Oh Beans! Dayle shares a tasty (and simple) recipe

Since introducing S3 Habit 4, one of the biggest questions has been about adding in beans. Let me assure you there is more to life than baked beans – so many varieties and ways to prepare!

We received this super tasty and super easy to make recipe from Dayle B. of Get Fit NH Concord fame.

Hi Dean,
I was thinking about the beans and greens habit.  I have a recipe that I love that is really simple.

1 can black beans-rinsed (or kidney, cannelloni,black eye- choose any combo of beans)
1 can chick peas-rinsed
1 cup of favorite salsa
Chopped red onion or chopped scallions to taste

Have a good day!

How easy is that?

This recipe is a great side dish, served on a salad, or even a topping for a beef or turkey burger.

Thanks Dayle – love it!


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