Get Fit NH coaches add title of nutrition ‘Supercoach’ to already impressive resumes

sheildlogo.Dean and Nancy Carlson earn Masters Level 2 nutrition certification

Get Fit NH has been offering award winning group fitness training at their locations in Concord
and Epsom for more than seven years. In addition to their popular group fitness training, they
also offer comprehensive nutritional counseling.

Get Fit NH Coaches Dean and Nancy Carlson recently completed Precision Nutrition’s Level 2
Master Class, a year long program which provides coaches with tools to allow them to “go
deeper” into truly understanding what motivates, drives, and empowers their clients to improve
their lives. The focus of the course was on real world nutritional challenges and solutions. The
course had both a theory component and a practice component in which coaches were given
specific real world nutritional challenges and they practiced how they would help clients deal
with them. The course encouraged participants to focus on their own growth and develop their
own unique coaching style. Coaches who successfully complete the course earn the title of

“Going through this course, as challenging as it was, really helped me feel more confident in my
ability to help all our clients — from all walks of life — achieve their own goals through the
power of nutrition. Given the world we live in, clients need that help and care more than ever. I
can’t begin to express how much I enjoy changing lives and truly making a difference,” Nancy

With this nutritional certification, Get Fit NH offers clients a powerful one­two punch. Get Fit NH
teaches clients that the way to success is through training as well as nutrition. In combination
with their Smart Group Training certification earned this past year, which enables them to
provide a focused, personalized, safe training program for each client, the supercoaches at Get
Fit NH now have all the best tools in their arsenal to help clients eat better, exercise smarter,
and improve their health.

In 2015 Get Fit NH was voted best Boot Camp by New Hampshire Public Television; for the last 7 Years, Hippo
Press voters have honored Get Fit NH as a “Best Of” in the Best Gym category, this year being voted “Best of the
Best” gym in all of New Hampshire for the third year in a row. Also this year, Coach Nancy Carlson received “Best of
the Best” Fitness Instructor honors for the fourth time since 2010. Get Fit NH’s success is due to their continuous
drive to do what it takes to make their clients better. They offer the support of group fitness training, nutrition
coaching, and fitness and nutrition seminars at its locations in Concord and Epsom. Call 344­2651 today to make it
happen for you.

Athlete Academy Fall Semester Starts September 12, 2015

photo (12)We just finished up an incredibly successful summer session at the Get Fit NH Athlete Academy, and we are gearing up for fall!

As we get back into the swing of school and fall sports we know it’s a busy time, but so many of our families have asked us for in-season training we had to respond. Our burden is to help our athletes reduce their potential for injury while maintaining their off-season gains. It is a careful balance of training and recovery that will help keep the athlete healthy and active, not run down and tired.

Our athletes are required to sign and follow the GFNH Code of Expectations. Failure to live up to these expectations can lead to dismissal from the Academy, so please read carefully and be willing to follow. Download your copy here.

The Fall Semester will start Saturday September 12, 2015 and run through Saturday December 19th. Training will be from 8:00am until 9:15am. Each athlete will have a program that is customized for their needs in addition to the Saturday training that they will do on their own. Examples would include an additional strength day, specific mobility work, or recovery training. Each athlete will have an online log as well as a private group the athlete, parents and coaches will have access to.

We are excited to get this program going. Coach Adam has done a tremendous job this summer, and we are looking forward to working with y’all all year round!

Space is limited, so please don’t delay getting in on the action.

If you have any questions please contact us here or give us a call at 344-2651. See you soon!

GFNH Athlete Academy Fall Semester (13+)

Assessment: To be completed by Wednesday September 9, 2015 (New Athletes Only)
Dates: September 12, 2015 – December 19, 2015
Days: Saturday
Time :8:00am – 9:15am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Fall Semester Tuition: $269

Please fill out the registration form below to hold your spot, and we will contact you shortly to complete the registration process.

PLEASE NOTE: There is an updated profile and release form we need all athletes and parents/guardians to complete. Thank-you.

Giant Family Group Labor Day Training

You won’t want to miss this! group

Monday, September 7th we will be FRESH off of recovery week. Chances are you will be itching to get back in here so that you can continue getting better. We gotchya covered! We know that most of you have a different schedule on Labor Day so we are going to let ya sleep in a little or get it in early!

Join us at 8 AM in Concord to get your training in! We love getting the whole family together and laying some sweat down 🙂

See you then!

