Making Up For Lost Time

My family recently suffered a tragic loss. My grandfather died unexpectedly after complications of a car accident. He left behind his wife of 65 years, 7 children, 20+ grandchildren and 20+ great grandchildren. As I cried through his ceremony, I couldn’t help but think about the time I could have spent with him. The time I didn’t spend with him. All I could think about was lost time.

Time goes by fast. Life goes by fast. Are you living the way you want to live? Are you as active as you want to be, as healthy as you want to be, as happy as you want to be? Tomorrow is not promised, but time is not lost. You still have today. Today is the day you get back to training. Today is the day you plan your next meal and the next one and the one after that. Today is the day you start making up for lost time.

Today is not too late.

-Coach Meagan

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