Keep Calm and Train Smart

Raise your hand if it has been 12 weeks or more since your last functional movement screen!!! If your hand is up, don’t worry, we got you covered. Starting Wednesday, January 20th we are opening up at least 4 hours every Wednesday through February to keep you training smart.

Why should I get re-screened? So glad you asked! The functional movement screen is the best way for us to:

Prevent injury
Train you better and safer
Train you as an individual
Personalize your training in a group setting
Measure progress
Refer you out as necessary

Your functional movement screen could be different from the screen you had 12+ weeks ago. Whether you have 5 bands or 0 bands – your body changes. So with that being said- sign up for your rescreen! The sign up is out- so don’t delay!

Here is to getting better,
Coach Meagan

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