New To Fitness? Great Advice from People Who Have Been There


  • New place.
  • New people.
  • I don't know what to do.
  • I am too out of shape to exercise.
  • It's going to hurt too much.
  • What if I can't keep up?

We get it. It is NOT easy to get started into a new training program. That first step of walking into the gym is a huge one.

We asked our clients what their best tip is for someone who is new to fitness. Check out their answers, they are wicked smaht!  🙂

"Welcome! we are all here to help. Start at your own pace ." - Lori

"This is your journey, the only one you have to be better than is you." - Sonia

"Just take it one exercise and a few seconds at a time. Don't look ahead." - Cara

"Don't compare yourself to what others do. You are just starting!" - Jennifer

"You can do anything for 30 seconds. Rest. Repeat." - Kim

"Never Give Up" - Doreen

Cristina gets fancy and quotes Goethe - "Everything is hard before it is easy."

"You have to start somewhere" - Kelly

"Rome wasn't built in a day" - Stacy

"Don't matter what!" - Gail

"Train consistently" - Dennis

"Just keep going" - Stephanie

"Stick with it. The soreness gets better!" - Kristine

"I started at 60. If I can do it you can do it." - Tom

You CAN Do It. We are ready to help every step of the way.

P.S. - You Can Get Started Here

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