We all love Jayne, don’t we?

I just had to put Jayne Millerick in the spotlight. If you train with Get fit NH then you have probably met Jayne, seen Jayne or heard of Jayne. She is insanely humble and more of an inspiration than she will ever understand. I remember when I first started coaching with Get Fit 4 years ago and thinking WOW! This woman is STRONG and she is the sweetest person ever. I feel so lucky to know Jayne, coach her and have her in this Get Fit NH family. When I grow up- I want to be like her and if you have ever trained next to her then you probably feel the same! I asked her to share her background, because even I would never believe her training history. Here is what she has to say..

How long have you trained at Get Fit NH?13962613_10154471913388410_4688648274892979837_n
6 years

Why did you seek out a coaching facility?
Before joining Get Fit, I was an expert at finding excuses not to exercise regularly. Something would inevitably come up every day and it wouldn’t get done. When a friend asked me to join her for the 5am class in Concord, I did it because coming up with a conflict at 5am was hard, even for me. 🙂

Why have you stayed for 6 years?
There are many, many reasons why I have stayed for 6 years. First and foremost, I love the people and the training program. Importantly though, there is peace of mind in knowing that you guys are always on top of what is best in nutrition and training. Following your guidance takes the time and guesswork out of both areas, which is huge for me.

What did you do for training before Get Fit?
Prior to training at Get Fit, I ran short distances a few times a week. As mentioned earlier though, I was very good at coming up with excuses not to train.

What has helped you be successful over the past 6 years?
Still a work in progress, but two things come to mind. First, its the coaches and fellow “Get Fitters”. You all make training a fun and positive experience every day. Second, its the nutrition. Following Get Fit’s nutrition guidance has not only significantly changed my body composition over the years but has eliminated daily mid-afternoon exhaustion.

What advice would you like to give someone who is just starting their journey?
Something that I have learned to do over the years is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Early on, I spent way too much time being afraid to fail. I used to think that showing up for class was important, not necessarily how hard I worked. I would watch people do pull ups and be too intimidated to even get up on the bar. Not unsurprisingly, I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. So, my advice to those starting out would be don’t waste time like I did! Listen for a challenge(s) at the start of each class, then do something that is hard even when you don’t want to and/or don’t feel ready. You may not always be successful and it may not be pretty, but I found the results I wanted followed once I started giving 100% for 60 minutes.

Take her advice. She is a perfect example of someone who MADE their body change. It doesn’t just happen (wouldn’t it be nice if it did?), you have to make it happen!
-Coach Meagan



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