
Gratefulness does not come naturally to most of us.

It’s kind of like exercise.

We know it’s something we should practice, but we just don’t feel like it.

Seems like it’s easier to find something to gripe about than something to be thankful for.

But just like exercise, when you practice gratitude it becomes easier, and just like exercise an attitude of gratitude just makes life better.

I need more practice.

So here goes:

I am grateful for my long-suffering wife who is the hardest working, most caring and loving person I know. I love you Nancy.

I am grateful for my 6 kids. The joy and enthusiasm of the younger ones, and the fact that my older boys have found amazing women to marry and spend their lives with.

I am grateful for my parents, and the work ethic and drive they instilled in me. It turned a lazy kid into a reasonably productive adult – who woulda thunk?

I am grateful for my our coaching team and staff at Get Fit NH. We are truly fortunate to have such dedicated superstars who are always striving to get better at what they do. Bonus points for putting up with me. Erin, CJ, Meagan, Esther, Robin and Nancy – you rock!

I am grateful to every client who has walked through our doors. You allow us to do what we love to do. By allowing us to help you be better, you make us better. Thank-You!

I am grateful for the daily blessings the Creator bestows every day that is all too often overlooked. The sun that lights our way, the air we breathe, and the beauty of this world.

Practice makes perfect, so even when it’s hard I challenge you to practice a little gratitude each and every day. 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving!

Coach Dean



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