Keeping It Simple in the Get Fit NH Kitchen

I love being in the kitchen. If I could I would make everything from scratch. My kids love to help me but I just don’t have time to do as much as I would like. So I’ve cut down the prep time by buying some items that need little to no work.

Since veggies are a big part of PPW (Protein, Produce and Water) that is where I started because that is also where lots of peeling, slicing, dicing, cutting, cleaning etc…. Came in.

Here’s my helpful food prep cheats list to buy at the grocery store.

Frozen Veggies

Frozen chopped onion

Frozen chopped onion and pepper combination

Frozen stir fry veggies. (Don’t buy the ones with the sauce already added to them)

Frozen veggies

Frozen blends of veggies (the California blend is very yummy with a little olive oil sprinkled on top, salt and pepper then roasted in the oven at 375 for 45 minutes)

Fresh Veggies

Cherry tomatoes (no need to cut these up to throw on a salad, plus they make a great grab and go snack)

Baby carrots

Pre cut celery

Spinach (I’ve made Spinach Honey Moon Salad many times. (LETT- UCE Alone) But it can be thrown in with eggs for a delicious omelet, added to stir fries, rolled around a slice of chicken or turkey, or sauté with shrimp and garlic)

Precut mushrooms

Coleslaw mixes can be bought. (Use these in stir fries not loaded with mayo.)

Canned or in a jar:

Tomato sauce

Petite tomatoes

Plum tomatoes

Tomato tomatoes 🙂

There are so many tomato products that are canned or in a jar for use in soups, sauces, stir fries, added to your favorite protein dish.

While there are days when I spend a long time fixing just the perfect dinner but more often than not I’m making things happen, double time. I don’t have to miss out on good food I just have to make that good food as quickly as I can. Keeping things simple have helped cut down my time in the kitchen. If you have time, spend it on cooking and let your kids help. Otherwise, let them help while you keep on smiling.

Go simple this week. Very simple.

Coach Nancy

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