Are you taking enough time for yourself?

Today, I want to tell you how grateful I am that each of you chooses to train at Get Fit NH. As many of you know, my world was recently turned upside down with the birth of my son, Elijah. His arrival was a giant, unexpected surprise and my time away from the gym has allowed me the opportunity to reflect.

Prior to motherhood, I was a fast-paced and somewhat impatient individual. Some may consider me a bit of a control freak. I like to think of myself more as organized and well-prepared. For those of you who are parents, you are probably laughing at me right now as you understand the change I have been slapped with. I am now on someone else’s time which has caused me to slow way down. I am now responsible for someone else’s life which has caused me to put myself second.

It was 3pm the other day when I realized I hadn’t eaten. I hadn’t showered. I hadn’t brushed my teeth. I stopped and I thought about all of you. All of the moms and dads of Get Fit NH. All of you who make it happen every single day often with multiple children, their practices, their games, school, and more. I thought about how a few weeks ago it was so easy for me to say, “take time for yourself”, and here I am not taking care of myself and not even realizing it.

Here is my confession along with my commitment to take care of me – my beautiful baby boy deserves a healthy mom and I can and will take care of me so that together we can be healthy, happy and strong! Don’t let yourself go now because it is going to be harder to catch up later. Life will always be busy and things will continue to pop up. Are you ready to tackle the obstacles? You deserve better and you best believe your kids deserve better.

I am so grateful for all of you for keeping me honest,
Coach Meagan

Keep Calm and Train Smart

Raise your hand if it has been 12 weeks or more since your last functional movement screen!!! If your hand is up, don’t worry, we got you covered. Starting Wednesday, January 20th we are opening up at least 4 hours every Wednesday through February to keep you training smart.

Why should I get re-screened? So glad you asked! The functional movement screen is the best way for us to:

Prevent injury
Train you better and safer
Train you as an individual
Personalize your training in a group setting
Measure progress
Refer you out as necessary

Your functional movement screen could be different from the screen you had 12+ weeks ago. Whether you have 5 bands or 0 bands – your body changes. So with that being said- sign up for your rescreen! The sign up is out- so don’t delay!

Here is to getting better,
Coach Meagan

30 Challenges In 30 Days – Day 15 Through 21

30day-300x255.jpgHere is your planner for week 3. There are some traditional ones in here, like “Fish Friday”, and teetotaler day is on a Monday for heavens sake! 🙂

Keep It Going!

January 15: Eat fish for a main dish

January 16: Try a veggie you never had before

January 17: No bread or baked goods today

January 18: Teetotaler Day – No Alcohol for today

January 19: Replace any fruit/fruit juice with a veggie

January 20: Eat 5 colors at one meal

January 21: Stop eating at 730 or two hours before bed

You Have Credit!

50dollarbill-300x200Congrats to all our clients who participated in and completed the “50 Workout Challenge”. You worked hard, made it to training even when it was challenging to do so, and proved you could reach your goals – I LOVE IT!

As promised your account has now been credited with your $50, which can be used to purchase products in-house. I am proud of everyone who worked hard to get this done, even if you didn’t quite make it.

It All Counts!

Here’s the crew who Made It Happen!!!

Adam R.
Amanda S.
Amy H.
Cara W.
Carlene R.
Cristy B.
Deb K.
Deb R.
Doreen M.
Gail P.
Howard R.
Jill G.
Kathy C.
Kim L.
Laurie V.
Liz H.
Lori B-N
Louise P.
Lynne M.
Mark D.
Maryann C.
Meg M.
Melissa T.
Muriel H.
Nichole T.
Paulette W.
Regina H.
Robin D.
Sandy R.
Sara B.
Sarah S.
Shasta J.
Sonia C.
Stacey H.
Steve M.
Steve P.
Sue P.
Sue T.
Terri G.

30 Day Challenge Update – Days 8 Through 14

30day-300x255.jpgOk guys, by the time you read this you should be three or four days into the 30 day challenge.

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page here for daily updates and to tell us how you are doing.

By the way, how are you doing so far?

In order to prepare you for next week, check out the challenges for days 8 through 14, and prepare to win!

January 8: No artificial sweeteners in your drinks

January 9: Eat healthy fats, fish oil, avocado etc.

January 10: Take a multivitamin

January 11: Log your food for the day

January 12: No cheese of any kind today

January 13: Post a recipe to our Facebook Page or email it to your coach

January 14: Plan ones weeks menu

Happy Get Fit NH New Year: What I Learned In 2015

In our training classes we have been talking about resolutions for the new year, and how sometimes reflections on the past year are more useful, or at least a good foundation for the goals we want to achieve in 2016.

