Introducing LifeSpan Protein

You may have noticed a new addition to our supplement shelves recently – LifeSpan Protein.

Now for those of you who have used Ultimate Muscle Protein (UMP)  from Beverly International, you know how versatile it is, how rich and creamy it mixes, and how great it tastes.

So why bring in another brand?

One Word – Sucralose.

As in, UMP contains as an ingredient sucralose, the artificial sweetener also known as Splenda.

I am all for limiting the amount of artificial sweeteners we use, and in deference to our clients who do not want to use any, we searched for a long time to find an alternative to UMP, without artificial sweeteners, that didn’t taste like puppy chow.

The primary difference between these two products is that UMP is what we would call a multi-spectrum protein, with protein sources including milk protein isolate, calcium caseinate, whey protein concentrate, casein, egg white, and whey protein isolate, and LifeSpan consists of primarily whey isolate.

The reason that matters is that Beverly digests more slowly, keeps you feeling satisfied longer, and contains some high quality proteins that are more expensive.  That is not to say that LifeSpan is bad, because it is not. Whey isolate is a good quality program, it just digests more quickly. It is WAY better (no pun intended) than the 5 pound bags of garbage that you can find in the superstores that consist of the cheapest form of whey protein, which is protein concentrate.

If you purchase from anywhere other than us, I strongly urge you to read the ingredient label, because you get what you pay for. Quality matters, as the bio-availability (how much the body can actually process and use) of the proteins we carry is much higher than the cheap varieties. In other words you have to take more of the cheap stuff to get the same benefit – so what’s the point?

We have discussed the importance of protein in your diet on many occasions, and a protein supplement is just one way to make sure you can easily increase your intake if needed.

Check out these other great tasting ways to integrate protein into your nutrition plan.

Dale’s Raw Protein Bars

Here’s my favorite protein supershake recipe – you’ll love it!

Very Blueberry Smoothie
1 Cup Frozen Blueberries (unsweetened)
1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein (Ultimate Muscle Protein is our recommended brand!)
1/2 Cup Nonfat Plain Yogurt (I love Stonyfield)
2 Tbsp Whole Oats
1 Cup Ice

Pile it all into the blender, mix well and enjoy!

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