Make The Most of Every Day

I was reminded once again this week how short life is, and how time passes by so fast.

The first thing that reminded me was that Wednesday was (is) our anniversary. You guys that are in your late teens and early 20’s probably think being married 26 years is FOR-EV-ER, but to me that time has swept through like a passing breeze. I think that Nancy and I would both agree that our marriage has it’s ups and downs, but just like a healthy body, the hard work and commitment a healthy marriage takes is more than worth the effort. Just like when you are working toward being physically stronger there can be the temptation to quit when things get tough. I am grateful for a partner that has never quit on me.

I love you Nancy Carlson.

The second thing that reminded me that life is short is that two of our bootcamp family each lost one of their parents this week. I think whether we know the time is short or it hits us out of the blue, we can never be fully prepared for losing the ones we love. Our thoughts and prayers are both Steve and Colleen and their families during this time.

Events in our lives or the lives of the ones we care about can and should refocus us on what is really important. As I write this Amy, my 5 year old, came in and “disturbed” me by showing me the bear on the back of her quarter from Alaska. She was so proud that she was keeping her money in her change purse. I could have shooed her away because I am busy, but I think I am finally starting to learn that moments like that are all too fleeting, and we need to embrace them while we can.

We make choices every day.

Choose to make the most of this one, and every one you are given.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

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