Did You Know?

Sometimes You Just Gotta!

It’s not often here at Get Fit NH that we toot our own horn. Coach Dean is humble about his accomplishments and what we have built here, because we both know without you it wouldn’t happen. But we also know but there are times when bringing attention to oneself is not negative but a positive.

Because along with our world class and award winning gyms we offer so much more, when you choose to take advantage of it.

I am positive you will find one thing on this list that you did not know Get Fit NH does to help you get better!

  • 44 different opportunities to train each week. (6 training times 4 days a week in Concord, 5 training times 4 days in Epsom) That is over 2112 in a year!
  • We spend as much time developing your training on a weekly basis as it actually takes to do it! This is not some mish mash of exercises designed to get you tired – it is purpose designed to get you better!
  • Daily emails on nutrition and motivation. Each client has this paid subscription to give quick snip-its of information you digest little chunks at a time.
  • Coach Availability…… Yes, you can email, text, or call your coach as needed. We respond as quickly as we can. If you don’t have your coach’s number- ask.
  • Body composition testing. This is a $40 value, every time you get it done. Get Fit NH doesn’t charge our clients additional fees to have this done every four weeks.
  • Functional Movement Screen. Our way of keeping you as injury free as possible while giving you the best tools to do ‘Prehab’ instead of ‘Rehab’. Personal trainers in NH are are charging $50 for this service while you get this one free as a clients.
  • Nutrition Coaching. The scale is our starting point with our weight, the body composition tells us our starting point with how much lean muscle versus fat we carry on our frames. Get Fit NH assists your nutrition practices  you by reviewing food logs. Your weight and body composition will not make huge changes without changing what we use as fuel.
  • Seminars and Workshops hosted by Get Fit NH range in topics from women’s health, menu planning, Food as Fuel 101, Foam Rolling, Self Defense, and kettlebell training.
  • Holiday “All Team” Training. Our next event is planned for Labor Day morning in Concord from 9-10:30. This event is a Fund Raiser for Cystic Fibrosis, which several of our clients have a very close connection with. World class training and Making A Difference? Win-Win!
  • Do you read your copy of the weekly newsletter? This is news and events specific to Get Fit NH. Knowing why we do what we do in order to help you do what you want to do is often a topic of discussion. But the newsletter is also filled with recipes, inspiring stories to keep you motivated, and health and nutrition tips.
  • Sawabona. Your coach sees you. We are concerned with not only the outside, but the inside. True health is a reflection of the sum of all your life. The daily stresses and challenges. The successes and victories. The kids, the husband, the job. All these things make a difference to you, so they make a difference to us.
  • Mini challenges and contests. 30 Challenges in 30 Days is coming to a close. Do you remember Sizzlin Summer Slimdown? Or the 100 Day pushup challenge? What about Cross Body Mountain Climbers and Get Ups for 30 Days?
  • Continual Education of our staff. Yes, we go back to school often. But the education is ongoing. Through books, online course, videos, and being part of a coaches group we look to be better each day. We wouldn’t ask you to do something we are not doing.
  • Promoting active lives outside of your training. Get Fit NH often has a team going to 5k’s or obstacle races around the state. But hiking, biking, skiing, swimming, sky diving are activities we want to prepare you to do for a very very very long time.
  • Have you remembered the national Ski Erg team? In November we once again will ski for world record rankings.
  • Surviving your first month, Being inducted into the Hall of Fame with a red shirt, seeing the blue of 2 Years Strong, knowing you have become better with 3 years of training, Forged for 4 years, or proudly wearing Get Fit NH’s 5 year shirt lets others know you are a part of something special.

You are a part of a team. A team with coaches dedicated to your health, a group of friends that often become like family who inspire and push you to be better, a community that recognizes the close knit team by the shirts you wear. I am proud to be part of this team. I am excited to Get Fit NH offers a wide range of opportunities for everyone.

Take advantage of it!

Be Better Each Day,

Coach Nancy


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