Do You FitDay?

This free tool might be the most valuable tool in your nutrition and healthy eating toolbox!

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Because most of us are masters at convincing ourselves that we “eat good”. But what exactly does that mean? If I ask 100 people what “healthy eating” is, odds are good I will get 100 different answers.

In general there are three primary reasons why we are not getting the results we are looking for with our nutrition.

  1. We don’t have a plan.
  2. We are not following the plan.
  3. The plan stinks.

The order in which those are listed is important. If you don’t have a plan, you know the challenge already. If you have a plan and aren’t following it, it’s not hard to figure out that you need to follow the plan to get the results you want. And if you have a plan and are following it, and you still aren’t getting results, it’s time for a new plan.

The focus of this video is to discover if reason number two is holding you back. We will start with the assumption that you have a plan. But how can we evaluate properly if it’s effective?

You must measure!

The only way to know if you are truly following your plan is to log what you are eating, everything you eat and drink, on a regular and consistent basis. When a client asks us for nutrition guidance, the first thing we are going to ask for is their food logs, so we can see the content and amount of food being consumed.  The video will take you through the steps to setup your own free account. If you have any further questions about setting it up, let us know!

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