Declare Your Independence!

flagJuly 4th a great day in our nation. It’s a time where we as individuals celebrate our country achieving victory over tyranny.

It’s a time where we shout out “There are things worth fighting for!”.

I am so thankful for the courage and faith of those countryman back then.

Do you have that same courage? Do you need to make a statement that you can and will do (you name the action on your own)?

What about the opposition?

Can you do this task despite the opposition?

Back in 1776, the opposition was great. The odds were against those in this new land. Many said, “no way, don’t do it, play it safe, stay where you are”. But those men and ladies believed. They stood their ground and made a difference. They changed the course of their lives and that course is impacting you today.

Look at the statement you want to make. Is someone standing in your way? Are they shaking their head with doubt? Do you have the courage to look past them and push towards your goal?

Recently Cara, who by the way has lost 70 pounds in a year, said “Looking back it was actually harder to be overweight and unfit than to make the changes to make it happen.”

Take a few minutes to declare your independence.

Declare yourself free from excuses.

Declare you can and will make a difference in your life.

Declare so all can hear.

Declare it to others and then Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

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