Embrace The Suck

Weird blog title, I know. The purpose of this blog is to remind you that everyone goes through struggles. Personal struggles, health struggles, pain struggles, work struggles everyone has struggles. Just like everyone has a story. We, as humans, go through some really hard stuff. Some people go through more struggles than others. Some are maybe more severe than others. But everyone has them.

The purpose of this blog is not to take away from anyone’s struggles. Struggles are hard and they just downright suck sometimes. My hope is to change your mindset to help you get through these tough times.

  • How you let your situation affect you has everything to do with how you get through it

Are you letting your situation control you? Are you letting it define you? Let me use an example to better explain. You just found out the only way you will get out of pain is to have your hip replaced. Dude, that sucks. It does. How are you going to let this news affect you? Is it going to consume your thoughts and your energy every waking moment until it happens? How about if you look at it like this, “This is going to be tough. I have been in pain for a long time and now I finally have the answer to getting me out of pain. It will be  long road, but when I come out of this I will be able to do X, Y and Z again pain free!  I can’t wait!” You are not just a person who needs a new hip. That’s not who you are. You are person who likes to be active. Who wants to age more gracefully so you can keep your independence and play with your grandkids on the floor. You are not just a person who is in pain. See yourself through the blinders and embrace the suck, because it won’t suck forever. 

  • Smile and use positive self-talk. Look at the world in front of you. The floor is not that exciting, look up and stop putting yourself down! You are so much more than your flaws. If you choose you focus on the things you don’t like about yourself then it consumes you and you start defining yourself as that person. You don’t have to be. Embrace your flaws because they are personal to you. Focus on the things that are great about you. If you need helping defining the great things about you then please let me help because I can spout off what I love about you. Let those things define you because that is who you are.

  • Be purposeful when someone asks how you are doing. You are more than alright and more than just okay! Use more enthusiasm and you will truly start to feel the way you respond. I am a big believer in that.

Embrace the suck. Embrace your flaws. Celebrate your beauty and be flippin’ fantastic

Coach Meagan

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