Who Can You Thank Today?

thanksgiving-300x200.jpgSeems really hard to believe that another holiday season is upon us, but I am glad it is. I think Thanksgiving might be my very favorite holiday. Not because Christmas isn’t fun, (not to mention central to the whole story and purpose of history) but because it is generally pretty laid back and relaxing.

Now before you throw that turkey pan at me, I understand that if you are entertaining on Thursday you have a lot to do. But here is an idea for you, one I have had to learn myself. Don’t be a martyr about it, ask for help if you need it, and no matter what happens remember some people just want to be miserable, so don’t let one grouch ruin it for you!

This time of year there are a lot of ideas out there about gratitude and thankfulness. An “attitude of gratitude” is much more productive than being a selfish, self-centered, well, whatever (this is a family blog – no bad words allowed) 🙂

But don’t keep it to yourself. Open your mouth and express gratitude too.

All the 12 year olds out there reading this might be surprised, but the world doesn’t revolve around you. Your mom loves you, but she probably isn’t laying her head on the pillow at night thinking “Oh goody, I get to do more laundry tomorrow, and I sure hope little Jimmy doesn’t volunteer to put the dishes in the dishwasher, because then I will get to do it instead!”

But do we adults act any different? I know I don’t all the time. I often find myself taking a lot of what happens around me for granted. I drive on well maintained roads to work every day. Heck I drive a car to work every day. I drive from my heated home, from which I woke up in a nice bed next to my incredible wife. My three kids are safe and sound when I leave, and I food in the house so they can eat breakfast. I have it better than 99.9% of the world, and yet if someone cuts me off in traffic am I more likely to let it roll, or try to roll over him? Do I take half a millisecond to consider what he might be going through, or that people make mistakes, or do I just go off? Kinda silly to think so little can get us so worked up, isn’t it?

I have also found that a little more kindness and a little more gratitude, and a little less “gotta have my way” goes a long way. You know the old saying “familiarity breeds contempt”? Does that ever creep into your life like it does mine? What is it if not contempt to walk by someone every day and not acknowledge they exist? To grab that cup of coffee your spouse made for you and not say thank-you? To shush your daughter when she wants to tell you about what she learned in school, or about the birthday party she got invited too? Guilty.

Being kind is free. It doesn’t cost money to smile. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to say “thank-you” to the barista. Yeah I know they are getting paid to do a job, but so what? Don’t we all need a little more appreciation? Talk to the check-out person. Nicely. You might be the only person who does so all day.

Don’t keep your gratitude to yourself. You have incredible power. You might change someone’s life by telling them how much you appreciate them.

But even better you might change your own life.

And that’s something to be thankful for.

So Thank-You.

If you are reading this in some way, shape or form you are part of the Get Fit NH family.

Of my family.

And for that I am blessed indeed.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Coach Dean








Introducing Coach Maxx

IMG_2835Join me in welcoming Coach Maxx! (last name Savage – which makes him “Maxx Savage” – how sweet is that?)

One thing I already appreciate about Maxx is his incredible work ethic as well as his daily pursuit of getting better. Sounds like a winning combo to me!

Get to know Maxx a little better:

“When I was 17, I joined the United States Army Reserves. During my time in the service, personal fitness became a core value of mine. I began to remove “I can’t” out of my vocabulary. This made me realize that one I stopped saying “I can’t,” I began to find ways to make my goals happen.

I have always felt that when something was wrong, I could turn to the gym. Going to the gym helped me find focus and made the worst of days not seem so bad. When I have the time I enjoy spending time woodworking, building benches, tables and anything that I might need around the house. I also enjoy working on cars and doing jeep restorations. If I am looking to really just relax I will break out my guitar.

I have always held a desire to help people reach their goals and continually challenge themselves, showing people different ways to challenge themselves and push past the obstacles that occur in day to day life. I am currently enrolled in school for Exercise Science at Manchester Community College. Everyday I continue to grow and challenge myself to be better and achieve my goals. – Maxx”

Welcome Coach Maxx!

Get Fit NH Client Appreciation & Christmas Party Signup

dec25.jpgWe can’t believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving – and do you know what that means?

Christmas is next! We’re hosting a Christmas brunch for you and your family on Saturday, December 12th at 10am. Mark your calendars, you won’t want to miss it! Our awesome coaches will be preparing delicious food for you to enjoy. We are looking forward to spending some quality family time together at our Concord location.

