crockpot freezer cooking. My husband and I had the balsamic chicken last night and it was great."

"I thought the class ran smoothly. I liked the set up, and it was fun to work with people I had never met. I really had fun."

Here are the 5 meals we will be making together and you will be taking home:

Cool Ranch Shredded Chicken Tacos

General TSO's Chicken

Cilantro Lime Chicken 

Yummy Italian Sausage

Beef Carnitas

Each meal feeds 4 to 6 people, and they are yum-mee!

Space is limited to the first 15 that register, so get in on the "Crock Pot Freezer Workshop 3.0" by clicking the “Register Now” button below.

Crock Pot Freezer Meal Workshop
Date: Saturday, February 24, 2018
Time: 9:00am to 10:00am
Location: Get Fit NH Epsom
Cost: $90 (that's just $18 for each meal that feeds 4-6 people!)

Happy Valentines Day! Will you show us a little love today?

Happy Valentines Day everybody! 

Will you be our sweetheart today, and show us some love in the Hippo Press "Best of..." awards? 


In case you didn't know, Get Fit NH has won a "Best of..." award eight (Count 'em...8) years in a row, and that is all because of YOU!

Thank-You Again!

We are confident that with your help we can share the good word with many others in New Hampshire and get their health and fitness journey started. We appreciate your vote so let's get started! Check out the link below:-)

Here's your "Get Fit NH Voting Guide". Don't forget you need to vote in 15 categories to be counted, but with all the cool things to do in NH, that will be easy-peasy!

Please Vote in the following categories:

19. Best Gym: Get Fit NH Concord

20. Best Workout Class: Smart Group Training Get Fit NH Concord

103. Best Fitness Instructor: Nancy Carlson Get Fit NH Concord

Fitranx – 300 & 500 Pound Club!

Over this past phase you may have noticed we have been working you up towards lifting some HEAVVVYYYY weights.  You all have taken the challenge and I don’t believe I am mistaken in saying that many of you push yourselves beyond where you thought you could.  I am proud of all of you for pushing yourself.  With that being known, the next Fitranx Badge we will be focusing on for the month is the 300 and 500lb club!  The way to earn this badge is simple (notice I said simple, not easy), in order to earn this badge your deadlift, squat, and bench press must add up to over 300 or 500 lbs respectively.  Some of you may have already broken that barrier with just the deadlift and squats alone over the past week!  

During the month of February we will have note cards for you to record your weights on so that we can give you that badge when you earn it.  If you have any questions, please ask your coach!  Good luck to all.

-Coach Adam

Building Skills, The Fitranx Timeline.

This blog is written for a couple reasons, one to announce that for those eligible to take on level 4, we are going to be pushing it off until March 17th. The movements required for Level 4 require more practice than those of the previous 3 levels. They are both more metabolically taxing and require the time to get the skill down. As many of you know Fitranx is a nationally administered program, and the goal is to put everyone in the best position to blow the test out of the water. Many of you have expressed interest in the Fitranx program, and many of you have already participated.

For those of you who have already completed levels 1, 2, and 3, just keep in mind one thing, all of the movements on those tests were ones many of you have been doing for years.  Level 4 requires that you gain new skills that we have never worked on in this environment previously.  So while you may have been able to go through the first three levels with the tools you already had in your toolbox, the next levels will require you to have some new ones, and that takes coaching and practice.   In the image below you will see the basic timeline for about how long it could take to be prepared for each test.  Its not a matter of weeks, it’s a matter of months, see below;


Just remember that is between tests, not total, so for example on average, those who pass level 3 will take about 4-5 months of training to pass level 4.  Does that mean its not possible you may be ready sooner? Of course not, everyone is different, but the skills required for each successive test take time to develop.  Remember, the last thing we as coaches want is to hold you back, but if we aren’t preparing you correctly then what’s the point of testing?  

If we as coaches think you need to work on your metabolic conditioning or technique, what good does it do you if we: A.) Just invite you anyways and you aren’t able to pass, or B.) You don’t have the technique down and we pass you when you should be passed, how does either do you any good?  If we pass you when you didn’t actually pass the test, then why even test in the first place?  We as coaches want you to accomplish great things, but just think can you really accomplish something if you just change the rules so you can?  

-Coach Adam

Coach Nancy Loves Football- Go Pats!

I love football – Go Patriots!

You can party and keep your waistline intact. If you don’t want to look like a lineman after Sunday night, try some of these healthier choices for the big game!

Coach Nancy’s Guacamole

  • 3 ripe avocados
  • ¼ red onion, chopped fine
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Half the avocados, remove the seeds and use a spoon to scoop the flesh into a bowl. Mash with a fork. Fold in the tomato, onion, lime juice and salt. Taste for seasoning.

Using Hester’s Grillin Spice Rub Create your own Spicy Chicken Wings

The amount of wings is up to you. I usually make 3 pounds. 

Hester’s Grillin Spice Rub

  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup chili powder
  • 1/4 cup Spanish paprika
  • 2 T onion powder
  • 2 T garlic powder
  • 1 T cumin
  • 1 tsp cayenne
  • 2 T thyme
  • 2 T basil
  • 2 T oregano
  • 2 T coriander
  • 1/2 tsp. white pepper
  • 1 T. ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Rub wings with a little olive oil first.  Add spice rub to a Ziplock bag and shake wings until well coated. Arrange wings on baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes. Turn and sprinkle with more spice rub. Bake for an additional 20-30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

Coach Dean love's Buffalo Wings, find out how he makes them here. 

Enjoy the game, 

Coach Nancy

Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop with ALL New Recipes

Our crockpot freezer meal workshop has had a makeover. This time with BRAND- spanking new recipes. Mark it on your calendar and sign up now for February 24th at 9am in Epsom. As you may have learned from our last workshop- you cannot delay on this!

Spots fill up FAST!

I love cooking, but there are times (recently quite a few times) when I don’t have the opportunity to cook each night. 

These meals are another way to make dinner quickly and easily AND a different way to plan and prep your meals for the week or the month.

You could:

1.) Find 5 recipes using only ingredients that can be frozen
2.) Write out your grocery list (don’t forget the freezer bags, herbs, spices, oil, and vinegars)
3.) Go shopping
4.) Chop, cut, prep the ingredients and add them to the freezer bags
5.) Freeze
6.) Thaw slightly and put in a crock pot to cook while you are busy with other things

But wouldn’t it be better to avoid Steps 1-3?

I thought so!

Sign up for Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop on February 24th and we will do the hard lifting for you.

In case you are not sure this is for you here are some of the comments from students who participated in our last crockpot workshop:

"THANK YOU so much for sending these. I just loved the workshop and look forward to the next one. What a great way to prepare healthy meals quickly."

"I LOVED the Saturday class on crockpot freezer cooking. My husband and I had the balsamic chicken last night and it was great."

"I thought the class ran smoothly. I liked the set up, and it was fun to work with people I had never met. I really had fun."

Here is the list of those 5 BRAND- spanking new meals we will be making together and you will be taking home:

Beef Carnitas
General TSO's Chicken
C​ool Ranch Shredded Chicken Tacos
Yummy Italian ​Sausage
Cilantro Lime Chicken

Each meal feeds 4 to 6 people, and they are Yum-Mee!

Space is limited to the first 15 that register, so get in on the Crock Pot Freezer Workshop by clicking the “Register Now” button below.

Crock Pot Freezer Workshop
Date: Saturday February 24, 2018
Time: 9:00am to 10:00 am
Place: Get Fit NH Epsom
Cost: $90 (Wow! what a deal)

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