Get Fit NH Bootcamp & Hiking the Grand Canyon

Just received this note from Ann, who is spending her February vacation in Arizona doing some hiking in the Grand Canyon. Ann shared how her training is helping her so what she loves. She is training for life – Great work Ann, and thank-you!

“Just wanted to tell you that I just finished 3 days of hiking in Arizona. Our first day was a 14 mile “reverse hike” (descent before ascent) in the Grand Canyon.

Now, I’ve been doing some hiking in the past few months, but nothing like this, especially since my knee surgery. Yet I felt so strong on the hike, even on the last couple miles climbing back to the rim, which I’m sure is the result of the work I’ve been doing in Boot Camp.

So I just wanted to say “thanks” for providing workouts that not only feel great on their own, but help prepare us for the other things we want to do.” – Ann W.

What “other things” do you want to do? Train for the sport of life!


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