Here are some highlights of the party that you can expect:
•    Delicious food (of course)
•    Get Fit’s twist on the Yankee Swap – if you wish to participate, please bring something
•    Prize Raffle to benefit Operation Hat Trick- Pampered Chef and “31” Gift Items
•    Superlative awards for our students
•    And a jolly good time! 🙂

We look forward to celebrating with you! Can’t wait to see you there!

Get Fit NH “We Love the GFNH Family” Christmas & Holiday Celebration
Date: Saturday December 12, 2015
Time: 10:00am until we kick you out!
Place: Get Fit NH Concord

Meet our new intern Tori

IMG_0877 (1)We have been fortunate to have many folks applying for internships with us at Get Fit NH over the last couple years as they seek to get real world skills in the fitness coaching field. For those of you who may not be aware, we have a formal 12-week internship program, with weekly assignments and checkpoints that need to be met to successfully pass.

Concord students have been enjoying having Stephanie Matrow from Colby-Sawyer College in the morning with us for the last couple months, and now the afternoon training sessions will be joined by Victoria Brochu.

Here is Tori on her own words on why she sought this internship and what she is most looking forward to working with you all at Get Fit NH. Please join me in welcoming her to the Get Fit NH family!

“As I begin to turn my passion for health and fitness into a career, I am beyond delighted to have been accepted to intern at Get Fit NH. I began my journey through graduating from Plymouth State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Promotion. Wanting to further my knowledge and skills within the fitness industry, I decided to become a certified personal trainer. As I am now working towards my Personal Training Certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), I soon realized I desired more of a hands-on experience. I sought something more than simply just studying from behind a computer screen or reading a text book. Get Fit NH has given me that opportunity, through being able to participate in classes, observe the coaches, ask questions, and interact with the hardworking students, who make up this friendly community, which is Get Fit NH.

In my spare time, I am very dedicated to the sport of boxing, and have been participating in the sport for about a year. Although this sport keeps me relatively fit and light on my feet, I look forward to learning new and different methods of training during my internship. I am more than confident that Get Fit NH will help me to further develop my skills and knowledge within the health and wellness field. I strive to become the best coach that I can be, while instilling my love and passion for health and wellness into others. I have no doubt that Get Fit NH will provide me with the skills and guidance to ‘Make It Happen!'”. – Tori

Enjoy (and Survive) The Season: 21 Day Holiday Challenge

thanksgivingI was amazed at hearing Christmas songs before we even survived Halloween. But it is true, the busy holiday season is here. Did you know that some studies show that every year between Halloween and New Years the average American gains 5-12 pounds? Wouldn’t it be nice this year to not be average? Wouldn’t it be nice to stop the overeating but still enjoy the get together and family events?

Get Fit NH’s Jumpstart Detox can help do that for your body. The Jumpstart Detox will take out some foods from your plate, BUT you will replace those with others which will leave your body feeling happy, not over stuffed, bloated and agitated.

This is our last challenge of the year and you know you don’t want to miss it, so how do you get on board?

The best way is to join us at Get Fit NH’s Jumpstart Nutrition Seminar on November 21 at Get Fit NH Concord. This seminar will also include a “mini-detox workshop” which will cover all the basics you need to know. But don’t worry if you can’t make it, you will still get everything you need sent to you when you register (click here)!

If you have never done one of our 21-Day Detoxes before, you may be wondering what exactly it is all about. You don’t just have to take our word for it, here is what some of our past participants have had to say when we asked the question:

“What did you learn from the 21-Day Detox?”:

“If I fuel my body with healthy food, it’s so much happier with me than if I feed it junk! Amazing how simple it is!” – Paulette

“That I really don’t need or miss sugar!” – Mary

That there is tremendous strength and endless possibility in a group effort!” – Mae Lynn

“Don’t accept that quality food isn’t worth the time; that waking up w/occasional achiness is part of aging; asthma-type congestion is only resolved w/medication; Sugar or coffee are necessary afternoon pick-me-ups; that getting everything done requires more hours (as opposed to more natural energy)….” – Rayne

“I have learned that eating well is easier than I thought! I definitely can eat this way forever! I am stronger than I thought” – Debbie

And those are just a few things that Detox participants have shared with us!

Here’s what you get when you sign up for the 21-Day Detox Challenge:

Your Detox Meal Plan That Eliminates All The Guesswork

  • Discover the right way to detox
  • 3 levels to personalize your detox
  • Get an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan
  • Learn how to transition to a long-term plan and still enjoy the foods you love

21 Delicious Recipes That Your Family Members Will Love – these recipes are brand new to the detox!

Grocery Lists to Make Shopping Quick & Simple

21 Days in our Online Support Group to Ask Questions, Share Ideas, and Get Feedback – this is key to your best success.

21 Daily Tips and Accountability Messages to Keep You on Track to Your Goal – everybody loves these, too!

In a nutshell you get Accountability, Access To Expertise, and Association with a group of like- minded people committed to success.


