Don’t Dabble with Diabetes

No Fun!

Diabetes is a deadly but often (maybe even usually) preventable disease. Some things about diabetes you may not know:

• There are over 246 million people worldwide with diabetes. Imagine ALMOST EVERYONE in the United States with this disease – that’s how many people.

• Every 10 seconds 2 people develop diabetes, and 2 more die of the disease.

• Approximately 80% of Type II diabetes is related to being overweight or obese.

The good news is that diabetes can be prevented, controlled, and even reversed with the proper care and nutritional practices. What are some steps you can take today?

• Eat more vegetables.

• Exercise 3-5 days per week

• Eat whole foods. If it comes in a box, don’t eat it.

Put them into daily practice!

Get your weight under control, eat optimally for health, and get regular exercise – Diabetes is a Disease you Don’t want to Dabble with!

To your best health,

Coach Nancy

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