F.L.A.G. F.A.Q. – Deadline Wednesday

We have had a number of questions from you, our fantastic clients, about the Fat Loss Accountability Group we are currently enrolling (cutoff Wednesday at Midnight)

How do I know the F.L.A.G. is right for me?

F.L.A.G. is for those Get Fit NH Bootcamp clients who need input into their daily nutrition habits, have had challenges with sticking with a nutrition plan beyond a few weeks, and need regular feedback and accountability to make sure they are staying on track.

When and where are the weekly meetings?

F.L.A.G. is designed to be as easy as possible for you to do, so the weekly check-ins are all done on a private online forum. It’s as easy as sending an email.

What is a check-in?

At the weekly check-in, you will share your victories, your challenges, and what your goals and action plan is for next week.

Here’s an example:

This week was a great week. I ate breakfast every day, and got to all 4 of my training sessions. I wasn’t as hungry as I used to be at about 10am, so I am guessing that breakfast thing is working.

My challenge this week was snacking right before bed. I usually have the TV on and it’s just a mindless thing. Can you give me some help on this one?

My goal for next week is to make all 4 sessions again, and limit dessert to 2 days. I am going to do that by not keeping dessert in the house, but by picking up what I want for that night on the way home from work.

It can be as long or short as you want, but it should contain all 3 elements every week:

Goals & Action Plan

Will you look at what I am eating?

Every week by Friday you will be responsible to turn in a minimum of 3 days of your food log. This can be done via email or there will be a bin in your training facility. Your coaches will review the food log, comment and return to you by the following Monday.

What else is involved?

Upon registration you will be enrolled in our Goal Achievement program, where you will be setting and reviewing your goals on a monthly basis.

You will also be responsible to track your body weight on a weekly basis. Next to the food log bin is a file with log cards to record your weight and measurement. You may also choose to have your bodyfat tested using our Bodymetrix Ultrasound scanner for an additional testing fee.

How long should I do this?

The initial commitment to join the group is 3 months. For some clients that is all the time they need to get and stay on track. Others will want to keep active in the group in order to make sure they continue moving forward. Both Coach Nancy and I belong to accountability groups, and I can tell you they are a powerful way to make progress, because you know someone is both helping you forward and keeping you accountable.

How do I get started?

Simply click the “Subscribe” button below to begin the enrollment process. Your account will be reviewed, and upon approval you will receive an invitation to the private forum and be enrolled on the Goal Achievement program. You will also be sent further instruction on keeping your food log and the weekly check-in.

Registration deadline is Wednesday September 14th at Midnight. It is unknown at this time if and when we will open the group or start another one. Love to see you there!

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