Get Fit NH’s FLAG

Get Fit NH is preparing for a limited re-opening of our Fat Loss Accountability Group (F.L.A.G.)

To learn more about  F.L.A.G. click here, but DO NOT ENROLL, we don’t want your money until you have read and understand completely what we are asking.

Your coaches and our F.L.A.G. clients have both learned a lot about what does and does not get results through an accountability group. First of all it is important to realize that an accountability group is not magic, it takes work. What most of us need is the willingness to face reality that losing fat takes hard work, getting out of our comfort zones, and taking action consistently.

I am guessing a lot of you have enough knowledge to start seeing success, the key is putting that knowledge into action. The F.L.A.G. group is designed to make sure you are taking that action.

Did I use the word action enough?

Some of our F.L.A.G. group has thrived and seen tremendous results, others never really got off the ground, but most are somewhere in the middle. Making steady progress toward their goals, having good days and not so good days. Falling down and picking themselves back up – sounds a lot like life, right?

You won’t find any hard sell or sexy ad copy here, because that doesn’t do anybody any good. In fact we want to be absolutely sure you really want to be part of our group. It is a very small investment, and sometimes that’s not conducive to you doing your part. If we charged $1000 a month I bet you’d get it done! 🙂

What others are saying about FLAG

Jayne says:

“Train hard and expect the weight should just drop off, right? Wrong.  After attending boot camp for four days a week for over a year, I was finally able to admit that my eating habits were keeping my weight up and my energy level down.   That is when I joined FLAG.  The program provides guidance, accountability and education to support a more healthier high protein way of eating that results in weightless and increased energy.  One of the great things about the program is that it does not involve calorie counting, so it isn’t like going on a ‘diet” but rather changing bad eating habits for the long haul.
I did not join FLAG feeling entirely ready for it, I wanted the results but knew it would hard work getting them.  As I learned more and had a chance to meet and share struggles with others who were feeling the same way, little by little I evolved and the results followed.  I wouldn’t have imagined it before, but for the first time ever I feel good about my weight and have said goodbye to the daily mid-afternoon energy crash.  For me, FLAG was the additional tool I needed to get the results I’ve wanted since joining Get Fit NH a year and a half ago.” – Jayne Millerick

And here’s a word from Donna

“FLAG has taught me that nothing happens overnight.   Whether it is weight drop or the desire to eat properly.  It is teaching me patience.   It is teaching me that you can still eat out and make wise choices in what you eat. 

In the beginning it was rough.  The weight was not moving.  I didn’t think that I was ever going to drop a pound.  But then it started to go down.   It’s not going down quickly but it’s staying off and that is the whole idea.  I’m learning that it’s OK to splurge once in awhile as long as you get back on track.  This can’t be thought of as a “diet” but a “life style change”.  Life is full of ups and downs you just can’t let the downs keep you down.

Since starting FLAG I have lost almost 10 pounds.  That doesn’t seem like much but I have been able to go down two sizes in pants and that makes me really happy.  Still working on building up the muscle though.  Everything takes time.

What would I say to someone that wants to join.  The biggest thing would be to not expect instant change.  Have patience.  Listen to all the encouragement from others.  We have all been there and are still there.  This is a learning process.  Knowledge takes time.  Use the tools that are given to you.  And most importantly, keep a positive attitude.  If you slip up and have a bad day, bad week it will pass.   But you have to have the mind set to really want it.” – Donna Weilnau

As promised, there is no hard sell, these ladies tell it like it is. Consistency, patience, accountability, attitude. Best fat burner out there! 🙂

Stay tuned for enrollment information coming in a few days. If you are ready, now is the time!



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