Coach Meagan

Where: Get Fit NH Concord

When: Monday, September 7, 2015 (Monday after recovery week!)

Time: 8 AM 

Get Fit NH “Happy and Healthy Headlines”

Newsletter August 2015 Front-page-001Make sure you download and pass around a copy of our brand new “Happy and Healthy Headlines.” Our August edition features Maryann Canary’s one year anniversary spotlight and Linda Bucknam tells us all about travlBudi and how she loves helping people travel easy and have a great time.

When your friends ask what “Get Fit NH” is all about, hand them their very own copy of “Happy and Healthy Headlines!”

Click Here To Download Your Copy

Thanks for choosing to train with us!


Supplements Part 2: Protein Bars

protein bars-page-001Just as with our protein supplements, we have been picky with the protein bars we recommend as well. For years we have only carried Dale’s Raw Protein Bars, which are a fantastic product.

For a number of reasons we decided we needed to have a “backup” source, and after searching around for quite awhile we decided to bring Quest Bars in, at least on a trial basis.

I will reiterate – eat real food, most of the time. Relying on supplements for your nutrition is not the way to your best body, but they do have their place.

Click Here To Download Your “Choosing A Protein Bar” Cheat Sheet

As always, let us know if you have questions, we are here to serve!

It’s Almost Party Time – Strongman/woman event listing here

signup2-150x150.jpgA number of y’all have been asking about the events for the strongman/woman contest we are having on the 22nd, so I wanted to give you a sneak peek into the events.

But first things first!

If you haven’t signed up for the Run for Heroes 5K yet, please do so ASAP. You must sign up through this link, not just fill out our RSVP. Thanks!

Speaking of RSVP, please let us know you are coming to our party on Saturday the 22nd. Get all the details and RSVP Here. Don’t Forget The Summer Side Dish Contest!

Guys I am afraid we are taking the strongman contest just a wee bit too seriously. We are going to have a lot of fun doing some stuff we normally don’t get to do, so I would encourage you no matter how strong you think you are, get involved – life is too short to be a sissy! 🙂

warhammerHere are some of the events we are planning on doing.

  • Hand-Over-Hand Sled Pull
  • Trap Bar Carry
  • Get-Fit-Mobile Push
  • War Hammer Hold
  • Deadlift
  • Carry Medley

Get out of bed, come on out, have some fun, eat some food, and win some prizes!




What’s in Your Nutrition?

Whole 9Get Fit NH has teamed up with Whole9, specialists in the field of nutrition and a respected authority in the health and fitness community, to provide our clients with a comprehensive nutritional program designed to make you the healthiest you’ve ever been. Why are we focusing so much on what you eat? Because we believe nutrition is the foundation of any good fitness program, and the gateway to optimal health. And we think your nutritional habits play such an important role in achieving your health and performance goals that we’ve asked Whole9 to design this nutrition program for our clients.

Eat Real Food.

Our belief is that a good nutritional program should be centered around eating real food. We know that fad diets, crash diets, miracle pills and “meal replacements” are not part of a balanced, sustainable path towards improved health and fitness. Instead, we encourage you to eat high quality meat, seafood and eggs, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and healthy sources of dietary fats – it’s that simple. Just eat good food, put your meals together in a way that is simple, balanced and (most importantly) sustainable, and experience all of the tangible benefits that come from a nutritional plan designed to help you create a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food.

The Whole9 Nutrition Program

We believe implementing good nutritional habits from the very start is so important that we provide all of our clients with a comprehensive printed handbook designed to walk you through Whole9’s nutrition program. Your handbook includes all the tools you’ll need to succeed, including:

  • Our nutritional “elevator pitch” – Nutrition in 60 Seconds
  • list of food groups that detract from your health and fitness, and those groups that make you healthier
  • A detailed Shopping Guide, including helpful hints for making high quality food choices
  • The Whole9 meal planning template, outlining portion sizes, meal frequency and pre- and post-workout nutrition
  • Delicious, Whole30-approved recipes that follow our meal planning template, and a 7-day meal plan
  • A multi-category FAQ to help you hit the ground running
  • A number of helpful resources – additional recipe sites, references, books and movies
  • The Whole30, Whole9’s original program designed to “change your life in 30 days”
  • The Whole30 FAQ, to help guide you through your 30 day program

Whole9 Nutrition
Date: Wednesday August 12, 2015
Time: 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Place: Get Fit NH Epsom

Get Fit Family Appreciation Party! 5k/Strongman/Cookout = One Fantastic Day!

sunThe Get Fit NH End of Summer “We Love The Get Fit Family” Appreciation Party will be an event you don’t want to miss. Geared toward the whole Get Fit NH family and your whole family as well!

