Fitness Starts Between Your Ears

Jack Lalanne at Age 71

“Fitness starts between your ears,” said Jack LaLanne “You have to figure out what you want and then go ahead and do it. Your body is your slave.”

Jack, who passed away at age 96 this week lived fitness for longer than anyone I have ever heard of. He truly practiced what he preached.

In honor of Jack, join me in embracing life, in taking charge, in making good choices everyday.

Here’s Mine:

  • I choose to eat more veggies not pushing them aside.
  • I choose to eat baked or grilled not fried foods.
  • I choose to plan my meals and snacks each week. My life will be so much easier with a plan in place that allows me the flexibility to change it instead of being tossed around by the uncertainty of what the next meal holds.
  • I choose to drink lots of water. Water is important for our bodies. It acts as a regulator of all our body’s systems. Metabolism, temperature, a detox agent, alleviates constipation, a lubricant for our joints, a base for saliva, and much more.
  • I choose to take a multivitamin. I know I don’t eat perfectly 100% of the time so I want to supplement my intake with a quality multivitamin.
  • I choose to get a healthy amount of sleep each night. Our bodies do not shut off when we sleep instead they use this time to replenish, repair, and refuel.
  • I choose to avoid fad diets – instead I will make the changes to the way I live that will last a lifetime.
  • I choose to eat smaller portions and skip second helpings.
  • I choose to show my family and others the value of an active healthy lifestyle. When planning a family outing try hiking, skiing, bowling, or biking instead of centering it around the TV or computer.
  • I choose to take my training seriously. I will not exchange one trip to the donut barn for a workout session.

Everyone has choices to make each day. Choices about the foods we eat or don’t eat, the people we choose to inspire and motivate us, and the activities I participate in.

I choose to Make it Happen.

What about you?

To your best health,

Coach Nancy

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