Being Your Coach is Not a Nuisance

I have to settle this misconception once and for all! It is a privilege to be your coach. When you hire anyone, you reserve the right to have expectations and ask questions. As your coach, we work to be problem solvers WITH you not FOR you. So let me give a few examples of what I am getting at...

  • If you need a modification. Something hurts. You are unable to perform an exercise. It is NOT a nuisance for us to find something that WILL work.
  • If you don’t understand why we are doing an exercise or a specific training cycle or type of training, it is NOT a nuisance for you to ask WHY. There is a reason behind what we do and we can always do a better job keeping you in the loop.
  • If you are not making the progress you think you should be making, it is NOT a nuisance to ask for help setting realistic goals and reasonable action steps.
  • It is our job to know exactly how your body is feeling, what hurts today, if you are sore, if you are tired, if you are excited and if you are stressed, so you are NOT a nuisance for sharing those things with us!
  • It is NOT a nuisance for those of you with whacky schedules who need to jump around training times. We are THRILLED you are keeping your commitment and when you let us know you make us even more thrilled, because you are expressing your commitment

I know our relationship is probably a little tighter than with, say, your accountant, but the expectation is the same. We are here to make your investment worth it and guide you to success.

-Coach Meagan

Northwood Meadows Hike

October 1st Hike Cancelled Due To Weather - See You Next Week!

Join us for some leaf peeping and all around fun while we hike the Northwood Meadows!

The 6:15 crew in Epsom began this tradition of hiking a while ago. We want you to join us. We'll be hiking the Northwood Meadows trail the first two Saturdays in October. It takes about an hour depending on how much leaf peeping you do. Dogs are welcome in the park.

Dates: October 1st & October 8th
Time: 8am in the parking lot
Location: Northwood Meadows State Park

Nellie Shines in the Nutrition and Training Spotlight

14183871_10154521612553410_7091546577619141930_nOnce a month I have the privilege of leading the Jumpstart Nutrition Workshop. I meet so many people from all different places, family situations, vocations. Each of them are traveling toward a better place of health but are in different places in that journey. I’m not sure I would recognize Nellie today. She has made changes that are giving her big results. Results that she didn’t even expect.

Take it from here, Nellie:
“When I met with Meagan on my initial success session,
We both agreed I know how to eat healthy, I was just not doing it. I have discovered I need some level of accountability, whether to myself, or to a group. I’m not sure which one has had the biggest impact, but I’m not over analyzing it. It’s working!

What I did not realize was how to vary the healthy foods and make them “Not only chicken”! Since starting the “21 Day Jumpstart Detox”, I have more energy and some other discomforts have just gone away. I have learned how avoiding grains, sugar, and too much dairy has impacted how I feel!

For the most part I have been compliant. I made a conscious choice beginning with what I was and was not ready
to incorporate into my daily life, and have not beat myself up over the choices.

I have coffee, with a little 2% milk (only dairy daily). I have other things I am going to work on in the future but for now this was just right. I enjoy playing a board game with my husband about two times a week, and this includes a glass of wine (4 small glasses total since beginning detox). Again, this was a pre-determined choice before beginning.

Additionally, I am surrounded by “unhealthy” foods. Initially, it was challenging. Now, I have no desire to even consider eating them. My family eats them, I make/buy/cook/bake them. I just don’t eat them. I make the time to make my own healthy meals.

In training I am getting stronger, slowly. I know that I need to get more weight off in order to push myself. My frame was not designed to carry this. I am confident this will come off as I continue doing what I am doing. I don’t want to get hurt, it’s my nature to be competitive, both against myself and others (Coach Meagan has seen this once or twice). I’m too old to push myself to injury. I am lucky I don’t have more aches and pains and I’m grateful at the same time.

I found myself antsy to “test out” of a few bands, but decided I should be patient, enjoy the process and the progress and not beat myself up for not being where I was 25 years ago physically especially with coordination!

I love the program you have set up. I love the support, encouragement, patience ss well as the happy! I enjoy the varied coaching, Meagan and Adam compliment each other so well.

I don’t know if I’ve lost much weight. My clothes are a bit looser. I notice little things, rubbing my arm, and having it feel different, to the point that I look and see the difference is toning! My complexion is clearer and the extra dark circles under my eyes I have lived with all my life don’t seem as dark. All of this is a combination of both what I’m eating (or not eating) and training.