To start the day we are proud to announce that we have decided to sponsor, support, and promote a great local 5K for a great cause. Alex Hoeker is a senior at Bow High School who is organizing the “Running for Heroes” 5k. Read his story and sign up for the race here.

Next we will be holding our first annual Strongman/woman contest. We are looking forward to “getting our strong on” with some really fun events. Watch and/or participate, it’s up to you!

Finally we will be holding our “Super Side Dish” contest. During lunch you will get to sample and vote on your favorite, with fabulous prizes to be awarded!

There is fun to be had by all, with games for the kids and fun for the whole family. We would love if you could spend the whole morning with us, but don’t let that stop you from dropping by when you can. Participate in the 5k, the Strongman/woman contest, come to the cookout, or all three! ( just bring that side dish with you!) 🙂

Get Fit NH End of Summer “We Love The Get Fit Family” Appreciation Party

Saturday August 22, 2015


8:30am: Running for Heroes 5k
10:00am: 1st Annual “Get Your Strong On” Strongman/woman contest
11:00am: Fire up the grill and party!

During lunch y’all get to vote for your favorite side dishes, with prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We’ll have games for the kids, Coach Dean’s famous pulled pork, and plenty of meat on the grill.

Please fill out the form below so we can plan the best day ever – We all look forward to seeing you there!

Running For A Cause: Sign Up Now for the “Running for Heroes” 5k

running for heroesHey Get Fit NH family, I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine and ask for your help to support a great cause. Alex Hoeker is a senior at Bow High School, and for his senior project he is organizing and running (no pun intended) an event he has named “Running for Heroes” 5k, with all proceeds going to the Wounded Warrior Project. As you most likely know Coach Meagan and I are service veterans, and we also have family that have served or are serving; in Meagan’s case her husband is a veteran and my oldest son Tim is currently active.

In communicating with this fine young man over the past couple weeks I have been impressed that his senior project truly is secondary to his passion to support the Wounded Warrior Project. I have worked through the numbers with him and Get Fit NH is getting behind the project in a couple ways. We are not only going to be a Gold Sponsor, but I want to use our influence and more importantly the influence of you, the Get Fit Family, to get out in support. We want to help Alex get at least 100 runners for his event!

What can you do to help?

  1. Spread the word to your friends, family and co-workers. Talk about it and share this post on social media.
  2. Write a check to “Alex Hoeker” and in the memo “Running for Heroes”
  3. Come out on Saturday August 22nd and run the race with us. This will be the first part of the “Get Fit NH EOS (End of Summer – sorry) Bash, which you will definitely want to part of.

But enough from me. I want you to read what Alex has to say about his project. Read it, be impressed and then get on board! – Coach Dean

Register-Now-button-300x99.pngFrom Alex:

Hello everyone, my name is Alex Hoeker, and I’m passionate about giving back to our nation’s service members – the few who fight to protect the freedom of this great country. Often times many of these inspiring individuals come home with wounds you can and can’t see, like a missing limb, combat stress, or depression. Because they’ve risked everything for us, I’m committed to raising awareness and funds for these wounded service members and their caregivers.

I am proud to host the Running for Heroes 5k benefiting an organization whose mission is to honor and empower Wounded Warriors. Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) has a big, audacious goal: to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. I’m challenging myself to help WWP reach this vision, and I need your help.

Please join my effort and give what you can by registering for this event or donating towards the cause. This Running for Heroes 5k is a fantastic way to help support our veterans, and with your $30 registration fee, help can be given.

Nobody should be left behind, help me see that happen.

Please go to to register for the event and feel free to send me any questions at

Alex Hoeker


Dale’s Raw Protein Bar Price Adjustment

DRPBarBluebMaca-RGB-1-19-13Just wanted to let you all know we need to raise our prices on Dale’s Bars. We have seen three price increases over our past three orders(!) and we are no longer able to cover our costs at our current pricing. We remain committed to bringing you the best supplements at the lowest prices that make sense, and well, losing money just doesn’t make sense! 🙂

Effective Monday August 4th prices will be as follows.

Dales Raw Protein Bars

$3.00 each

2 for $5.50

Box of 12: $32.00

Thanks for your understanding.


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