Goals Board


Remember this board? This was one the first additions we added after the transition of ownership this summer. Some of you have never received the full low down on this board, so allow me to make that happen for you now!

This is the accomplishment club board. Everyone starts Get Fit NH on a mission. The goals may be different, but the overall mission is to get healthier and of course be happier with our new found health. The goals from person to person are not the same. Some come in looking to lose 10 pounds while others come in looking to lose 100 pounds. Some come in to perform better at their sport while others are coming in to fit back into their pre-baby clothes. This board is for everyone and it would bring me great joy to see more wins on this board. We have extra tiles on the board and hundreds in stock, so there is enough room for ALL WINS! Here is the breakdown in sections…

10 pound club

This is the first tier in the weight loss category. Once you lose your first ten pounds you get a tile and you stick your name in the 10 pound club section. Some of you have a goal of ten pounds so your goal would be to STAY there while others have a goal to lose more so your goal would be to make it to the next tier which is..

20 pound club

This is the second tier in the weight loss category. Once you lose 20 pounds you get to move your tile from 10 to 20 pound club.

30-40 pound club

This is the third tier in the weight loss category. Once you lose 30 pounds you get to move your tile from 20 to 30/40 pound club.

This trend continues through 100 pounds!


The last section of the board is called “Accomplishment Club” This is for all of the wins that are not scale related. Here are some examples:

  • Screened out of my red band!

  • Got my first chin up!

  • Climbed Mount Everest 😉

  • Ran my first marathon

  • Took 3 minutes off my 5K

  • Got up off the floor without assistance

There are SO many wins every single day and we want to hear about them. Not only is it important for you to remind yourself how great you are, but it motivates other people too. What a great way to show our family what is possible. You inspire more people than you even know and you have the power to change someone’s life positively.

Make it happen

Coach Meagan

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