Fresh Is Best

We’ve always heard that “Fresh is Best”, and this is so true in purchasing vegetables. When you have the option, purchase (and eat) your vegetables in this order:

First Fresh

Always try to buy vegetables that are in season. Don’t be afraid to try some vegetables you’ve never heard of. Most people stick to their favorites and venturing out of the regular few scares them. There are over 150 different vegetables. Chose fresh from local farmer markets, farm stands, and co-ops whenever possible. Better yet grow your own.

Second Frozen

Vitamins in frozen vegetables can be slightly diminished but mineral are still packed into them. When vegetables are out of season resort to home grown frozen and then store bought packages. Remember to buy brands that do not add salt or sugar.

Third Canned

Canned vegetables are good in a pinch or an emergency. Try to use these as a last resort. Most canned vegetables have way too much salt and sugar added. Look for low sodium varieties, and don’t avoid your vegetables just because fresh isn’t currently available.

Summer is prime time to take advantage of many different veggies. Enjoy. Share your favorite veggies recipe below.

Coach Nancy

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