As I reflect back on 2015, I wanted to share some things I have learned:

My students teach me as much or more than I teach them

Just this morning I was having a conversation with one of my students on how I could more effectively coach her. It was such a valuable conversation, because no matter how good of a coach I think I am, I have to work hard to be effective with all my clients. The most valuable gift I receive is for a student to help me coach them better.

There are many other lessons you teach me as well. The human body is an amazing creation, but it also breaks in a lot of different ways. We see that with our FMS assessments. Continually sharpening my skills and the skills of our coaches in order to safely and effectively train y’all while keeping injury at bay is challenging and rewarding. That leads me to the next thing I learned this year.

The GFNH system is a really great way to train

Why? Because it is effective over the long term. Coach Dan John says that most of the training year should be reasonable workouts, and I couldn’t agree more. In other words don’t do super hard workouts that leave you trashed all the time. There are days for those, but not every day. Our goal is to make our body better, not struggle to survive training. Gym injuries should be freak accidents, not common occurrences. Injury prevention has always been our number one priority, and the incredibly low injury rate here proves that.

photo (2)

People are the priority and what make GFNH great

It’s not the facilities, the equipment, the amenities, or even the training that make Get Fit NH what it is. While we have a lot of great technology (MyZone, Polar, BioForce HRV, Fit3d to name a few) it is you, the GFNH family, coaches and students alike striving to get better every day, that makes this place so special.

To An Amazing 2016

No one knows what this year will bring. There will be joy and sorrow. Good days and days we might like to forget. We are really only in control of one thing, and that is how we respond to what life throws our way. A word I have grown to respects is the word Resilience. The ability to be resilient in the face of challenges is what allows us to survive and prosper. I strongly feel the battle against the iron, the 100 more meters on the SkiErg, even simply the act of getting up and getting to the gym helps us build the resilience we may need to tap into when life gets hard.

I am so grateful that I get to share the journey with you, no matter where it takes us.

Let’s Make It Happen – Together.




Get Fit NH Members Perks: Private Family FB Group

groupWe are excited to announce we are adding another benefit to our already spectacular list of perks for choosing to train with Get Fit NH. Yes we are that cool! 🙂

We have created the “Get Fit NH Family Page”, a private page for our current training students where you can not only interact with your coaches and each other, but will have daily and weekly content that will help you get better!

Every Monday thru Friday, we will post articles, recipes, motivational tips and more.

Here’s the weekly lineup:

Challenge Monday

Think About It Tuesday

What’s Cooking Wednesday

Fit Tip Thursday

Three Question Friday

We have a whole year lined up and ready to go, so don’t wait to get on board –  we don’t want you to miss a thing. The very first “Challenge Monday” starts January 4th, so don’t delay.

**Get Fit NH Members Only** head on over to and request to be added today! 🙂



30 Challenges In 30 Days Starts Friday

30day-300x255.jpgIf you need to catch up on what the challenge is all about, click here

As promised, here are the first seven days of challenges, in plenty of time for you to prepare. Invite your friends to do it with you, the more the merrier!

Don’t forget to post on the Facebook Page Here when you are done!

January 1: Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water

January 2: Don’t eat after dinner

January 3: Eat 5 servings of veggies

January 4: Do not eat anything out of a box, bag or can

January 5: Eat at least 20 grams of lean protein at 3 meals

January 6: Take a picture of your breakfast and post it on our Facebook Page or email it to your coach

January 7: Prep your food today for tomorrow

Merry Christmas from Get Fit NH

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” – Luke 2:10-11


January Fitness Challenge: C2 Virtual Team Challenge 2016

unnamedGet ready to start rocking those SkiErgs this January!

The annual Concept2 “Virtual Team Challenge” starts January 1st, and we have already had some of y’all asking to get on board! The challenge is to row or ski as many meters as we can as a team between January 1st and January 31st 2106. For those of you who are new to these challenges, let’s just say that Get Fit NH absolutely ROCKS the SkiErg only category – I can’t remember the last time we got beat on one of these, but we need your help to stay ahead of the world-wide pack!

Here’s how to participate. If you need some help, just ask a coach and we will get you hooked up:

    1. If you do not have a Concept2 logbook, create one here. (If you already have an account skip to step 2)
    2. Join our team – “Get Fit NH” – by clicking here
    3. On the Team Page in the “Next Challenge” section, select “Join Team Challenge” and you are good to go!
    4. Starting January 1st get your SkiErg on!

Get complete details for the challenge by clicking here.

Let’s Make It Happen!