***By the way, you do NOT have to be a Get Fit NH client or even live in the area to register… Anyone, anywhere can participate!***


Starting Monday, November 30, 2015 we will be jump starting our nutrition! This jump start will go through December 20, 2015. Give yourself the Gift of Feeling Great (for only $21) all through the holiday season!

21-Day Detox “Survive The Season” Challenge Dates:

Success Workshop: Saturday November 21st @ Get Fit NH Concord from 9:00am – 10:00am
Registration Cut-Off Date: Friday November 27, 2015 (Day after Thanksgiving)
Official Start of Challenge: Monday November 30, 2015
Official End of Challenge: Sunday December 20, 2015


Sandy Stands Tall in the Spotlight

sandySandy and I go back, way back. When she became part of the our Get Fit NH family I have seen so much more of Sandy and I wanted to have her share her story. She is one of the quieter students, but one that works hard each session. She puts her entire attention into the training. She wanted to not just come ‘workout’ but to change her entire well being. I am so proud of Sandy. Once you’ve trained with Sandy, you’ll see that persistence that I see each day.

Why did you choose Get Fit NH?

 “I have known Dean and Nancy for a long time…since before Get Fit NH existed. My daughter was one of the early clients. I thought about joining, but wasn’t sure I could commit the time or that I could actually participate because of back and shoulder injuries. “

What did you notice that changed first?

 “In August I decided to talk to Nancy about my concerns. She has been amazing at working with my limitations and helping me to overcome them. I have no more back pain, greatly increased flexibility and balance, better posture, strength and endurance. I have also begun to lose weight. “

What is your favorite part of Get Fit NH?

“Nancy has been very flexible with my constantly shifting schedule. Everyone has been encouraging and helpful. The atmosphere at Get Fit NH is positive and confidence building. I am glad I finally got started.”

Quiet determined persistence. I’m so glad Sandy took that first step into Get Fit NH.

Coach Nancy

Thanksgiving Week Schedule (Hint: POTT is Back)

POTT? What is THAT?

That, my friend, is the World (galaxy?) Famous Get Fit NH “Pies Off The Thighs” post-thanksgiving training extravaganza!

Sweat yourself out of that turkey and trimmings tryptophan enhanced coma as we get the whole family from both gyms get together for one of the few times every year.

Don’t Miss It!

Schedule for Thanksgiving Week:

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: Full Schedule at both locations

Saturday November 28: “Pies Off The Thighs”
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Time: 8:00am to 9:30am

SkiErg World Sprints – Congrats to All

skierg-worldsprintsWe had 35 athletes compete in the SkiErg World Sprints this year, and I am proud of every one of you that stepped up and made it happen – outstanding! Every one of you who competed deserves credit, because being in the game is what it is all about.

I did want to highlight our athletes who finished in the top 10 in the world this year. I hope y’all have caught your breath by now. 🙂



#3: Kathy Nourse 3:52.7



#3: Tom Haubrich 3:16.1

Those are some smoking times – love it!

MYZONE Match Training is coming right up!

Mark your calendars! We have our next MYZONE Match training scheduled for Saturday November 21st at 8:00 aTilesm in Concord. Those who attended last time would probably agree that this training hour was quite the learning experience as well as a challenge. During this hour there will be a prescribed zone that we will want you to train in. For many of us we can easily jack our heart rate up into the red zone (90-100% of our maximum heart rate) while others have a challenge getting out of the green zone (70-80% M.H.R). Still others have a challenge getting back into the recovery zones. The purpose of the match training is to learn to control your exertion, control your recovery,and control your breathing. This type of control is and maintaining these zones is not easy and it is the optimal way to train your heart.

If you haven’t picked up your belt yet, you will want to make that happen before this event!  There is limited space available, so you MUST register for this training ahead of time, no exceptions please. Space is limited to 28 students, so please do not sign up if you are not 100% sure you can be there – Thanks!

After this fantastic sweat-a-thon we will have our brand new Grateful Plate seminar with Coach Nancy- so don’t miss out. It is 2 for 1 Saturday at Get Fit NH!

Make it Happen!
Coach Meagan

MyZone Match Training
When: Saturday November 21, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM Concord
Location: Get Fit NH Concord
