Get Fit NH Response to Coronavirus

The last couple of weeks have been pretty historic. I can only hope we don't have to face this in our life time again and I can only hope that it disappears as quickly as it hit. That is why we have made the decision to stop classes effective immediately. We plan to resume in person training on Monday, March 30, 2020. 

The country was declared in a "state of emergency" on Friday. On Sunday afternoon the Governor closed all schools for the next THREE weeks! This is serious stuff and our number one concern is and always will be your safety and our team safety. 

Luckily, one of the two weeks we are choosing to close is already a scheduled recovery week. Adam will be sending email invites to our online coaching platform. TruCoach. Be patient as we are working hard to get this plan rolled out and ready to use for all of you. 

Once you get your email (give us 24 hours) you will have an invite to create your account. Once your account is created you will have access to training for the week of March 16th. The system allows us to see who completes the training! The guess work of, "what should I be doing?" is done for you and furthermore the accountability piece is taken care of as well. If your training is not complete we will be reaching out to you to see how we can help you keep moving!!! We recommend that you complete your training at your normal training hour to stay in your routine. 

The week of March 23 is a scheduled recovery week so please take that time to recover. Enjoy some time outside! Go for a hike, a walk, a bike ride. 

We will be here for you virtually, you can count on that!

Thank you for understanding and we will see you back Monday, March 30, 2020

Coach Meagan

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