Jingle Bell Run 2009

You guys really made it happen today! We talked with Patti of the Arthritis Foundation, and she said had checked and as far as anyone knew the “For Carrie’s Kids” team was the biggest team the Arthritis Foundation had ever seen for the Jingle Bell Run – NATIONWIDE!!!  Great job! Your team is set to be the focal point of the Arthritis Foundations annual NE Regional Meeting in Connecticut next Wednesday. I am proud of you all!

Congratulations to everyone who ran, walked or crawled (that would be me). You did a wonderful thing today, and I know the Green family and the Arthritis Foundation are grateful for your efforts, as are we.

It was great to meet many of your spouse’s and significant others for the first time, as well as reacquaint with those we have not seen in awhile. Thank-you for being a part of our lives.

Congratulations to Diedre Romeo, who raised the 3rd most money as an individual for the Arthritis Foundation, and won this really cool computer mouse as result. Nice job!

Jere Smith brought his prize winning puppy Kita, who won first prize in the pet costume category. Good Dog!

Big congrats go to Hannah Orzechowski for taking 3rd place in her age group. Hannah is the daughter of our own Anne Laforce and Ray Orzechowski. Ray had an awesome time as well!

Let’s do it again next year!

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