Don’t Be Afraid To Succeed

I know this week is Thanksgiving and everyone is hoping I would leave the talk about food behind just for one week. I’m not going to do that. Would you really want or expect anything less from me? I don’t expect anything less from you this week.

Afraid To Succeed

Are you afraid to reach your health and fitness goals?

No really, are you? Sound like a dumb question? If not fear, what is holding you back?

If you are one of my clients, or have been reading this newsletter for a while, I am convinced you have the tools you need to succeed.

In the past year we have covered a wide range of topics – from the benefits of exercise, to the importance of drinking water, to discussing why fad diets don’t work. The knowledge is there. If you are not progressing, it is because you are not translating that knowledge into action. Why not?

Believe it or not, many people are happier being fat and whining about it than actually doing anything about it.

How do I know? Because every time I talk to them, there is a different reason why they haven’t lost the weight. One week it is because they were too tired to work out, so we talk about priorities and the importance of sleep. The next week is because they forgot how to do the exercises, so we go over proper execution – again. The next time I talk to them, they have been too busy to eat – and it goes on and on.

It makes me wonder, what takes more effort, training several times a week or whining seven days a week. The fear of success is almost as debilitating as the fear of failure. After all, if I reach my fitness goals, what will I have to whine about? Where will I direct my (negative) energies? Think about it. How many times have you started to lose weight, got about halfway to your goal and quit? Why did you do that?

The battle begins and ends in the mind. And then it translates into action. What is holding you back? What are you going to do about it?

I am planning to enjoy Thanksgiving to the fullest, and I hope you will as well. My family will be together. It will be wonderful. But I won’t let one day turn into six weeks of overeating and undo everything I’ve worked for over the last many months. It’s a pretty easy choice for me to make.

Here’s To Making The Next Right Choice!

To your best Health,

Coach Nancy

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