So thank you, for now I’m on my right track, and look forward to continuing the journey! I’ll get there! Wherever “there” is. I think I will know it when I get there!

I’m aware many people need to have it cut and dry. I don’t. Rules are guidelines to me, I really do appreciate all of the suggestions and guidelines provided.

My really bad habit… Well, I’ll let it go, I just don’t know when. I have to be ready.

Thanks for being there!


This is powerful. Nellie is doing it just right. She is taking those steps forward. She is seeing her progress and feeling it. And yet she is living life. I am so proud of Nellie.

Keep on doing what you are doing. Train smart, eat with better choices, and at some point we’ll tackle other things. Let these changes settle in, then take on a bit more.

What are you going take on today to move forward? Remember, we are here for you.

Coach Nancy





Athlete Academy: Too Fast, Too Strong

This is my inaugural Athlete Academy specific blog, although many of you may also find it helpful. This post, as most of mine do, has to do with the mental aspect of training and performing. When it comes to athletes, this is extremely important.

Many times, athletes who have all the skill in the world never reach their potential because they don’t have that “killer instinct” for lack of a better term. They go into a tryout or a competition thinking “I don’t know these kids, I haven’t played or raced these kids, they are probably better than me”. I have had this happen to me in the past. I remember trying out for soccer my freshman year and thinking exactly that. So I was nervous, tentative, and just didn’t have the confidence to let my skill do the talking. As a result, I didn’t make the team and didn’t get to play my freshman year.

You have to have that mental capacity, the belief that “I have worked my butt off, I will win”. That’s where the “Too Fast, too strong” comes into play. You have to believe that you are faster than the other player heading for the loose ball, that if he comes to take it from you he won’t be able to because you are too strong. It’s in these moments that having confidence in ourselves is something that is a must. You have to believe you really are either too fast or too strong for that other team and that you will prevail.

I know that many of you may see this as arrogance, but here’s my response to that sentiment – if you believe you are too fast and too strong, and you get beat, guess what? That is yourself correct right there. If you truly believe in yourself and have confidence in yourself and you still get beat, then you know you have more work to do, but it will ultimately create that fire to keep it from happening again. So believe in yourself, believe that you are too fast, too strong, and if you allow it to, it will create the fire you need to be successful. Coach Adam out!

-Coach Adam

Meet Coach Cari

cariHello my name is Cari O’Shea and I am the newest member of the coaching team at Get Fit NH. Here at Get Fit NH I hope to help individuals reach their goals and to influence them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the young age of 22, I hope to bring a positive and fun spin to everyone’s training session. I am a recent college graduate from UMass Lowell, where I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Physiology with a minor in Psychology. I am also a Certified Personal Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine. Exercising and pushing my body to its limits, both physically and mentally, has always been something that I was familiar with growing up and was passionate about. I began gymnastics at the young age of four and enjoyed the sport so much that I was a competitive gymnast for about ten years. The sport is what really gave me the drive to learn more about the human body, the way it functions, and the benefits that staying physically active has on your health and your overall outlook on life. I was formerly a gymnastics instructor teaching toddlers through high schoolers the fundamentals of the sport. During this time I came to the realization that I loved teaching, educating, and motivating others and felt like I was now ready to reach out to the greater population and help them reach their goals.

We are thrilled to have Coach Cari on board. We are already pleased with her ability to coach and command a room. We are psyched to watch Cari grow in this team, this family and this industry! Let’s welcome her!

Coach Meagan

Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop is Returning!

Our crock pot freezer meal workshop was so popular in the spring that we’ve decided to bring it back again! This time we're offering it on a Wednesday night in Epsom.

You cannot delay on this because spots fill up FAST!

I love cooking, but there are times when I don’t have the opportunity to cook each night. Lori from Epsom has been making freezer meals for the crock pot and raving about them, so she agreed to bring them to us!

These meals are another way to make dinner quickly and easily AND a different way to plan and prep your meals for the week or the month.

You could:

  • Find 5 recipes using only ingredients that can be frozen

  • Write out your grocery list (don’t forget the freezer bags, herbs, spices, oil, and vinegar)

  • Go shopping

  • Chop, cut, prep the ingredients and add them to freezer bags

  • Freeze

  • Thaw slightly and put in a crock pot to cook while you are busy with other things

But wouldn't it be better to avoid steps 1 through 3?

