FLAG Unfurled!

Did you know Get Fit NH has a FLAG?

As promised, our Fat Loss Accountability Group is now open to accept a limited amount of new members.

To unfurl our FLAG, we will meet either Wednesday, September 26th or Saturday, September 29th for a “Cooking with the Carlson’s – Behind the Scenes Planning and Prepping Meals” seminar and get together. The final date will be announced soon.

This is an exclusive meeting for FLAG members, so don’t miss getting in on the action!

If you are interested in becoming part of FLAG, Fat Loss Accountability Group, please call me (Coach Nancy) so I can answer questions, and if you are all ready to go you can sign up at here.

My number is 344-2651. Please call me, I won’t twist your arm or pressure you into our group. FLAG takes work. It is not for everyone. But please call me so we can chat.

The hard works has its rewards in benefits like a body you enjoy seeing each morning, healthier insides for a healthier you, accountability to yourself, and a coach to help you along your way.

To your best health,


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