
Raise your hand if you have ever said or thought something like,

"I’ll start on Monday......"  (But it is Wednesday)


"Life is too busy for me to go to the gym right now so I’ll try again when life slows down"


"I don’t have time to eat healthy"


"It’s too expensive to eat healthy"

These are things I hear almost every day. I am here to change the way you are looking at your life just as much as I am here to help your change your body physically. If you can change your mindset then you can really get some work done. So let’s address one at a time and let it be known that I am no super hero.  I have had these same thoughts to some extent too so let’s work through it.

  • "I’ll start on Monday......." (But it is Wednesday)

Ok, so you had a bowl of ice cream on Wednesday night and then a glass of wine and maybe a giant bowl of cheesy pasta. Oh and you missed training on Monday and Tuesday….DUDE, you’re gonna survive. I mean, your stomach will probably hurt like hell, but you didn’t just gain 50 pounds in one sitting and lose all of your muscle mass. So you tell yourself this week is blown so you’ll make sure on Monday you’ll get back on track. Ummm what? Are Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday not good enough days to get your stuff together and make a plan? Every day is a fresh start. In fact, every minute is a fresh start. Forgive yourself and allow yourself to have your moments of weakness. They are acceptable. Adult tissy fits are totally acceptable and necessary sometimes. What is NOT acceptable is leaving yourself there in the dumps. Pick yourself up and try again.

  • "Life is too busy for me to go to the gym right now so I’ll try again when life slows down"

Here is the number one phrase I hear when clients leave. It crushes my soul every single time, because life will not slow down. The perfect time is never going to come knocking on your door. YOU, yes YOU, have to create the time. YOU have to understand that you are important too and you have to believe that and you have to act on that! Putting yourself first is not easy when you have a demanding job and kids and so on and so forth. I get it! Life is busy and you need to be a priority because without a healthy you other areas of your life suffer.

  • "I don’t have time to eat healthy"

I don’t even know what that means. Why not? Have you heard of an instant-pot or a crockpot? Have you heard of Pinterest or Google who have literally MILLIONS of healthy recipes using these machines? C’mon now. We are adults. We can take care of ourselves, but we do have to put in a little effort. Find simple recipes (You can even google simple recipes!), make a grocery list, go grocery shopping, prep if you can (if you can’t instant-pot doesn’t care! (You can put frozen meat in there!) and eat your healthy meal. Make extra for lunch the next day or so. You can do this. How important is it to you? If it is important to you then you find time and make it happen. Technology has come a long way, use it your advantage!

  • "It’s too expensive to eat healthy"

You know what else is expensive? Hitting the drive thru a Dunkin’s every morning or going out to lunch a few times each week because you didn’t bring yours. Now THAT is expensive! Frozen veggies are less expensive than fresh and they will give you nutrients too! You don’t have to buy organic to get results (I don’t!). You don’t have to shop at Whole Foods to get results.There are so many tricks. Ditch the excuses and you shall find results!

Coach Meagan

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