I thought so!

Sign up for the Crockpot Freezer Meal Workshop on October 5th and we will do the hard lifting for you.

Here are some of the comments from students who participated in our last crockpot workshop:

"I loved the crockpot seminar. It was fun and has been feeding my family for the past several weeks. We loved the cashew chicken and beef stew the best! I liked how we were able to leave with the meal completed and participate. Thank you for putting this on!"

"THANK YOU so much for sending these. I just loved the workshop and look forward to the next one. What a great way to prepare healthy meals quickly."

"I LOVED the Saturday class on crockpot freezer cooking. My husband and I had the balsamic chicken last night and it was great."

"I thought the class ran smoothly. I liked the set up, and it was fun to work with people I had never met. I really had fun."

Just to remind you, here are the 5 meals we will be making together and you will be taking home:

  • Cashew Chicken
  • Balsamic Chicken
  • Thai-ish Chicken Wings
  • CN's Italian Sausage
  • Savory Beef Stew

Each meal feeds 4 to 6 people, and they are yum-mee!

Space is limited to the first 15 that register, so get in on the Crock Pot Freezer Workshop by clicking the “Register Now” button below.

Crock Pot Freezer Meal Workshop
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Time: 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: Get Fit NH Epsom
Cost: $80 (that's just $16 for each meal that feeds 4-6 people!)

Please fill in the form below and let us know you want in on the November 5th Crockpot Freezer Workshop and we will notify you before it opens to the public!

Brookford Farms CSA Pickup at Get Fit NH Is Continuing

garlicveggies.jpgI don’t want you to find out about this too late. Brookford Farms has been delivering boxes of vegetables all summer long, and they are not done. Become a CSA member and you can pick up your box of veggies and goodies after you train? A one stop shop – cool beans. 

As you probably know we are huge fans of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and have written on the topic quite a few times, so when Get Fit NH Superstar Carlene Ruesenberg told me about the Brookford Farm CSA I was excited to pass it on. But there is more here than just information. Hold on…..

There is nothing fresher, tastier, and yes even more friendly to the environment than having local produce grown by local farmers. For those of us who don’t have the time or talent to grow our own veggies, getting involved in a CSA is like gold!

This is where it gets exciting, Get Fit NH is sponsoring a pickup place for Brookford Farm’s CSA. You will be able to pickup your veggies at Get Fit NH in Concord.  For those of you out in Epsom, Coach Nancy will bring your food to the Epsom gym for pickup there as well. I would say that’s perfect for everyone!

Brookford Farms has an easy registration process. They have different packages to fit your family’s needs. While registering simply check the box for Get Fit NH Concord as your pick up place. Your veggies start arriving on October 24th, 2016 – March 12th, 2017.

You can register using this link    Brookford Farm CSA Online Registration     

If you need help please contact Jodi at or 603-742-4084

Thanks Carlene for doing all the legwork to Make this Happen!

The Spotlight Shines Again

This time on Marcia Trexler! Marcia is fairly new to the family, but has taken to the program and is always excited to be here, get better, and be coached. Listen to her story from Maria herself:

Why did you choose Get Fit NH?
I have known about Get Fit NH for several years now as I teach in Bow with several colleagues who have attended the program. Some of them have committed to their workouts with Get Fit NH for up to four years. I have seen their bodies transform. They are lean and strong. That latter description regarding their strength, I did not know about until I joined Get Fit and began this journey of transformation. I see what is on the outside - who knew they were so STRONG!

What changes did you notice in the first few weeks?
Strength- that is what I have observed about my own body changes since I joined Get Fit NH in mid-July. I am stronger. As I shared at my strength assessment meeting prior to starting, one of my rationales for joining was to stay strong and become stronger. I am a pretty active person. My teaching job as a FACS teacher (Family and Consumer Science - formerly Home Ec.) has me on my feet all day walking around my classroom. I have worn a Fitbit for about 2 ½ years now and I average 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day. I lift a lot of heavy things in my classroom. My husband jokes that I am strong because of the years of carrying and lifting grocery bags - double duty as I do it for school groceries and for home.

