Have A Plan?

Plan our menu for the week. Plan for our grocery shopping trip with a list. Plan my day including training. Plan for snacks. Plan for those times we spend with friends and family. Plan, plan, plan.

I am often asked questions about how to lose weight, how to firm up those trouble spots, how to I drink the correct amount of water. I know you aren’t “supposed to”, but I usually answer the question with some of my own. What are you doing now? Are you training when and how you should? What kind of training are you doing? How much are you drinking now?

Guess what? (another question to you, dear reader) All too often the answer is “I don’t know”. Sometimes they might have a general idea, but can’t really pin it down. I get answers like – I usually train four times a week, I drink lots of water, and I sweat a lot. Hmmmm…..

When I hear a response like that, I usually assign some “homework”.  I ask them to write down what they are doing now. Even if you don’t write out your meals for the week you are doing something. You have to eat. So if you don’t have a written plan, what is your unwritten plan? Discovering the present helps us lay the groundwork when changes are needed.

Saying you eat well, to you, might mean you visit a fast food restaurant once a day but not more than that. But my idea of eating well is probably not the same. Part of learning what to do is to find out what may be holding you back.

We human beings are very good at fooling ourselves. It’s the difference between a photo and a mirror.

Many of us look in the mirror and see our bodies as we want to picture them. We fool ourselves. We look in the bathroom mirror and only see from the shoulders up. What about the rest of our body? Find a picture of yourself taken from behind while sitting on a picnic table bench. Not so attractive! That’s what it took for me to stop fooling myself.

Take the time and expend the effort to plan. If you don’t currently have a plan, write down what you are doing now and start to plan. Yes it is work, but the more you do it, the easier it is.

So plan it out. Take that first picture, jot down that first meal, record that first workout.

Without action, nothing happens.

Make it Happen,


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