Optimal Shoulder Health Seminar Series

ShoulderWe had a great response from our first Optimal Shoulder Health Workshop so we are excited to be following it up with a 6 week program designed to get you feeling great!

You will benefit from this seminar series if you:

-Have ever had shoulder pain

-Lack shoulder mobility

-Sit at a desk all day

-Want to maintain healthy shoulders and reduce the risk of injury

During the 6 weeks we will focus on posture, muscle imbalances and mobility of the shoulders. We will be utilizing our PostureZone tools to assess posture before and after the 6 weeks to measure progress. This is valuable information and training that you can’t afford not to take advantage of. Your body will thank you!

As we know the body is intricately designed and one part affects another. You may have neck or elbow pain that is originating from your shoulder complex. You will also learn how the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine affects the way your shoulders function.

I look forward to having you join us as we look deeper into the shoulder and strive for Optimal Shoulder Health.

This Seminar Series Is Open To The Public, So Please Spread the Word!

See you soon,

Coach Erin


Optimal Shoulder Health Seminar Series
Date: Starts Wednesday July 16th, 2014
Time: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Seminar Fee: $127.00


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