What outside of Get Fit NH has become easier since starting?
With all the bending and lifting I do in my job, I have found that the little aches and pains that would sometimes bother me are much reduced. I am more flexible. My movement is more fluid - I am still careful but have an increased level of surety as to how I move - like doing a “squat” (I think I am finally getting this one move down). I shared with Adam and Megan that as I approach age 60 and want to keep teaching for at least 5 more years, I need to take better care of my body - or it is not going to let me keep doing a job I love for many more years.

What are your goals?
What every woman wants - not just to age gracefully, but to look somewhat graceful and able-bodied. I have always thought that if I could be on dancing with the stars, I would need to be strong. I would need stamina. Being lean and strong can take you a long way with any physical challenge you choose to take on. Get Fit NH is a way for me to have future opportunities doing things I might not otherwise feel I could do and to continue to enjoy the activities I currently do for many years to come - like skiing, bike riding and kayaking.

What is your favorite part about Get Fit NH?
I love going! I find talking with the coaches is easy and they are always friendly. I enjoy meeting new people and like that my classmates are supportive and helpful. Many times they have “deciphered” the day’s exercises up on the board for me. Many of them have heard me say it is like “foreign language”. So, to sum up my experience thus far - I love going!!!

Keep up the hard work Marcia!
-Coach Adam

Kellie is Gaining More Than She Thought

I love coaching because when you get healthier you AUTOMAGICALLY get happier, and the world needs more happier! This is Get Fit NH's mission. I am so excited to see that become a reality. My goal is to have little ole Epsom, NH be known for the place where the world started to get healthier. I see it happen before my eyes. Kellie is proof that we are changing lives for health. Not just better health, because as Kellie becomes healthier, she became happier. I'm excited for Kellie. She is making it happen daily. Check out what Kellie has to say.

I have belonged to a gym franchise for many years. I would walk in and aimlessly wander around, not sure where to begin. I was bored there and found it difficult to motivate myself to get there, knowing it was the same routine of equipment. My boyfriend Denis has been attending Get Fit NH for 5 years. I've seen the results first hand for him. He really enjoys the workout and most of all the coaches and members.

Feeling out of shape and wanting a structured program, I decided to join. Two years ago I studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and received my certification as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. Health and nutrition has always been a passion of mine. In this program I learned that if our personal aspects of life are not in balance first, then it plays a role in our food choices and habits. Having my own life challenges and health issues, I could see where this played into effect for me. Exercise was a challenge and often put on the back burner for me. I realized this needed to be a priority for me. Most of all I was looking forward to working out with my life companion as a team.

In two weeks, I realized that I can get up at 4:45 am. The hour goes by fast. I'm in worse shape then I realized. But, I have really enjoyed the workouts. I've really enjoyed Coach Nancy and her sense of humor and her encouragement to push myself a little more. I Can Do It! When I leave, I feel great, and this carries me through the day. I have just completed my first month. I already feel stronger. For years, my lower back back has bothered me daily. I would toss and turn all night in pain. I woke up the other day and realized that I've had no back pain for weeks. And I sleep really well now. My overall experience has been so positive! Get Fit NH feels like one big family, everyone looking out for each other. It is so true, speaking from experience, that when you feel in shape you are happier, and when one person is happy, its contagious. Thank you Get Fit NH for creating and spreading the ripple effect of happiness...

One Month Survivor

Make Training an Appointment

I have had the pleasure of meeting with a number of students who describe their training hour as a scheduled appointment. I wanted to share this thought with you, because it may help you adjust your mindset a bit.

When you have a doctor’s or dentist appointment, you have it written down or logged in your phone. You know that at 8 AM you will be where you said you were going to be, because someone is expecting you. Most of the time you will work the rest of your schedule around said appointment and if you just cannot attend then you do 1 of 2 things (usually) – you call to cancel or you reschedule….what am I getting at exactly?

I challenge you to make your training hour an appointment. When you schedule meetings and other outings, schedule around your set appointment. The luxury of training at Get Fit NH is that we are flexible. Of course every now and then life happens and you have to rearrange your schedule a bit. Another training hour is always open to you when life happens. Sometimes life happens all at the same time in one day and you really cannot make it- it happens and we won’t hold it against you! We won’t start to give you the coaching stare unless is becomes a habit!

The world we live in now is so fast paced. Our jobs, our kids, and our family are all a few factors that distract us from ourselves. When it comes to your health- be selfish. Get to your training appointment and do your best every month to get your name on that perfect attendance poster. You have the power!

-Coach Meagan

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